




Analysis Pipeline Handbook

Version 3.0

CERT Network Situational Awareness Group

© 2010–2014 Carnegie Mellon University

September 29, 2010

Use of the Analysis Pipeline and related source code is subject to the terms of the following licenses:

GNU Public License (GPL) Rights pursuant to Version 2, June 1991 Government Purpose License Rights (GPLR) pursuant to DFARS 252.227.7013



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Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute authored documents are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense under Contract FA8721-05-C-0003. Carnegie Mellon University retains copyrights in all material produced under this contract. The U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes only pursuant to the copyright license under the contract clause at 252.227.7013.


  1. Analysis Pipeline Configuration Language 5

    1. Introduction 5

      1. Configuration File Organization 6

      2. Configuration Order 6

      3. Configuration Syntax and Underscores 7

      4. A note on time values 7

      5. A note on this version 7

    2. Fields and Field Lists 7

    3. Filters 9

      1. Operators and Compare Values 9

      2. Filter Examples 10

    4. Internal Filters and Named Lists 10

      1. Internal Filter Description 10

      2. Internal Filter Syntax 10

    5. Primitives 11

      1. Time window 12

      2. Record Count 12

      3. Sum 13

      4. Average 13

      5. Distinct 14

      6. Proportion 15

      7. Everything Passes 15

      8. Beacon 16

      9. Ratio 16

      10. Iterative Comparison 17

      11. High Port Check 18

      12. Web Redirection 19

      13. Sensor Outage 21

      14. Difference Distribution 22

    6. Introduction to Evaluations and Statistics 22

      1. Id 23

      2. Alert Type 23

      3. Severity 23

      4. Filter Id 23

      5. “Binning” by distinct field: FOREACH 23

      6. Active status 24

    7. Evaluation Specific Detail 24

      1. Checks 24

      2. Outputs 25

      3. Alerting settings 26

    8. Statistic Specific Detail 28

    9. List Configuration 29

      1. Alert Triggers 29

      2. Other Options 30

  2. Example Configurations 33

    1. Simple filters and evaluations 33

    2. Statistics 35

    3. Watchlists 36

      1. Alternate configuration 38

    4. Passive FTP detection 39

    5. Web redirection detection 40

    6. Web server detection 42

    7. IPv6 tunneling detection 43

      1. Teredo 44

      2. 6to4 45

      3. ISATAP 46

    8. Chaining Lists 46

  3. Analysis Pipeline Installation 49

    1. Building pipeline 49

      1. Using SiLK-2.2 or later 50

      2. Using SiLK-2.1 50

      3. Compiling and installing 51

    2. Preparing to run 51

      1. Alerting with libsnarf 53

      2. Legacy alerting 53

    3. Integrating with SiLK packing 53

      1. Using rwsender 54

      2. Using rwreceiver 54

      3. Using rwflowappend 54

      4. Using rwflowpack only 55

    4. Automating the Analysis Pipeline 55

  1. Manual Page 57

    1. NAME 57

    2. SYNOPSIS 57


    4. OPTIONS 61


    6. SEE ALSO 64

Chapter 1

Analysis Pipeline Configuration Language

    1. Introduction

      In order to support inspection of every SiLK flow record as the records are created, the NetSA group developed the Analysis Pipeline. The Analysis Pipeline supports many analyses, including:

Although the Analysis Pipeline application, pipeline, can be run interactively, it is intended to be run as a daemon as part of the collection and packing process where it processes every SiLK flow record created by rwflowpack, just as the flow records are entering the SiLK data repository. (For information on installing pipeline, see 3.)

There are three stages to the Analysis Pipeline:

Each incoming flow record is tested against each of the filters that the user has defined. These filters are similar to the rwfilter command line. The flow records that pass each filter are handed to each association interested in the those particular flow records. Filters are described in Section 1.3.

In the second stage, evaluations and statistics process the records: Evaluations compare internal state to a user defined thresh- old. Statistics compute state values and then export that state based on a user-defined interval of time. See Section 1.6 for descriptions of evaluations and statistics.

The alerting stage checks the evaluations and statistics to see if there are any alerts to be sent. This alerting stage also checks with named lists that are configured to periodically sent their entire contents as alerts.

To assist in entering data and sharing data among multiple filters, the Analysis Pipeline allows the administrator to create a list. A list can reference an existing SiLK IPset file, contain values entered directly into the configuration file, or be created by a mechanism inside pipeline itself.

Filters, evaluations, statistics, and lists are all built independently of each other, with each having a unique name. They are linked together using configuration keywords and their unique names.

Any number of evaluations and statistics can receive the records held by each filter. However, evaluations and statistics can only have one filter providing flow records to it.

An additional concept in the Analysis Pipeline is an internal filter. Internal filters can be used to store intermediate “successes” based on flow records and filters. These “successes” are not major enough to yield individual alerts, but can shape future processing. Internal filters are used when the analysis is more complex than simply passing a filter and transferring data to evaluations, and they allow for multistage analysis: “Flow record A met criteria, and future flow records will be combined with record A for more in-depth analysis.”

      1. Configuration File Organization

        To specify the filters, evaluations, statistics, and lists, a configuration language is used. The configuration information can be con- tained in a single file, or it may be contained in multiple files that are incorporated into a master file using INCLUDE statements. Syntax:

        INCLUDE "path-name"

        Multiple levels of file INCLUDE statements are supported. Often the top level configuration file is named pipeline.conf, but it may have any name.


        INCLUDE "/var/pipeline/filters.conf" INCLUDE "evaluations.conf"

        Filters, evaluations, and statistics can appear in any order in the configuration file(s) as long as each item is defined before it is used. The only exception is named lists being referenced by filters. These can be referenced first, and defined afterwards. Since filters are used by evaluations and statistics, it is common to see filters defined first, then finally evaluations and statistics, with list configurations at the end.

        In the configuration file, blank lines and lines containing only whitespace are ignored. Leading whitespace on a line is also ignored. At any location in a line, the octothorp character (a.k.a. hash or pound sign, #) indicates the beginning of a comment, which continues until the end of the line. These comments are ignored.

        Each non-empty line begins with a command name, followed by zero or more arguments. Command names are a sequence of non- whitespace characters (typically in uppercase), not including the characters # or ". Arguments may either be textual atoms (any sequence of alphanumeric characters and the symbols _, -, @, and /), or quoted strings. Quoted strings begin with the double-quote character ("), end with a double-quote, and allow for C-style backslash escapes in between. The character # inside a quoted string does not begin a comment, and whitespace is allowed inside a quoted string. Command names are arguments are case sensitive.

        Every filter, evaluation, statistic, and list must have a name that is unique within the set of filters, evaluations, statistics, or lists. The name can be a double-quoted string containing arbitrary text or a textual atom.

        When pipeline is invoked, the --configuration switch must indicate the file containing all of the configuration information needed for the Analysis Pipeline.

        To assist with finding errors in the configuration file, the user may specify the --verify-configuration switch to pipeline. This switch causes pipeline to parse the file, report any errors it finds, and exit without processing any files.

      2. Configuration Order

        The ordering of blocks in the configuration file does have an impact on the data processing of pipeline. Comparisons (in filters) and checks (in evaluations) are processed in the order they appear, and to pass the filter or evaluations, all comparisons or checks must

        return a true value. It is typically more efficient to put the more discerning checks and comparisons first in the list. For example, if you are looking for TCP traffic from IP address, it is better to do the address comparison first and the protocol comparison second because the address comparison will rule out more flows than the TCP comparison. This reduces the number of comparisons and in general decreases processing time. However, some checks are less expensive than others (for example, port and protocol comparisons are faster than checks against an IPset), and it may reduce overall time to put a faster comparison before a more-specific but slower comparison.

      3. Configuration Syntax and Underscores

        All keywords and field names in pipeline are to be entered in capital letters.

        Throughout pipeline documentation and examples, underscores have been used within keywords in some places, and spaces used in others. With the current release, both options are accepted. For example: ALERT_EACH_ONLY_ONCE and ALERT EACH ONLY ONCE are interchangeable. Even ALERT_EACH ONLY _ONCE is allowed. Underscores and spaces will each be used throughout this document as a reminder that each are available for use.

      4. A note on time values

        SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, and DAYS are all acceptable values for units of time. Combinations of time units can be used as well, such as 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES instead of 90 MINUTES.

      5. A note on this version

Most configuration files that worked with Analysis Pipeline version 3 will be incompatible with Analysis Pipeline version 4.*. The use of Pipeline version 3.0 was not widespread and we felt the improvements made to the configuration file for version 4.* were worth the potential effort required to convert the files from version 3 to 4. The changes are minimal, and we have faith that users can make the conversions on their own. If you are having difficulty getting a version 3 configuration file to work on version 4, please contact for assistance.

    1. Fields and Field Lists

      All fields in a SiLK flow record can be used to filter data, along with some derived fields. Currently pipeline only supports IPv4 addresses.

      Fields in the list below can be combined into tuples, e.g. {SIP, DIP}, for more advanced analysis. These tuples are represented in the configuration file by listing the fields with spaces between them. When processed, they are sorted internally, so SIP DIP SPORT is the same as SPORT DIP SIP.

      IP addresses and ports have directionality, source and destination. The keyword ANY can be used to indicate that the direction does not matter, and both values are to be tried (This can only be used when filtering). The ANY * fields can go anywhere inside the field list, the only restrictions are that the ANY must immediately precede IP, PORT, IP PAIR, or PORT PAIR, and that there are can only be one ANY in a field list. The available fields are:

      ANY_IP Either the source address or destination address.

      ANY IP PAIR Either the {SIP, DIP} tuple or the {DIP, SIP} tuple.

      ANY_PORT Either the source port or destination port.

      ANY PORT PAIR Either the {SPORT, DPORT} tuple or the {DPORT, SPORT} tuple.

      APPLICATION The service port of the record as set by the flow generator if the generator supports it, or 0 otherwise. For example, this would be 80 if the flow generator recognizes the packets as being part of an HTTP session.

      ATTRIBUTES any combination of the letters F, T, or C, where

      F indicates the flow generator saw additional packets in this flow following a packet with a FIN flag (excluding ACK packets)

      T indicates the flow generator prematurely created a record for a long-running connection due to a timeout.

      C indicates the flow generator created this flow as a continuation of long-running connection, where the previous flow for this connection met a timeout

      BYTES The count of the number of bytes.

      BYTES PER PACKET An integer division of the bytes field and the packets field. It is a 32-bit number. The value is set to 0 if there are no packets.

      CLASSNAME The class name assigned to the record. Classes are defined in the silk.conf file.

      DIP The destination IP address.

      DPORT The destination port.

      DURATION The duration of the flow record, in integer seconds. This is the difference between the ETIME and STIME.

      ETIME The wall clock time when the flow generator closed the flow record.

      FLAGS The union of the TCP flags on every packet that comprises the flow record. The value can contain any of the letters F, S, R, P,

      A, U, E, and C. (To match records with either ACK or SYN|ACK set, use the IN_LIST operator.)

      ICMPCODE The ICMP code. This test also adds a comparison that the protocol is 1. ICMPTYPE The ICMP type. This test also adds a comparison that the protocol is 1. INITFLAGS The TCP flags on the first packet of the flow record. See FLAGS.

      INPUT The SNMP interface where the flow record entered the router. This is often 0 as SiLK does not normally store this value. NHIP The next-hop IP of the flow record as set by the router. This is often as SiLK does not normally store this value. OUTPUT The SNMP interface where the flow record exited the router. This is often 0 as SiLK does not normally store this value. PACKETS The count of the number of packets.

      PROTOCOL The IP protocol. This is an integer, where 6 is TCP.

      SENSOR The sensor name assigned to the record. Sensors are defined in the silk.conf file.

      SESSIONFLAGS The union of the TCP flags on the second through final packets that comprise the flow record. See FLAGS.

      SIP The source IP address.

      SPORT The source port.

      STIME The wall clock time when the flow generator opened the flow record.

      TYPENAME The type name assigned to the record. Types are defined in the silk.conf file.

      There are additional fields available to allow proper handling of the results from the WEB REDIRECTION primitive. These fields can only be used when placing values into an output list.

      WEB REDIR ORIG DIP IP address of the redirector

      WEB REDIR ORIG DPORT Port of the redirector

      WEB REDIR NEW DIP IP address of where traffic was redirected to

      WEB REDIR NEW DPORT Port where traffic was redirected to

    2. Filters

      The Analysis Pipeline passes each flow record through each filter to determine whether the record should be passed on to an evaluation or statistic.

      A filter block starts with the FILTER keyword followed by the name of the filter, and it ends with the END FILTER statement. The filter name must be unique across all filters. The filter name is referenced by evaluations, internal filters, and statistics.

      Filters are initially marked internally as inactive, and become active when an evaluation or statistic references them.

      Filters are composed of comparisons. In the filter block, each comparison appears on a line by itself. If all comparisons in a filter return a match or success, the flow record is sent to the evaluation(s) and/or statistic(s) that use the records from that filter.

      If there are no comparisons in a filter, the filter reports success for every record.

      Each comparison is made up of three elements: a field, an operator, and a compare value, for example BYTES > 40. A comparison is considered a match for a record if the expression created by replacing the field name with the field’s value is true.

      1. Operators and Compare Values

        Eight operators that are supported. The operator determines the form that the compare value takes.

        IN_LIST Used to test whether a record’s field is included in the given list. The compare value can be a list that was previously defined by en evaluation or internal filter, an IPSet filename, or defined in-line:

        1. The name of a list that is filled by the outputs of an evaluation, or an internal filter. This is the only place in pipeline

          filters where tuples can be used. The tuple in the filter must entirely match the tuple used to fill the list.

          SIP DIP PROTO SPORT DPORT IN LIST createdListOfFiveTuples

        2. The filename of the IPset file is given in quotation marks as the compare value. When pipeline is running as a daemon, the full path to the IPset file must be used. This only can only be used with IP addresses.

          SIP IN LIST "/data/myIPSet.set"

        3. The contents of the list can be entered directly into the configuration file. The elements are comma-separated, surrounded by square brackets, [ and ]. As an example, the following matches FTP, HTTP, and SSH traffic in the filter:

          DPORT IN_LIST [21, 22, 80]

          NOT_IN_LIST Same as IN_LIST, but succeeds if the value is not in the list.

          == Succeeds when the value from the record is equal to the compare value. This also encompasses IPv4 subnets. For example, the following will succeed if either the source or destination IP address is in the 192.168.x.x subnet:

          ANY_IP ==

          != Succeeds when the value from the record is not equal to the compare value.

          < Succeeds when the value from the record is strictly less than the compare value.

          <= Succeeds when the value from the record is less than or equal to than the compare value.

          > Succeeds when the value from the record is strictly greater than the compare value.

          >= Succeeds when the value from the record is greater than or equal to than the compare value.

          The compare value can reference another field on the flow record. For example, to check whether the source and destination port are the same, use:

          SPORT == DPORT

      2. Filter Examples

Looking for traffic where the destination port is 21:



Watchlist checking whether the source IP is in a list defined by the IPset “badSourceList.set”:

FILTER WatchList-BadSourcesList SIP IN_LIST "badSourceList.set"

end filter

Compound example looking for an IP on a watch list communicating on TCP port 21:

filter watchListPlusFTP

SIP IN_LIST "badSourceList.set" DPORT == 21


    1. Internal Filters and Named Lists

      There are two places where named lists can be created and populated so they can be used by filters: Internal Filters and Output Lists, which are discussed in Section 1.7.2.

      In each case, a field list is used to store the tuple that describes the contents of the data in the list. A filter can use these lists if the tuple used in the filters perfectly matches the tuple used to make the list.

      1. Internal Filter Description

        An internal filter compares the incoming flow record against an existing filter, and if it passes, it takes some subset of fields from that record and places them into a named list. This list can be used in other filters. There can be any number of these lists.

        Internal filters are different from output lists, because they put data into the list(s) immediately, so this contents of the list(s) can be used for records in the same flow file as the one that causes data to be put into the list(s). Output lists, populated by evaluations, are only filled, and thus take effect, for the subsequent flow files.

        Internal filters are immediate reactions to encountering a notable flow record.

        The fields to be pulled from the record and put into the list can be combined into any tuple. The "ANY" and "WEB_REDIR" fields cannot be used here. Details on how to create an internal filter for specific use for WEB_REDIRECTION or HIGH_PORT_CHECK primitives is discussed below.

      2. Internal Filter Syntax

An internal filter is a combination of filters and lists, so both pieces need to be specified in the syntax. A key aspect of the internal filter declaration is to tell it which fields pulled from records that pass the filter, get put into which list. There can be more than one field-list combination per internal filter.

A timeout value must be added to each statement which declares the length of time a value can be considered valid.


INTERNAL_FILTER name of this internal filter

FILTER name of filter to use fieldList list name timeout



Examples (given an existing filter to find records to or from watchlist) INTERNAL_FILTER watchlistInfo

FILTER watchlistRecords

SPORT DPORT watchlistPorts 1 HOUR


This internal filter pulls {|SPORT,DPORT\verb|| tuples and puts them into a list called watchlistPorts, and those values stay in the list for 1 hour. It also pulls the entire five tuple from those records and puts then into a list called watchlistFiveTuples that stay in the list for 1 DAY.

WEB_REDIRECTION and HIGH_PORT_CHECK require the use of internal filters as they scan for flow records to compare against that can be in the same flow file. The field list for each of these lists are keywords, that in addition to indicating the fields to be stored, tells pipeline how to store them. The keywords are WEB_REDIR_LIST and HIGH_PORT_LIST respectively.

    1. Primitives

      Primitives are what pipeline uses to calculate and aggregate state from the filtered flow records. They are the building blocks for evaluations and statistics. Statistics use only one primitive and periodically export the state based on a user-defined interval. Evaluations pair primitives and thresholds and send alerts when the aggregate state of a primitive meets the threshold requirement. Evaluations embed a primitive in a check, and there can be multiple checks whose values are "anded" together to produce an overall answer as to whether the evaluation succeeded, and an alert should be sent.

      Each primitive is based on a field from a flow record from which it extracts a value to be aggregated. What the primitive does with this value is based on the type of primitive (outlined below).

      The primitive’s state can be aggregated based on all of the records, or can be divided into bins based on the value of the user defined field in the flow records. A typical example of this is keeping track of something per source IP address. This feature helps to identify IP addresses or ports involved in anomalous activity. (Mainly for ports and IPs, but works with all flow record fields). The field that is used to create the bins is referred to as the unique field, and is declared in an evaluation or statistic in the configuration file using the "foreach" command, followed by the field name.

      There is a time aspect that affects how data is aggregated. Each primitive is assigned a time window that indicates how long data from each flow record is to be counted in the aggregate state before it is timed out and subtracted. This allows the query of "alert if the count gets to 100 in any 5 minute interval" to be successfully answered. The time window value is given in seconds, minutes, or hours. A window of "forever" can also be used, using the keyword FOREVER instead of declaring an integer number of seconds.

      For each primitive, the syntax for embedding it in a check for an evaluation and in a statistic is listed. When used in evaluations, the arithmetic primtiives: RECORD COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, DISTINCT, and PROPORTION are grouped as threshold checks. Each check starts with the keyword CHECK followed by the type of check. It ends with the keywords END CHECK. Statistics only have one primitive, so they are simpler, so primitives do not need to be embedded in a check.

      All of these primitives can be used to build evaluations, but only those specifically labeled can be used to build a statistic. Some primitives have specific requirements, such as being required to be the only one in an evaluation of statistic. These are laid out in each section, along with the memory consumption ramifications for each type. The number of bytes of state that each primitive keeps is listed. If the evaluation or statistic is binning up the state using FOREACH, that number of bytes will be multiplied by the number of unique values seen to get the total memory consumption. If no FOREACH is used, there is only one state value, no multiplier.

      Each primitive has certain requirements for information provided, or restrictions on what is allowed. For example, the SUM of SIPs is nonsensical and is not permitted. These will be outlined below.

      There may be some aspects of the configuration file that are set automatically by choosing a certain primitive. These will be mentioned below with each primitive when they arise.

      1. Time window

        For many primitives, the state is aggregated over a user-specified time window. This window indicates how long data from each flow record is to be counted in the aggregate state before that record’s data is timed out and subtracted. This allows the query “Alert if the count gets to 100 in a 5 minute interval” to be successfully answered. The time window is specified with the TIME_WINDOW command followed by a list of number–time-unit pairs. The number may be an integer or a floating-point value. pipeline supports time units of MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS. For most primitives, any fractional seconds value is ignored. An infinite time window of can be specified by using the keyword FOREVER.



        TIME_WINDOW 4 MINUTES 120 SECONDS # also 6 minutes

        TIME_WINDOW 0.1 HOUR # also 6 minutes TIME_WINDOW 30 SECONDS


        Pipeline can base its evaluations on a sliding window, allowing things such as "alert if a SIP sends out more than 10000 bytes in any 5 minute period". That 5 minute period is a sliding time window.

        The 5 minutes are measured against "network time". The time is advanced based on the end times in the flows received. If there is a delay in the collection network, causing flows to arrive to pipeline "late", this time window does not get skewed, as it relies on the flows to advance this.

        In addition to adding the new flows to the state, evaluations remove expired state (older than the time window), ensuring unwanted, or old, data does not improperly affect the comparison to the threshold.

        In an evaluation, the TIME_WINDOW command appears in a CHECK block and applies to that particular primitive. In a statistic, the

        TIME_WINDOW command is in main body of the block.

      2. Record Count

        This primitive type counts the number of records that make it through the filter. It does not pull values from the records, so there is no need to specify a field in the configuration file.

        This primitive uses 8 bytes for each state value kept.

        Record count in a check

        RECORD COUNT operator threshold

        This example will send an alert if there are more than 100 records.




        Record count in a statistic

        Statistics do not have thresholds, and this primitive needs no field. This example will generate periodic alerts containing the number of records seen.



      3. Sum

        This primitive pulls the value of the field specified in the configuration file from a record that passes the filter. These values are added together, and their sum is kept for evaluation. All check parameters are required for this check type.

        The available fields for SUM are: BYTES, PACKETS, or DURATION. This primitive uses 8 bytes for each state value kept.

        Sum in a check

        SUM field operator threshold

        This example will generate an alert if the sum of BYTES is greater than or equal to 1000.


        SUM BYTES >= 1000 END CHECK


        Sum in a statistic

        Statistics do not have thresholds, so this primitive just needs a field. This example will generate periodic alerts contaning the sum of the number of packets seen.



      4. Average

        The AVERAGE primitive is a combination of the sum and record count primitives: it computes the sum of the named volume field and counts the number of records, such that it can compute an average volume per record.

        The available field for AVERAGE are BYTES, PACKETS, DURATION, or BYTES PER PACKET. It uses 12 bytes for each state value kept.

        Average in a check

        AVERAGE field operator threshold

        This example will generate an alert if the average of BYTES PER PACKET is less than 10.




        Average in a statistic

        Statistics do not have thresholds, so this primitive just needs a field. This example will generate periodic alerts containing the running average of the number of packets seen per flow.



      5. Distinct

        This primitive tallies the number of unique values of the specified field list that have passed the filter. All check parameters are required for this check type. An example of distinct is: "alert if there are 10 unique DIPs seen, regardless of how many times each DIP was contacted". This primitive can be used for statistics. Any number of fields can be combined to be counted, in a field list (except the ANY fields, or the WEB_REDIR_FIELDS).

        The DISTINCT primitive is memory intensive as it keeps track of each distinct value seen and the time when that value was last seen (so that data can be properly aged). When paired with a FOREACH command, the primitive is even more expensive.

        Distinct in a check

        DISTINCT field operator threshold

        This example will generate an alert if more than 50 DPORTs are seen




        Distinct in a statistic

        Statistics do not have thresholds, so this primitive just needs a field. This exampe will generate periodic alerts containing the number of different {SIP, DIP} tuples seen.



      6. Proportion

        This primitive takes a field and a value for that field. It calculates the percentage of the flows that have that value for the specified field.

        The option of when to clear the state is automatically set to NEVER for PROPORTION. This primitive used 16 bytes per state value kept.

        Proportion in a check

        PROPORTION field fieldValue operator threshold PERCENT

        This example will generate an alert if less than 33 percent of traffic is UDP.




        Proportion in a statistic

        Statistics do not have thresholds, so this primitive just needs a field. This exampe will generate periodic alerts containing the percentage of traffic sent from source port 80. each SPORT.



      7. Everything Passes

        This primitive does not keep any state, it tells pipeline to simply output all flow records that pass the filter. This primitive is typically used evaluations that alert on watchlists because the watchlist check itself is done at the filter stage.

        It must be the only check used in an evaluation and cannot use FOREACH.

        Because there is no state kept, running an evaluation with an EVERYTHING_PASSES primitive has an insignificant effect on the memory usage.

        Everything passes in a check

        There is no state to keep, so there is no additional information needed.

        EVALUATION epEval



        Everything passes in a statistic

        This primitive cannot be used in a statistic. To have pipeline periodically send out the number of flows that a filter identifies, use the RECORD COUNT primitive in s statistic.

      8. Beacon

        This primitive looks for beacons using SIP, DIP, DPORT, and PROTOCOL as the unique field. If flows show up with end times spaced out in intervals, longer than the user specified time, the four tuple and the record are put into an alert.

        The user must provide the threshold of the minimum number of periodic flows to be seen before an alert is generated. Also, the minimum amount of time for the interval between flows. Lastly, the tolerance for the flow not showing up exactly interval seconds after the last flow.

        Do not enter anything for the FOREACH field, it will be done for you. It is automatically set to never clear state upon success. Beacon finding is very costly simply due to the number of permutations of the SIP DIP DPORT PROTOCOL tuples, and state is

        needed for each one.

        Beacon in a check


        COUNT minCount CHECK TOLERANCE integerPercent PERCENT TIME WINDOW minimumIntervalTimeVal

        END CHECK

        This example will look for beacons that are defined by the following characteristics: There are at least 5 flows with the same {SIP, DIP, DPORT, PROTOCOL} that arrives at a constant interval plus or minus 5 percent. And that interval must be at least 5 minutes.




        Beacon in a statistic

        The Beacon primitive cannot be used in a statistic.

      9. Ratio

        This primitive calculates the ratio of outgoing to incoming traffic between a pair of IP addresses, and compares it to the specified threshold.

        The direction of the traffic can be determined one of two ways:

        1. Beacon List: Given an output list created by a beacon evaluation, if the SIP, DIP tuple of the flow record is in the list, it is an outgoing record, if the reverse tuple is in the list, it’s an incomin record. Otherwise, it is ignored. This list is provided within the check block by using

          LIST name of the list created in the beacon evaluation

        2. Class/Type field of flow record: If no list is provided, the class/type value from the flow record is used to determine the direction.

          The FOREACH field is automatically set to SIP DIP. The threshold must at least be that outgoing > incoming.

          Ratio in a check

          With the requirement that integer1 > integer 2

          CHECK RATIO

          OUTGOING integer1 TO integer2

          LIST name of list from beacon # optional END CHECK

          The inside of the check reversed with equivalent results:

          CHECK RATIO

          INCOMING integer2 TO integer1

          LIST name of list from beacon # optional END CHECK

          This example will generate an alert if the outgoing to incoming ratio is greater than 10 to 1, without using a beacon list.

          EVALUATION ratioEval CHECK RATIO

          OUTGOING 10 TO 1 END CHECK


          Ratio in a statistic

          This primitive cannot be used in a statistic.

      10. Iterative Comparison

        This primitive compares the value of a given field from one file to the next and alerts when the value has increased, decreased, or changed, depending on the user’s specification. This will likely only be used to test to see if flow records are coming out of order, making sure the start time of a given batch of records is always later than the one previously received, or to alert if a field that is supposed to be constant ever changes from the first value that is seen. If you’re testing for monotonically increasing, set the operator to LESS THAN, because you want to alert only if the value is less than the previous one, which violates the rule of monotonically increasing.

        The selection of the operator can be confusing. To check if a field is increasing, you alert if the field values in this file are LESS than the previous, so the operator is < (or <=). If you want to check that a field is decreasing, you alert if the field values in this file are GREATER than the previous, so the operator is > (or >=). If you expect a field value not to change, then the primitive is configured to alert when it changes.

        The operator of the check must be: >, >=, <, <=, or != The words INCREASES, DECREASES, or CHANGES can be used instead of the symbolic operator. Either of the * then or equal to can be used by adding STAYS THE SAME to INCREASES or DECREASES.

        The time window will automatically be set to 0.

        As with others, the memory usage is at the mercy of the unique field, there are 12 bytes of state per value. This primitive must be the only check in the evaluation.

        Iterative Comparison in a check


        field operator

        END CHECK

        The following example will alert if the value for the SENSOR field ever deviates from the first value that arrives.

        EVALUATION icEval


        SENSOR CHANGES # "!=" could replace "CHANGES" END CHECK


        This example alerts if the end times of flows are not monotonically increasing from one file to the next, as it will send an alert if the earliest time from the current flow file, is less than the latest time from the previous flow file.


        ETIME < # "LESS THAN" could replace "<" END CHECK


        Iterative Comparison in a statistic

        This primitive cannot be used in a statistic.

      11. High Port Check



        LIST list-name

        END CHECK

        The HIGH_PORT_CHECK detects passive data transfer on ephemeral ports. As an example, in passive FTP, the client contacts the server on TCP port 21, and this is the control channel. The server begins listening on an ephemeral (high) port that will be used for data transfer, and the client uses an ephemeral port to contact the server’s ephemeral port. Sometimes there are multiple ephemeral connections. Finally, all the connections are closed. Since flows represent many packets, typically the flow representing the traffic on port 21 is not generated until the entire FTP session is ended. As a result, the flow record for port 21 arrives after the flow records for the passive transfers.

        To detect passive FTP, pipeline uses an internal list of all high port to high port five-tuples. When pipeline sees the port 21 flow record, it determines whether the IPs on that record appear in a five-tuple in the high port list. If a match is found, the traffic between the high ports is considered part of the FTP session.

        When using a HIGH_PORT_CHECK check in an EVALUATION, there are several additional steps you must take.

        1. The FOREACH value must be set to the standard five tuple. The HIGH_PORT_CHECK check will set this value for you, and it will issue an error if you attempt to set it to any other value.

        2. The filter that feeds the evaluation should look for TCP traffic on port 21.

          FILTER ftp-control ANY_PORT == 21

          PROTOCOL == 6 END FILTER

        3. A second filter to match traffic between ephemeral ports is created. For example,

          FILTER passive-ftp SPORT > 1024

          DPORT > 1024

          PROTOCOL == 6 END FILTER

        4. You must create an INTERNAL_FILTER block (see Section 1.4). This block uses the filter created in the previous step, and it must specify a list over pairs of source and destination IP addresses. For example,

          INTERNAL_FILTER passive-ftp FILTER passive-ftp

          SIP DIP high-port-ips 90 SECONDS END INTERNAL_FILTER

          The list does not need to be created explicitly; the internal filter will create the list if it does not exist.

        5. In the CHECK block, specify the name of the list that is part of the INTERNAL_FILTER. For example,


          LIST high-port-ips END CHECK

          Putting that together in the EVALUATION block, you have:

          EVALUATION passive-ftp FILTER ftp-control INTERNAL_FILTER passive-ftp CHECK HIGH_PORT_CHECK

          LIST high-port-ips END CHECK


          The HIGH_PORT_CHECK check is set to always clear the state upon success. This check uses a large amount of memory as the internal list maintains state for each flow record between two ephemeral ports.

          This primitive cannot be used in a statistic.

      12. Web Redirection



        LIST list-name

        TIME_WINDOW integer time-units

        END CHECK

        The WEB_REDIRECTION primitive attempts to detect the redirection of web traffic to malicious hosts. In general, a web direction is defined as a source IP connecting to a destination IP on web port (presumably port 80) followed by another flow record within some

        user-defined time window from that same source IP to a different destination IP. While the primitive is called “web redirection,” it can actually detect any two flows coming from the same source IP within the specified time window.

        To detect the redirection, pipeline stores the source IP, original destination IP and port, and start time in an internal list keyed by the source IP. A second filter matches other flow records from that same source IP. The check itself compares the start times of the records from the second filter with those on the internal list. If the difference is less than the threshold, the hosts and ports are passed as an output.

        When using a WEB_REDIRECTION check in an EVALUATION, there are several additional steps you must take.

        1. The FOREACH value must be left blank as pipeline will set it automatically.

        2. The filter that initiates this check should look for outgoing traffic to web ports. The DPORT check is required since “outweb” contains not only requests to web servers on the Internet but also responses from web servers within your network.

          FILTER outgoing-web-requests TYPE IN_LIST [outweb] DPORT == 80

          END FILTER

        3. You must create an INTERNAL_FILTER block (see Section 1.4). This block uses the filter created in the previous step, and it specifies a WEB_REDIR_TUPLE list in which to store the data necessary to detect the redirection. For example,

          INTERNAL_FILTER web-request FILTER outgoing-web-requests


          The “web-requesters” list does not need to be created explicitly; the internal filter will create the list. An expiration time must be specified for entries on the list.

        4. Create another filter to match records from those same source IPs. It is recommended that a white-list of valid hosts be specified in this filter, since a web request often includes requests to other hosts for images (especially advertising images).

          FILTER followup-requests TYPE IN_LIST [out, outweb] SIP IN_LIST web-requesters

          DIP NOT_IN_LIST whitelist-servers.set END FILTER

        5. In the CHECK block, specify the name of the list that is part of the INTERNAL_FILTER, and the maximum amount of time allowed between the initial request and the subsequent request(s). For example,


          LIST web-requesters TIME_WINDOW 800 MILLISECONDS

          END CHECK

          Putting all of the above into the EVALUATION block, you have:

          EVALUATION web-redirection FILTER followup-requests INTERNAL_FILTER web-request CHECK WEB_REDIRECTION

          LIST web-requesters TIME_WINDOW 800 MILLISECONDS


          The WEB_REDIRECTION check is set to always clear the state upon success. This check uses a very large amount of memory as the internal list maintains the destination IP, destination port, and timestamp for every outgoing web request.

          This primitive cannot be used in a statistic.

      13. Sensor Outage

        An evaluation may operate on an input file as a whole, as opposed to operating on every record. This type of evaluation is called a file evaluation. It begins with FILE_EVALUATION and the name of the file evaluation being created. It ends with END FILE_EVALUATION.

        The FILE_OUTAGE check only works within a FILE_EVALUATION. It alerts if pipeline has not received an incoming flow file from the listed sensor(s) in a given period of time.



        SENSOR_LIST sensor-list

        TIME_WINDOW number time-unit

        END CHECK

        The TIME_WINDOW specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for a new sensor file to appear before alerting. The number can be an integer or a floating-point value. Valid time units are MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS. Fractional seconds are ignored. There is no default time window, and it must be specified.

        The SENSOR_LIST names the sensors that you expect will generate a new flow file more often than the specified time window. This statement must appear in a SENSOR_LIST check. There are three forms for the statement:

        SENSOR_LIST name-or-id Watch for missing files from the sensor whose name or numeric identifier is name-or-id.

        SENSOR_LIST [name-or-id, name-or-id, ...] Watch for missing files from the sensors whose names and IDs appear in the list.

        SENSOR_LIST ALL_SENSORS Watch for missing files for all sensors.

        Example: Alert if any or the sensors S0, S1, or S2 do not produce a flow files within two hours:



        END CHECK


        Example: Alert if any sensor does not produce flow files within four hours:


        END CHECK

      14. Difference Distribution

This primitive tracks the difference between sub sequent values for a specified field. It uses bins, the number of which is based on the length of the field, to keep track of the distribution of those differences. An 8-bit field has 17 bins, a 16 bit field has 33 bins, 32->65, and 64->129. The bins themselves are 16-bit numbers.

This primitive can only be used in Statistics. It can be used with any field, and can be combined with FOREACH.

The bin chosen to increment is relative to the middle of the array of bins. If there is no difference in the value, the middle bin is incremented. The bin number relative to the middle uses the following calculation: bin number = (log[base2] of the difference) + 1 If the new value is smaller than the old, then a "negative" bin offset is used, as decreases in the value need to be tracked.

Bin Number

Difference Range

lower bins

Bigger negative differences


-15 - -8


-7 - -4


-3 - -2













higher bins

Bigger positive differences

    1. Introduction to Evaluations and Statistics

      Evaluations and statistics comprise the second stage of the Analysis Pipeline. Each evaluation and statistic specifies the name of a filter which feeds records to the evaluation or statistic. Specific values are pulled from those flow records, aggregate state is accumulated, and when certain criteria are met alerts are produced.

      To calculate and aggregate state from the filtered flow records, pipeline uses a concept called a primitive. These will be described in Section 1.5.

      Evaluations are based on a list of checks that have primitives embedded in them. The aggregate state of the primitive is compared to the user defined threshold value and alerts are generated.

      Statistics use exactly one primitive to aggregate state. The statistic periodically exports all of the state as specified by a user-defined interval.

      New to version 4.2, if a statistic is utilizing FOREACH, and the state for a particular unique value bin is empty, the value will not be included in an alert for the statistic. A statistic without FOREACH, will output the state value no matter.

      An evaluation block begins with the keyword EVALUATION followed by the evaluation name. Its completion is indicated by END EVALUATION.

      Similarly, a statistic block begins with the keyword STATISTIC and the statistic’s name; the END STATISTIC statement closes the block

      The remainder of this section describes the settings that evaluations and statistics have in common, and the keywords they share. A description of primitives is presented in the section 1.5, which hopefully will make the details of evaluations (Section 1.7) and statistics (Section 1.8) easier to follow.

      Each of the following commands go on their own line.

      1. Id

        Each evaluation and statistic must have a unique string identifier. It is placed immediates following the EVALUATION or STATISTIC


        EVALUATION myUniqueEvaluationName



        STATISTIC myUniqueStatisticName



      2. Alert Type

        The alert type is an arbitrary, user-defined string. It can be used as a general category to help when grouping or sorting the alerts. If no alert type is specified, the default alert type for evaluations and statistics is “Evaluation” and “Statistic”, respectively.

        The value for the alert type does not affect pipeline processing. Syntax:

        ALERT TYPE alert-type-string

      3. Severity

        Evaluations and statistics can be assigned a severity level which is included in the alerts they generate. The levels are represented by integers from 1 to 255. The severity has no meaning to the Analysis Pipeline; the value is simply recorded in the alert. The default severity is 1, which the pipeline assumes is low.

        The value for the severity does not affect pipeline processing. Syntax:

        SEVERITY integer

      4. Filter Id

        Evaluations and statistics (but not file evaluations) need to be attached to a filter, which provides them flow records to analyze. Each can have one and only one filter. The filter’s name links the evaluation or statistic with the filter. As a result, the filter must be created prior to creating the evaluation or statistic.


        FILTER filter-name

      5. “Binning” by distinct field: FOREACH

        Evaluations and statistics can compute aggregate values across all flow records, or they can aggregate values separately for each distinct value of particular field(s) on the flow records—grouping or “binning” the flow records by the field(s). An example of this latter approach is computing something per distinct source address.


        FOREACH is used to isolate a value (a malicious IP address), or a notable tuple (a suspicious port pair). The unique field value that caused an evaluation to alert will be included in any alerts. Using FOREACH in a statistic will cause the value for every unique field value to be sent out in the periodic update. There are examples and use cases of this in Section 2.6

        The default is not to separate the data for each distinct value. The field that is used as the key for the bins is referred to as the unique field, and is declared in the configuration file for the FOREACH command, followed by the field name:

        FOREACH field

        Any of the fields can be combined into a tuple, with spaces between the individual field names. The more fields included in this list, the more memory the underlying primitives need to keep all of the required state.

        To keep state per source IP Address:


        To keep state per port pair:


        As with filtering, the ordering of the fields in the tuple does not matter as they are sorted internally.

        There are some limits on which fields can be used, some evaluations require certain that a particular field be used, and some primitives do not support binning by a field.

        File evaluations do not handle records, and the FOREACH statement is illegal.

      6. Active status

        Normally, evaluations and statistics are marked as active when they are defined. Specifying the INACTIVE statement in the evaluation or statistic block causes the evaluation or statistic to be created, but it is marked inactive, and it will not be used in processing records. For consistency, there is also an ACTIVE statement.



    2. Evaluation Specific Detail

      This section provides evaluation-specific details, building on the evaluation introduction and aggregate function description provided in the previous two sections (1.6 and 1.5).

      Each evaluation block must contain one or more check blocks. The evaluation sends each flow record it receives to each check block where the records are aggregated and tests are run. If every check block test returns a true value, the evaluation produces an output entry which may become part of an alert.

      Check blocks may set parameters in the output and alerting stages of an evaluation, so we describe the output settings (Section 1.7.2) and alerting settings (1.7.3) first, then finally describe the check blocks (1.7.1).

      1. Checks

        In an evaluation, the check block begins with the CHECK statement which takes as a parameter the type of check. The block ends with the END CHECK statement. If the check requires any additional settings, those settings are put between the CHECK and END CHECK statements.

        The FILE_OUTAGE check must be part of a FILE_EVALUATION block. All other checks must be part of a EVALUATION block.

      2. Outputs

        When an evaluation threshold is met, the evaluation creates an output entry. The output entry may become part of an alert, or it may be used to affect other settings in the pipeline.

        Output Timeouts

        All information contained in alerts is pulled from lists of output entries from evaluations. These output entries can be configured to time out both to conserve memory and to ensure that information contained in alerts is fresh enough to provide value. The different ways to configure the alerting stage are discussed in section 1.7.3.

        One way to configure alerting is to limit the number of times alerts can be sent in a time window. This is a place where the output timeout can have a major effect. If alerts are only sent once a day, but outputs time out after one hour, then only the outputs generated in hour before alerting will be eligible to be included in alerts.

        When FOREACH is not used, output entries are little more than flow records with attached threshold information. When FOREACH is used, they contain the unique field value that caused the evaluation to return true. Each time this unique field value triggers the evaluation, the timestamp for that value is reset and the timeout clock begins again.

        Taking an example of an evaluation doing network profile that is identifying servers. If the output timeout is set to 1 day, then the list of output entries will contain all IP addresses that have acted like a server in the last day. As long as a given IP address is acting like a server, it will remain in the output list and is available to be included in an alert, or put in a named output list as described in section 1.7.2.


        OUTPUT TIMEOUT timeval



        Alert on Removal

        If FOREACH is used, pipeline can be configured to send an alert when an output has timed out from the output entries list. Syntax:


        Shared Output Lists

        When FOREACH is used with an evaluation, any value in an output entry can be put into a named output list. If the unique field is a tuple made up of multiple fields, any subset of those fields can be put into a list. There can be any number of these lists. A timeout value is not provided for each list as the OUTPUT TIMEOUT value is used. When an output entry times out, the value, or subset of that tuple is removed from all output lists that contain it.

        These lists can be referenced by filters, or configured seperately, as described in section 1.9.

        To create a list, a field list of what the output list will contain must be provided. A unique name for this list must be provided as well. Syntax:

        OUTPUT LIST fieldList listName

        If using FOREACH SIP DIP, each of the following lists can be created


        Clearing state

        Once the evaluation’s state has hit the threshold and an output entry has been generated, you may desire to reset the current state of the evaluation. For example, if the evaluation alerts when a count of something gets to 1000, you might want to reset the count to start at 0 again.

        By default, the evaluation’s state is never cleared. Should you wish to clear the state once an output has been generated, add the following statement to the evaluation block:


        For consistency, you may specify the following:


        Clearing data is typically the default behavior, though some types of evaluations behave differently.

        Too Many Outputs

        There are sanity checks that can be put in place to turn off evaluations that are finding more outputs than expected. This could happen from a poorly designed evaluation or analysis. For example, an evaluation looking for web servers may be expected to find less then 100, so a sanity threshold of 1000 would indicate lots of unexpected results, and the evaluation should be shut down as to not take up too much memory or flood alerts.

        Evaluations that hit the threshold can be shutdown permanently, or go to sleep for a specified period of time, and turned back on. If an evaluation is shut down temporarily, all state is cleared and memory is freed, and it will restart as if pipeline had just begun processing.


        SHUTDOWN MORE THAN integer OUTPUTS [FOR timeval]

        Examples to shutdown is there are more than 1000 outputs for good, and one to shut it down for 1 day and start over.



      3. Alerting settings

        Alerting is the final stage of the Analysis Pipeline. When the evaluation stage is finished, and output entries are created, alerts can be sent. The contents of all alerts come from these output entries. These alerts provide information for a user to take action and/or monitor events. The alerting stage in pipeline can be configured with how often to send alerts and how much to include in the alerts.

        Based on the configurations outlined below, the alerting stage first determines if it is permitted to send alerts, then it decides which output entries can be packaged up into alerts.

        How often to send alerts

        Just because there are output entries produced by an evaluation does not mean that alerts will be sent. An evaluation can be configured to only send a batch of alerts once an hour, or 2 batches per day. The first thing the alerting stage does is check when the last batch of alerts were sent, and determine if sending a new batch meets the restrictions placed by the user in the configuration file.

        If it determines that alerts can be sent, it builds an alert for each output entry, unless further restricted by the next section that affect how much to alert.

        ALERT integer-count TIMES number time-units

        where the number is an integer value, and the time-units can be MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS. Fractional seconds are ignored.

        This configuration option does not affect the number of alerts sent per time period, if affects the number of times batches of alerts can be sent per time period. That is why the configuration command says "alert N times per time period", rather than "send N alerts per time period", while the semantic differences are subtle, it has a great affect on what gets sent out.

        To have pipeline send only 1 batch of alerts per hour, use:


        To indicate that pipeline should alert every time there are output entries for alerts, use:


        How much to alert

        The second alert setting determines how much information to send in each alert. You may wish to receive different amounts of data depending on the type of evaluation and how often it reports. Consider these examples:

        • An evaluation is generating a list of web servers and reporting that list once an hour. You want to get the complete list every hour (that is, in every alert).

        • A beacon detection evaluation reports each beacon as soon as it finds the beacon. For this evaluation, you only want to get the beacons found since the previous alert.

        • A particular evalution produces a great deal of output. For this evaluation, you only want to receive the alerts generated in the most recently processed file.

        • An evaluation repeatedly finds the same outputs (maybe servers?), but what is notable is when a new one is found. You may only want to hear about each server one time, unless it stops acting like a server, then reestablishes itself.

The amount of data to send in an alert is relevant only when the OUTPUT_FIELD statement (Section 1.7.2) includes a non-zero timeout and multiple alerts are generated within that time window.

To specify how must to send in a alert, specify the ALERT keyword followed by one of the following:

EVERYTHING Package all outputs in the output field list into the current alert.

SINCE_LAST_TIME Package all of the outputs found since the last alert was sent into the current alert. JUST_NEW_THIS_TIME Package only the outputs that were discovered in the file that was just read and processed. EACH ONLY ONCE Include each unique value in an alert one time only.

The default is SINCE_LAST_TIME.

The last option is to have an evaluation do its work, but to never send out alerts. If the goal of an evaluation is just to fill up a list so other pieces of pipeline can use the results, individual alerts may not be necessary. Another case is that the desired output of filling these lists is that the lists send alerts periodically, and getting individual alerts for each entry is not ideal. In these cases, instead of the options described above use:


    1. Statistic Specific Detail

      Section 1.6 introduced the Analysis Pipeline concept of a statistic and described the settings that statistics share with evaluations. A statistic receives flow records from a filter, computes an aggregate value, and periodically reports that value.

      There are two time values that affect statistics: how often to report the statistics, and the length of the time-window used when computing the statistics. The following example reports the statistics every 10 minutes using the last 20 minutes of data to compute the statistic:



      • The UPDATE statement specifies the reporting interval; that is, how often to report the statistic. This statement is required in each statistics block.

      • The TIME_WINDOW statement specifies the rolling time frame over which to compute the statistic. When the time window is not specified or specifies a value smaller than the reporting interval, the time window is set to the reporting interval.

        Statistics support the aggregation functions (primitives) presented in Section 1.5. Unlike an evaluation, a statistic is simply reporting the function’s value, and neither the CHECK statement nor a threshold value are used. Instead, the statistic lists the primitive and any parameters it requires.

        Simple examples are:

      • Periodically report the number of records:


      • Periodically report the sum of the packets:


      • Periodically report the average flow duration:


      • Periodically report the number of distinct destination ports seen:


      • Periodically report the proportion of records for each source port:


    2. List Configuration

Named lists created by internal filters and evaluations can be given extra configuration such that they are responsible for sending updates and alerts independent or in lieu of the mechanism that populates them. If there is a list configuration block, there does not need to be an evaluation block for the configuration file to be accepted. As long as something in pipeline generates alerts, it will run.

Lists created by internal filters have their own timeouts, so they are responsible for removing out-dated elements on their own. Lists populated by evaluations keep track of the timing out of values within the evaluation, and tell the list to remove a value, so those lists know nothing of the timeouts. A result of this is that due to efficiency concerns, some of the alerting functionality described below is not available for lists created and maintained by internal filters. It is explicitly stated which features cannot be used.

This extra configuration is surrounded in a LIST CONFIGURATION block, similar to other pipeline mechanisms. The list to configure must already have been declared before the configuration block.

Section 2.8 shows a list configuration block amidst other pipeline constructions. Syntax:




The various ways to configure the lists and what alerts can be sent are described below.

      1. Alert Triggers

        Alerts sent due to a list configuration come from the lists, and have their own timestamps and state kept about their alerts. They are not subject to the alerting restrictions imposed on the evaluations that populate the list.

        Lists set up to send alerts must have one of the three configurations listed below.


        The full contents of the list can be packaged into one alert periodically. Syntax:

        UPDATE timeval

        This will send out the entire list every 12 hours.

        UPDATE 12 HOURS

        Element Threshold

        An alert can be sent if the number of elements in the list meets a certain threshold, as it’s possible that while the contents are important, and can be configured to be sent periodically, knowing the count got above a threshold could be more time sensitive.


        ALERT MORE THAN elementThreshold ELEMENTS

        This alert will only be sent the first time the number of elements crosses the threshold. There can also be a reset threshold that if the number of elements drops below this value, pipeline will once again be allowed to send an alert if the number of elements is greater than the alert threshold. There is no alert sent upon going below the reset threshold. The elements in the are no reset by this either.


        ALERT MORE THAN elementThreshold ELEMENTS RESET AT resetThreshold

        This example will send an alert if there are more than 10 elements in the list. No more alerts will be sent unless the number of elements drops below 5, and then it will alert is the number of elements goes above 10 again.


        The resetting functionality cannot be used by lists created by internal filters.

        Alert on Removal

        Pipeline can send an alert any time a value is removed from the list. Syntax:


        Alerting on removal cannot be used by lists created by internal filters.

      2. Other Options

Seeding Lists with IPSets

Lists used to hold SIP, DIP, or NHIP can be given a set of initial values by providing an ipset file. Only IPs can be used with seedfiles.


SEED pathToIPSetFile

Overwrite IPSet File on Update

If a seedfile is provided, and the list of configured to send periodic updates, it can be configured to overwrite that seedfile with the current contents of the list. This allows that file to always have the most up to date values.



Element Threshold to Shutdown

As with evaluations, lists can be configured to shut down if they become filled with too many elements. This is provided as a sanity check to let the user know it the configuration has a flaw in the analysis. If the number of elements meets the shutdown threshold, an alert is sent, the list is freed, and is disconnected from the mechanism that had been populating it.




As with evaluations, a severity level must be provided to give context to alerts. It is not used during processing, but included in alerts send from the lists.


SEVERITY integerSeverity

Chapter 2

Example Configurations

This chapter provides examples that configure the Analysis Pipeline for various types of traffic detection and alerting.

    1. Simple filters and evaluations

      This section shows simple FILTER and EVALUATION blocks. Many of these provide useful detection, but are simple enough that they do not warrant a separate section.

      The “all” filter is a simple filter to pass all flow records collected by SiLK. Use this filter when you want an evaluation to process all records.


      The following filters can be used to match either incoming or outgoing traffic:

      FILTER incoming-flows

      TYPENAME IN_LIST [in,inweb,inicmp] END FILTER

      FILTER outgoing-flows

      TYPENAME IN_LIST [out,outweb,outicmp] END FILTER

      The “udp-traffic” evaluation checks to see if the proportion of UDP flow records is greater than 25% in a 5 minute period.

      EVALUATION udp-traffic FILTER all




      SEVERITY 5



      The following evaluation alerts when an internal host talks to more than 25 different destination ports in a 3 minute window. While that behavior is normal for a server inside the network, it is probably unusual behavior for a individual user’s machine inside the network. The FOREACH SIP statement causes the value to be computed for each unique source address. The evaluation uses DISTINCT DPORT to count the number of distinct destination ports, and the evaluation alerts when that count gets above the threshold of 25.

      EVALUATION too-many-ports FILTER outgoing-flows FOREACH SIP



      SEVERITY 5



      This next evaluation provides a complete example of beacon detection. To be considered a beacon, the suspect flow records must occur at least 5 minutes apart, and there must be at least 4 such records. The evaluation alerts once per minute, and only sends the newly found beacons in those alerts.







      The “between-ephemeral” filter matches flow records where both sides of a TCP conversation are using ephemeral ports (ports greater than 1023). While some well known services operate on an ephemeral port (e.g., some web servers run on port 8080), generally the traffic is considered suspect.

      FILTER between-ephemeral PROTOCOL == 6

      SPORT >= 1024

      DPORT >= 1024 END FILTER

      The “basic-count” evaluation uses the “between-ephemeral” filter, so it is examining traffic that is already considered suspect. The evaluation alerts if the flow record count exceeds 10,000 in any 60 second period. It is set to alert every time the count is over 10,000, and the state is cleared every time an alert it sent.

      EVALUATION basic-count FILTER between-ephemeral CHECK THRESHOLD

      RECORD_COUNT > 10000





      The following evaluation uses a 30 minute time window to compute the average number of bytes per flow record for each distinct destination port. The evaluation alerts when that average is greater than 1MB.

      EVALUATION large-receiving-ports FILTER between-ephemeral FOREACH DPORT






    2. Statistics

      This section provides examples that use the STATISTIC block to periodically report a value.

      All of the example statistics in this section use the following filter, named “allFlows”, which passes all flow records through to the statistics.

      FILTER allFlows END FILTER

      This statistic block simply outputs the number of records seen every 10 minutes. Since the TIME_WINDOW statement is not provided, the statistic sets its time window to the update time.




      The following block is similar to the previous, in that it counts records. However, the addition of the FOREACH statement causes this statistic to count the number of records for each distinct source address. A report is generated every hour.




      The “numUniqueDPorts” statistic periodically reports the number of distinct destination ports seen in the traffic. It alerts every half hour.




      This statistic reports the average number of bytes per record, per destination port. The average is calculated and reported every half hour.

      STATISTIC averageBytesPerPort UPDATE 30 MINUTES



      The “protocolProportions” statistic below uses a 30 minute time window to calculate the proportion of traffic seen for each IP protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc), but the data is reported every 10 minutes. Since the time window and update times are different, the reporting behavior follows the pattern given in the following table:

      Minute mark

      Data sent for minutes











      STATISTIC protocolProportions UPDATE 30 MINUTES




    3. Watchlists

      The goal of a watchlist is to detect traffic to and/or from an IP on the watchlist. This is an easy task for the Analysis Pipeline, and checking a flow record against an IP list is stateless, so the memory overhead is small—only what is required to hold the watchlist.

      Recall the pipeline works on two levels: filters quickly remove irrelevant flow records, and evaluations process the relevant ones. In the case of a watchlist, the filters check to see if the source and/or destination address of a flow record is in the watchlist. When a match is found, the record moves to the evaluation stage, but there is no processing required as every flow record that has an IP in the watchlist generates an alert.

      The watchlist starts with the set of IP addresses of interest. The easiest way to manage those is normally via a binary SiLK IPset file. SiLK’s rwsetbuild tool can be used to create a binary IPset file from a textual list of IP addresses. See the SiLK documentation for details.

      To compare an address on a flow record with the IPset, specify which address to compare (SIP for source, DIP for destination, ANY IP for either source or destination, or NHIP for the next hop address), the comparison operator IN_LIST, and the full path to the IPset file.

      pipeline periodically checks the modification time of the IPset files it has loaded. If a newer IPset file replaces an existing file,

      pipeline will reload the file. If an IPset file is deleted, pipeline continues to use the IPs in the original file. There are two ways a watchlist can be configured:

      1. There can be a single filter and single evaluation for each watchlist. This configuration is straightforward.

      2. There can be a separate filter for incoming and outgoing flow records. This configuration is more complex than the first option, but it allows each direction to have its own alert severity and alert label.

The first configuration is explained in detail, then the changes required for the second configuration are described. For the example below, assume we have two watchlists:

  1. reallyBadList is defined by the IPset stored in /var/pipeline/config/reallyBadList.set

  2. kindaWeirdList is defined by the IPset stored in /var/pipeline/config/kindaWeirdList.set

We create the filters, and specify the full path to each of the IPsets directly in the comparisons. It is important that the full path be used, since pipeline will change directory to / when it runs.

To create a filter that checks both the source and destination addresses, use:

FILTER reallyBadList

ANY IP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/reallyBadList.set" END FILTER

FILTER kindaWeirdList

ANY IP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/kindaWeirdList.set" END FILTER

Each filter is given a name that matches the IPset. The filters use the IN_LIST operator to compare the addresses against the IPsets.

ANY IP causes the filter to check both the source and destination address against the IPset, and return true if either matches.

Now that the filters are in place to identify all traffic to and from the watchlists, evaluations are needed to send the records that pass the filters to the alerting system. Since every record that passes the filters leads directly to an alert, without further calculation, the EVERYTHING_PASSES check is used in each evaluation.

When using a single filter for each watchlist, the EVALUATION blocks are:







There is an evaluation for each filter. Examining the parts of the EVALUATION block:


There are no other parameters to set, as no calculations occur at the evaluation stage.

Since the evaluations use the filters, the blocks must appear in order presented above—FILTER before EVALUATION. The are several ways these blocks can be distributed among configuration files:

  1. The blocks may appear in a single file.

  2. The blocks for “reallyBadList” could be in one file and those for “kindaWeirdList” in another file, where each file name is the same as the list name. In this case, the main configuration file for pipeline (the once specified to the

    --configuration-file switch), would need to contain:

    INCLUDE "reallyBadList.conf" INCLUDE "kindaWeirdList.conf"

  3. There can be separate files for each type of block. Assuming the obvious names for the files, pipeline’s main configuration would contain:

INCLUDE "filters.conf" INCLUDE "evals.conf"

2.3.1 Alternate configuration

As noted above, there can be a separate filter and evaluation reflecting whether the source or destination address matched the watch- list. Assuming pipeline monitors traffic at the border of your organization, and assuming the watchlist contains IPs outside your organization, flow records where the source address matches the watchlist are incoming flows, and records where the destination matches are outgoing flows.

The filters to distinguish whether the source or destination address matches are:

FILTER reallyBadList_incoming

SIP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/reallyBadList.set" END FILTER

FILTER reallyBadList_outgoing

DIP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/reallyBadList.set" END FILTER

FILTER kindaWeirdList_incoming

SIP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/kindaWeirdList.set" END FILTER

FILTER kindaWeirdList_outgoing

DIP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/kindaWeirdList.set" END FILTER

Note that ANY IP in the first example has been changed to either SIP or DIP to match the source or destination addresses, respectively. Also note the name change to the filters.

Once again, we need a separate evaluation for each filter, and the names of the evaluations are the same as the names of the filter:

EVALUATION reallyBadList_incoming FILTER reallyBadList_incoming CHECK EVERYTHING_PASSES



EVALUATION reallyBadList_outgoing FILTER reallyBadList_outgoing CHECK EVERYTHING_PASSES



EVALUATION kindaWeirdList_incoming FILTER kindaWeirdList_incoming CHECK EVERYTHING_PASSES



EVALUATION kindaWeirdList_outgoing FILTER kindaWeirdList_outgoing CHECK EVERYTHING_PASSES



In this example, the severity for outgoing traffic is slightly higher than that for incoming traffic. This reflects that an internal host contacting a host on the watchlist or replying to a query from a watchlist is more severe.

    1. Passive FTP detection

      This section shows a complete example of detecting passive FTP. For a description of passive FTP, see Section 1.5.11.

      The following filter matches TCP flow records between two ephemeral ports, where the ports are greater than 50000. This traffic could be passive FTP traffic, or it could be something else.

      FILTER HighPorts SPORT >= 50000

      DPORT >= 50000


      The following INTERNAL_FILTER block accepts the flow records matched by the “HighPorts” filter, and stores information about the records in a list called “highPortIPs”. Note that the list is declared as a HIGH_PORT_LIST which instructs pipeline on how to store and maintain the list. Information is removed from the list after 15 minutes.

      INTERNAL_FILTER highPortsInternal FILTER HighPorts


      The “ftpControl” filter finds flow records on the FTP control channel. This filter passes its records to the “passiveFTP” evaluation below.

      FILTER ftpControl DPORT == 21


      The “passiveFTP” evaluation brings everything together. When a flow record matches the “HighPorts” filter, the five-tuple (source and destination address, source and destination port, protocol) is stored for 15 minutes. If during that time a flow record arrives that matches the “ftpControl” filter, an event is added to the output list, where it will stay for 60 seconds (the OUTPUT_TIMEOUT). If more than one alert potential occurs in a minute, only one alert will be sent.

      EVALUATION passiveFTP INTERNAL_FILTER highPortsInternal FILTER ftpControl





    2. Web redirection detection

      This section shows a complete example of detecting a potential redirection of web traffic. For a description of this check, see Section 1.5.12.

      The following filter matches outgoing requests to port 80, presumably to an external web server.

      FILTER outgoing-web-requests TYPENAME IN_LIST [outweb] DPORT == 80


      The following INTERNAL_FILTER block takes the records matched by the “outgoing-web-requests” filter and stores the destination IP (that is, the site being visited), destination port, and start time in the list “web-requesters”. This list is keyed by the source IP (i.e., the internal host making the request).

      INTERNAL_FILTER web-request FILTER outgoing-web-requests


      The “followup-requests” filter finds flow records coming from any source IP in the “web-requesters” list: having found that source IP is making a web request, this filter finds other hosts that source IP is visiting. The filter excludes destination IPs listed in the “whitelist-servers.set” IPset; this IPset should contain external servers that are assumed to be non-malicious. If such a whitelist is not provided, the evaluation will treat nearly every advertising image on a web site as a redirect. The result of this filter is passed to the “web-redirection” evaluation below.

      FILTER followup-requests TYPENAME IN_LIST [out, outweb] SIP IN_LIST web-requesters

      DIP NOT_IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/whitelist-servers.set" END FILTER

      The “web-redirection” evaluation brings the various pieces together. When a flow record matches the “outgoing-web-requests” filter, the source address, destination address and port, and start time are stored. If a flow record arrives that matches the “followup- requests” filter and the start times are within the 800 milliseconds of each other, an alert is (potentially) generated. If more than one alert potential occurs in a minute, only one alert will be sent. In addition, two output lists are created: The first list, “redirected-from,” contains the IP and port that the internal host initially visited, and the second list, “redirected-to,” contains the IP and port that the internal host was redirected to. Those lists are used by additional filters and evaluations to generate alerts for the web redirection.

      EVALUATION web-redirection FILTER followup-requests INTERNAL_FILTER web-request


      LIST web-requesters TIME_WINDOW 800 MILLISECONDS




      FILTER redirected-from

      DIP DPORT IN_LIST redirected-from END FILTER

      EVALUATION redirected-from CLEAR ALWAYS

      SEVERITY 5




      FILTER redirected-to

      DIP DPORT IN_LIST redirected-to END FILTER

      EVALUATION redirected-to CLEAR ALWAYS

      SEVERITY 5




    3. Web server detection

      The example in this section uses a pair of evaluations to identify the web servers on a network, and the destination addresses that are talking to those web servers most often.

      The first evaluation, named “findWebServers,” finds the web servers on a network (defined by the “ourNetwork” filter) and adds the web server addresses to the “webServerList” list. The “webServers” filter uses that list to find flow records that represent responses from the web servers. Those response records feed into a second evaluation, named “webVisitors”, which reports the hosts that are visiting the web servers.

      To find the servers on a network, look for internal hosts that have many connections with hosts outside the network. The best way to do that is to look at outgoing flow records.

      First, define the network to monitor. To monitor the entire network as seen by SiLK, use:

      FILTER ourEntireNetwork TYPENAME IN_LIST [out,outweb]


      This example monitors a subnet of the monitored network. The filter checks the source address against a subset of the monitored network, and—assume SiLK is monitoring the network’s border—those flows must be outgoing. The filter block is:

      FILTER ourNetwork


      The evaluation that finds the web servers is shown here. An explanation of the evaluation follows.

      1. EVALUATION findWebServers

      2. FILTER ourNetwork

      3. FOREACH SIP


      5. DISTINCT DIP > 25000


      7. END CHECK


      9. SUM BYTES > 1000000


      11. END CHECK

      12. SEVERITY 2


      14. OUTPUT_LIST SIP webServerList

      15. CLEAR ALWAYS


      17. ALERT 1 TIMES 1 HOUR



      This evaluation defines a web server as a source address (FOREACH SIP) that sends data to more than 25,000 distinct destination addresses (line 5) and sends more than 1MB (1,000,000 bytes) of data (line 9), all in a 10 minute window (lines 6 and 10).

      The evaluation generates an alert containing the full list of web server addresses (set up using ALERT EVERYTHING) at most once an hour (line 17). It keeps a web server in the output list for up to 1 day (line 13). On line 14, it places each web server address it finds into the list called “webServerList”. If a web server address does not assert itself as a web server every day, the address will be removed from this list.

      If a SIP stops acting like a web server for 1 DAY (the length of the OUTPUT TIMEOUT and is removed from the output list, (line 18) will cause pipeline to send out an alert saying that the particular SIP was removed from the list of output entries.

      Given that the web servers have been identified, create a filter that matches all flow records coming from the web servers. These flows represent the web server’s responses to requests.

      FILTER webServers

      SIP IN_LIST webServerList END FILTER

      The “webVisitors” evaluation takes the flow records found by the “webServers” filter (line 2), bins the records by the destination address (line 3), and checks to see if any of these addresses have received more than 10MB of data in the last 15 minutes (lines 5–6). However, (line 18) if more than 10000 output entries are active at a given time, shutdown this evaluation (and send out an alert) because that is too many outputs to find and something it wrong with the way the evaluation was set up.

      1. EVALUATION webVisitors

      2. FILTER webServers

      3. FOREACH DIP


      5. SUM BYTES > 10000000


      7. END CHECK

      8. SEVERITY 2


      10. ALERT 1 TIMES 60 SECONDS

      11. CLEAR ALWAYS



    4. IPv6 tunneling detection

      Three popular types of IPv6 tunneling are Teredo, 6to4, and ISATAP. The details of each are slightly different, but their general format is the same. IPv6 tunneling happens in two stages:

      1. Using IPv4, a node communicates with a well known server (or servers) that provides the initial configuration for the tunnel.

      2. A node communicates with another node using IPv6, where the IPv6 traffic is encapsulated in IPv4 and treats the IPv4 Internet as a link layer. The encapsulated traffic has particular port and/or protocol numbers.

Detect any of these IPv6 tunneling mechanisms occurs in three stages:

  1. A FILTER block watches for outgoing traffic going to one of the well known initialization servers. A INTERNAL_FILTER block is used to add the internal hosts that match the filter to a list of “interesting hosts”. Since this list could potentially become very large, hosts are generally removed from list after some period of time.

  2. A second FILTER block watches for “interesting hosts” that are also using the the port and/or protocol specified by the particular tunneling mechanism.

  3. An EVALUATION block combines the previous two stages. All traffic matching those stage is treated as IPv6 tunneled traffic.

Since no other computations are needed in the evaluation, the EVERYTHING_PASSES primitive is used to send all of the flow records directly into outputs and alerts.

The specifics for detecting each tunneling technique are described in the following sections.

      1. Teredo

        The Teredo protocol provides a way to encapsulate IPv6 packets within IPv4 UDP datagrams. A host implementing Teredo can gain IPv6 connectivity with no cooperation from the local network environment.

        When a host wishes to initialize a Teredo connection, it first connects to a Teredo server. The first step in detecting Teredo is to find outgoing traffic going to one of the well-known servers.

        FILTER teredoInitialConnections

        # replace IPs with the list of actual Teredo servers

        # this could also be done using an IPset

        DIP IN_LIST [,,,] END FILTER

        Next, take each flow record representing a connection to the Teredo server (i.e., a flow record matched by “teredoInitialConnections”), and store the source address in the list “teredoSIPS”. The addresses are removed from the list after an hour.

        INTERNAL_FILTER buildTeredoList FILTER teredoInitialConnections SIP teredoSIPS 1 HOUR


        To find the outgoing Teredo traffic, look for flow records on the “teredoSIPS” list that communicate with UDP port 3544:

        FILTER teredoTraffic DPORT == 3544

        PROTOCOL == 17 # UDP


        The DPORT and PROTOCOL comparisons occur first since they likely to remove many of the flow records from consideration and are faster than the address check.

        Lastly, create a evaluation that outputs all records found by the “teredoTraffic” filter to the alerting stage of pipeline. This evaluation alerts every time. It has been recommended that the severity level for Teredo be higher than the levels for 6to4 and ISATAP.

        EVALUATION teredo FILTER teredoTraffic





      2. 6to4

        6to4 is intended as a mechanism to use during the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. In 6to4, internal hosts or subnets communicate with IPv6. To communicate with other hosts or subnets, a 6to4 gateway encapsulates the IPv6 traffic in IPv4 for transmission to a public IPv4 address also acting as a 6to4 gateway where the IPv6 traffic is decapsulated. The IPv4 traffic uses protocol 41.

        To find the 6to4 traffic, first look for outgoing traffic destined for a 6to4 server:

        FILTER 6to4InitialConnections

        # replace with the address of an IPv6 tunnel server DIP ==

        END FILTER

        Take the flow records representing connections to the 6to4 server, and store their internal addresses in the list "6to4SIPS", which has a timeout value of one hour.

        INTERNAL_FILTER build6to4List FILTER 6to4InitialConnections SIP 6to4SIPS 1 HOUR


        The 6to4 traffic will be traffic from a host on the “6to4SIPS” list that uses protocol 41.

        FILTER 6to4Traffic

        PROTOCOL == 41 # IPv6 encapsulation SIP IN_LIST 6to4SIPS

        END FILTER

        Finally, send all traffic found by the “6to4Traffic” filter to the alerting stage.





      3. ISATAP

ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) is an IPv6 transition mechanism that connects dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) nodes over an IPv4 network. A host using ISATAP is configured with a potential routers list (PRL) which the host occasionally probes.

Since the initialization servers (the PRL) are fairly dynamic, pipeline should be configured to read the PRL from an IPset. When the IPset file changes, pipeline will notice the change, load the new file, and update the PRL:

FILTER isatapConnectPRL

DIP IN_LIST "/var/pipeline/config/isatapRouters.set" END FILTER

The name isatapRouters.set is an example file name, any name will suffice. To update the PRL, overwrite the IPset file with a new file containing the new list. Instead of using an IPset, one could specify the PRL addresses directly in the FILTER block (as shown in the Teredo example above), but updating the PRL would require restarting pipeline.

Detecting ISATAP traffic requires finding a host that first connects to a potential router and then begins communicating using protocol

41. To get the lists of that connect to a potential router, create an INTERNAL_FILTER as shown here:

INTERNAL_FILTER buildIsatapList FILTER isatapConnectPRL


The source addresses for flows that match the “isatapConnectPRL” filter are added to the “isatapSIPS” list. The hosts on that list are expired after an hour.

Now, take that list of hosts and check for hosts using protocol 41:

FILTER isatapTraffic

PROTOCOL == 41 #IPv6 encapsulation SIP IN_LIST isatapSIPS


The following evaluation sends flow records matched by the “isatapTraffic” filter and passes the flows to the alerting stage of

pipeline. The evaluation will alert every time:

EVALUATION isatap FILTER isatapTraffic





2.8 Chaining Lists

Given a watchlist of known malicious IP addresses, look to see if there are IP addresses that many of our nodes communicate with after contacting a malicious IP. This is based on the idea of one IP address infecting nodes, and then another being used for command and control. The time outs and thresholds in this example are not based on any analysis, just made up for simplicity.

This example uses a chain of internal filters to build lists of the different stages, then subsequent filters using this lists. The last piece is an evaluation to see if more than 5 of our IP addresses travel to a specific node after going to an IP on the watchlist.

Look for flows with traffic going to nodes in the watchlist (for simplicity, the assumption is that any traffic going to these nodes comes from inside our network).


DIP IN_LIST "/ipsets/badGuys.set" END FILTER

For each of the flows going to the watchlist, put the SIP in a list named ourTalkers, so now we’ve stored IPs that have contacted the watchlist. Only keep these IPs in the list for an hour as we’re looking for timely transitions to other IPs.



Now look for flows from our talkers to IP addresses that are not in the original watchlist.


SIP IN_LIST ourTalkers

DIP NOT_IN_LIST "/ipsets/badGuys.set" END FILTER

For each of the flows from our talkers to IP address that are not in the original watchlist, place the DIPs in a list named "place- sAfterBG" for an hour. After this, we’ll have a list of all of the places our IP addresses sent traffic to after contacting a bad guy(the BG from the list name).



Now that we have the IPs that our nodes contacted after the watchlist, we can identify the traffic from our IPs to these nodes. (This is also done by the filter UsToOthers, but we want the other destinations in a list for updates to be sent in the last part of this example).

FILTER UsToSecondLevelBG SIP IN_LIST ourTalkers


We have the traffic we want, so we bin up state by DIP, using FOREACH DIP, because we are trying to isolate destination IPs that might be command and control. We use the distinct primitive because we want to count the number of unique SIPs that contact each of the DIPs.





Even though we are sending alerts from the evaluation containing the IPs that more than five of our IPs contact after contacting an IP on the watchlist, we still may want to know all of the places our IPs go recently after contacting a watchlist, so we configure the list created in an earlier internal filter to send its contents every half hour.



Chapter 3

Analysis Pipeline Installation

This chapter describes building the Analysis Pipeline application. pipeline, from source code, installing it, and integrating it to work with your existing SiLK installation. Before building pipeline, you may want to read Section 3.3 below to determine how you will be integrating the Analysis Pipeline with SiLK’s packing tools.

Note: In the examples presented in this chapter, a leading dollar sign ($) represents a normal user’s shell prompt, indicating a command to be run by the installer that does not require root (administrator) privileges. Commands to be run that (most likely) require root privileges have a leading octothorp (hash or pound sign, #) as the prompt. A line ending in a backslash (\) indicates the that line has been wrapped for improved readability, and that the next line is a continuation of the current line. A line that begins with neither a dollar sign nor an octothorp and that is not a continuation line represents the output (i.e., the result) of running a command.

    1. Building pipeline

      This section describes how to build and install the pipeline daemon.

      As of pipeline 4.0, the Analysis Pipeline can send alerts using an external library called libsnarf which is available on the NetSA web site, It is recommended that you download and install libsnarf prior to building pipeline. Consult the libsnarf documentation for details on building, installing, and configuring libsnarf. Once you have built and installed libsnarf, note the name of the directory containing the libsnarf.pc file. This file is normally in ${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig where ${prefix} is the --prefix value used when libsnarf was compiled—typically /usr or /usr/local.

      To build pipeline, you will need access to SiLK’s library and header files. If you are using an RPM installation of SiLK, be certain the silk-devel RPM is installed. pipeline is known to work with SiLK-2.1 and newer.

      Finally, you will need to download a copy of the Analysis Pipeline 3.0source code from the NetSA web site, http://tools.netsa. The source code will be in a file named analysis-pipeline-3.0.tar.gz.

      Use the following commands to unpack the source code and go into the source directory:

      $ tar zxf analysis-pipeline-3.0.tar.gz

      $ cd analysis-pipeline-3.0

      The configure script in the analysis-pipeline-@apversiononly directory is used to prepare the pipeline source code for your particular environment. The following paragraphs build the configure command line an item at a time.

      The first thing you must decide is the parent directory of the pipeline installation. Specify that directory in the --prefix switch. If you do not specify --prefix, the /usr/local directory is used.

      configure --prefix=/usr

      Next, you may use the --with-libsnarf switch to specify the directory containing the libsnarf.pc file:

      configure --prefix=/usr --with-libsnarf=/usr/lib/pkgconfig

      If you do not specify the directory, the configure script will attempt to find the libsnarf.pc file in directories specified in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable and in the standard locations used by the pkg-config tool.

      Finally, you must specify the location of SiLK’s header and library files. How you do that depends on what version of SiLK you are building against.

      1. Using SiLK-2.2 or later

        If you are using SiLK-2.2.0 or later, you may use the --with-silk-config switch and specify the path to the silk_config

        program. That program gives information on how SiLK was compiled, and it is installed in ${prefix}/bin/silk_config where

        ${prefix} is the --prefix value used when SiLK was compiled—typically /usr or /usr/local.

        For example, assuming you have installed SiLK in /usr and you want to install pipeline in /usr, specify:

        configure --prefix=/usr --with-libsnarf=/usr/lib/pkgconfig \


      2. Using SiLK-2.1

        If you are using SiLK-2.1.0, you need to give pipeline’s configure script multiple switches to specify the libraries and include paths that the silk_config program provides.

        The easiest way to do that is to locate the directory where you built SiLK-2.1.0 and find a Makefile in that directory. The Analysis Pipeline package provides the script, in the autoconf directory, which will determine the proper switches for configure by getting variables from a SiLK Makefile. (You must use Makefile; not or

        An example invocation of the script is shown here.

        $ autoconf/ /build/silk-2.1.0/Makefile


        --with-silk-cflags=’-I/usr/include \

        -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include’

        --with-silk-ldflags=’-L/usr/lib -lfixbuf -lgthread-2.0 \

        -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv -llzo2 -lz’

        Those switches need to be specified when you configure pipeline:

        configure --prefix=/usr --with-libsnarf=/usr/lib/pkgconfig \

        --with-silk-prefix=... --with-silk-cflags=... \


        If you do not have a previous build of SiLK available, a reasonable guess for the values is

        configure --prefix=/usr --with-libsnarf=/usr/lib/pkgconfig \

        --with-silk-prefix=/usr/local \

        --with-silk-cflags=-fno-strict-aliasing \


        You may be able to determine the --with-silk-ldflags value to use by running the Linux ldd command (or your operating system’s equivalent) on a SiLK application to see what libraries SiLK requires. Setting the --with-silk-cflags value may take some trial and error. If this variable is not correct, you may find that the configure script succeeds but that building fails. If SiLK was built with fixbuf support, you will probably need to have the include paths for fixbuf and glib-2.0 in the --with-silk-cflags value.

      3. Compiling and installing

        To configure the Analysis Pipeline source code, run the configure script with the switches you determined above:

        $ configure --prefix=/usr --with-libsnarf=/usr/lib/pkgconfig \


        Once pipeline has been configured, you can build it:

        $ make

        If you get errors during compilation, you may need to re-run the configure script with different values for the

        --with-silk-cflags and --with-silk-ldflags switches. To install pipeline, run:

        # make install

        Depending on where you are installing the application, you may need to become the root user first. To ensure that pipeline is properly installed, try to invoke it:

        $ pipeline --version

        If your installation of SiLK is not in /usr, you may get an error similar to the following when you run pipeline:

        pipeline: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

        If this occurs, you need to set or modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (or your operating system’s equivalent) to include the directory containing the SiLK libraries. For example, if SiLK is installed in /usr/local, you can use the following to run pipeline:

        $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

        $ pipeline --version

        To avoid having to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH when running pipeline, you can specify the following when you run make (this assumes a Linux system):

        $ env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib make

    2. Preparing to run

      Once pipeline is installed, you must perform configuration before running the Analysis Pipeline. (Before performing the steps in this section, you should read Section 3.4 on automating the starting and stopping of the pipeline daemon, since settings in the two sections are related.)

      The pipeline application requires access to the SiLK country_codes.pmap file. That file is used to map IP addresses to two letter country code designations. You may use the country_codes.pmap file from your existing SiLK installation. If you do not have the country_codes.pmap file, instructions on building it are provided in the rwgeoip2ccmap manual page and in the SiLK Installation Handbook. The country_codes.pmap file should be installed in ${prefix}/share/silk/country_codes.pmap, where ${prefix} is the location where SiLK was installed (often /usr or /usr/local). You may also specify the file’s location in the SILK_COUNTRY_CODES environment variable, or via pipeline’s --country-code-file command line switch.

      In this section, we use /var as the directory where daemons store their run-time files, and /etc as the location for configuration files. The directory layout presented here is merely a suggestion. You may configure the files and directories however you wish, and they may vary depending on your operating system and your organization’s policies and practices.

      Create the following directories:

      /etc/pipeline holds configuration subdirectories.

      /etc/pipeline/config holds configuration files that are specified on the pipeline command line.

      /etc/pipeline/watchlists holds binary SiLK IPset files used by watch lists and other filters.

      /var/pipeline holds run-time subdirectories.

      /var/pipeline/incoming is where files for pipeline to process are dropped.

      /var/pipeline/error is where pipeline stores any files it cannot process.

      /var/pipeline/log holds pipeline’s log files.

      If you are using pipeline for watchlist detection, solicit the IP lists from your analysts. For each separate watchlist, use SiLK’s rwsetbuild tool to create an binary SiLK IPset containing the IPs on that watchlist. Put each IPset file into the

      /etc/pipeline/watchlist directory. Use the watchlist examples presented in Section 2.3 to create the pipeline’s configuration file(s), making sure to use the complete path name to the IPset files. Store the configuration file(s) in /etc/pipeline/config.

      The remainder of this chapter assumes the top-level configuration file has the name pipeline.conf, and that that file is in the

      /etc/pipeline/config directory.

      To verify the syntax of the configuration file, run

      $ pipeline \

      --configuration=/etc/pipeline/config/pipeline.conf \


      If pipeline does not run and reports an error similar to “cannot open shared object file”, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable as described above.

      If there are errors in the pipeline.conf file, correct the errors and try again.

      The following assumes the Analysis Pipeline was built with libsnarf support, and it invokes pipeline as a daemon:

      # pipeline \

      --configuration=/etc/pipeline/config/pipeline.conf \

      --log-dir=/var/pipeline/log \

      --incoming-dir=/var/pipeline/incoming \


      This command will cause pipeline to look for incremental files in /var/pipeline/incoming. Files that are successfully pro- cessed will be deleted. (If you want to keep files after pipeline finishes with them, provide the --archive-directory switch.) If pipeline encounters an error processing a file, the file will be moved to the /var/pipeline/error directory. pipeline will write its log messages to /var/pipeline/log/pipeline-DATE.log, and these files will be rotated at midnight.

      If this command fails because pipeline cannot file the country_codes.pmap file (which maps IP addresses to country codes), see the beginning of this section for instructions on installing this file.


      1. Alerting with libsnarf

        When the Analysis Pipeline is built with support for libsnarf, the SNARF_ALERT_DESTINATION environment variable is set to tell pipeline the address where a snarfd process is listening for alerts. The environment variable takes the form tcp://HOST:PORT which specifies that the snarfd process is listening on HOST at PORT.

        Instead of specifying the SNARF_ALERT_DESTINATION environment variable, you may specify the location using the

        --snarf-destination switch.

        When neither SNARF_ALERT_DESTINATION nor --snarf-destination is specified, pipeline prints the alerts encoded using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). The JSON output is written to pipeline’s normal log file.

      2. Legacy alerting

        If the Analysis Pipeline was built without libsnarf support, the alerts generated by pipeline are written to a local file. The location of the alert file must be specified using the --alert-log-file switch on the pipeline command line. Assuming the directory layout described above, one would add the following switch to the command line specified above:


        When pipeline generates an alert, the record that generated the alert will be converted to text format and appended to the file


        You should configure the logrotate program to rotate the /var/pipeline/log/alert.log file daily. Unlike the other log files that pipeline creates, this file is not rotated automatically by the pipeline daemon. To configure logrotate under Linux, create a new file named pipeline in /etc/logrotate.d, and use the following as its contents:

        /var/pipeline/log/alert.log { missingok

        compress notifempty nomail rotate 1 daily


        The /var/pipeline/log/alert.log file contains pipe-delimited (|-delimited) text. This text can be read by a security information management (SIM) system such as ArcSight. The Analysis Pipeline includes the file that can be used as a starting point to create a new ArcSight Log File FlexConnector that will monitor that alert.log file.

        To use ArcSight, customize the file and place a copy of the file (with the same filename) in the agent configuration directory on the machine running the ArcSight connector, CONNECTOR_HOME/current/user/agent/flexagent. If necessary, contact your ArcSight representative for instructions on how to get the Connector installation wizard. When prompted for the type of SmartConnector to install, select the entry for “ArcSight FlexConnector File”.

    3. Integrating with SiLK packing

      Normally the Analysis Pipeline application, pipeline, runs as a daemon during SiLK’s collection and packing process. pipeline runs on the flow records after they have been processed by rwflowpack, since pipeline may need to use the class, type, and sensor data that rwflowpack assigns to each flow record.

      pipeline should get a copy of each incremental file that rwflowpack generates. Where to install pipeline so that it sees every file will depending on how you configured SiLK’s packing system. If you are using one of the daemons rwsender, rwreceiver, or

      rwflowappend downstream of rwflowpack, then integrating pipeline is straightforward. If none of these daemons are in use at your site, you must modify how rwflowpack runs.

      The remainder of this section describes each approach.

      1. Using rwsender

        To use pipeline with the rwsender in SiLK-2.2 or later, specify a --local-directory argument to rwsender, and have

        pipeline use that directory as its incoming-directory, for example:

        # rwsender ... --local-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

        # pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

      2. Using rwreceiver

        When the Analysis Pipeline is running on a dedicated machine separate from the machine where rwflowpack is running, one can run rwsender on the machine where rwflowpack is running and have it send the incremental files to a dedicated rwreceiver on the machine running pipeline. In this case, the incoming-directory for pipeline will be the destination-directory for rwreceiver. For example:

        # rwreceiver ... --destination-dir=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

        # pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

        When pipeline is running on a machine where an rwreceiver (version 2.2. or newer) is already running, one can specify an additional --duplicate-destination directory to rwreceiver, and have pipeline use that directory as its incoming directory. For example:

        # rwreceiver ... --duplicate-dest=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

        # pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

      3. Using rwflowappend

        One way to use pipeline with rwflowappend is to have rwflowappend store incremental files into an archive-directory, and have pipeline process those files. When using rwflowappend 2.3.0 or newer, specify the --flat-archive switch which causes rwflowappend to place the files into the root of the archive-directory. For this situation, make the archive-directory of rwflowappend the incoming-directory of pipeline:

        # rwflowappend ... --flat-archive --archive-dir=/var/pipeline/incoming

        # pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

        Older versions of rwflowappend store the incremental files in subdirectories under the archive-directory. For this case, you must specify a --post-command to rwflowappend to move (or copy) the files into another directory where pipeline can process them. For example:

        # rwflowappend ... --archive-dir=/var/rwflowappend/archive \

        --post-command=’mv %s /var/pipeline/incoming’ ...

        # pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming ...

      4. Using rwflowpack only

If none of the above daemons are in use at your site because rwflowpack writes files directly into the data repository, you must modify how rwflowpack runs so it uses a temporary directory that rwflowappend monitors, and you can then insert the call to pipeline after rwflowappend has processed the incremental files.

Assuming your current configuration for rwflowpack is:

# rwflowpack --sensor-conf=/var/rwflowpack/sensor.conf \

--log-directory=/var/rwflowpack/log \

--root-directory=/data ...

You can modify it as follows:

# rwflowpack --sensor-conf=/var/rwflowpack/sensor.conf \

--log-directory=/var/rwflowpack/log \

--output-mode=sending \

--incremental-dir=/var/rwflowpack/incremental \

--sender-dir=/var/rwflowappend/incoming ...

# rwflowappend --root-directory=/data \

--log-directory=/var/rwflowappend/log \

--incoming-dir=/var/rwflowappend/incoming \

--error-dir=/var/rwflowappend/error \

--flat-archive \


# pipeline --incoming-directory=/var/pipeline/incoming \

--error-directory=/var/pipeline/error \

--log-directory=/var/pipeline/log \


If you are using a version of SiLK older than 2.3.0, change the --flat-archive switch on rwflowappend to be

--post-command=’mv %s /var/pipeline/incoming’.

3.4 Automating the Analysis Pipeline

To provide easier control of the pipeline daemon in UNIX-like environments, an example control script (an sh-script) is provided. This control script will be invoked when machine is booted to start the Analysis Pipeline, and it is also invoked during shutdown to stop the Analysis Pipeline. Use of the control script is optional; it is provided as a convenience.

As part of its invocation, the control script will load a second script that sets shell variables the control script uses. This sec- ond script has the name pipeline.conf. Do not confuse this variable setting script (which follows /bin/sh syntax) with the

/etc/pipeline/config/pipeline.conf configuration file, which is loaded by the pipeline application and follows the syntax described in Chapter 1.

If you are using an RPM installation of pipeline, installing the RPM will put the control script and the variable setting script into the correct locations under the /etc directory, and you can skip to the variable setting section below.

If you are not using an RPM installation, the make install step above installed the scripts into the following location relative to

pipeline’s installation directory. You will need to copy them manually into the correct locations.

share/analysis-pipeline/etc/init.d/pipeline is the control script. Do not confuse this script with the pipeline applica- tion.

share/analysis-pipeline/etc/pipeline.conf is the variable setting script used by the control script.

Copy the control script to the standard location for start-up scripts on your system (e.g., /etc/init.d/ on Linux and other SysV-type systems). Make sure it is named pipeline and has execute permissions. Typically, this will be done as follows:

# cp ${prefix}/share/analysis-pipeline/etc/init.d/pipeline \


# chmod +x /etc/init.d/pipeline

Copy the variable setting script file into the proper location. Typically, this will be done as follows:

# cp ${prefix}/share/analysis-pipeline/etc/pipeline.conf \


Edit the variable setting script to suit your installation. Remember that the variable setting script must follow /bin/sh syntax. While most of the variables are self-explanatory or can be derived from the documentation elsewhere in this chapter and pipeline’s manual page, a few variables deserve some extra attention:

ENABLED Set this variable to any non-empty value. It is used by the control script to determine whether the administrator has completed the configuration.

CREATE_DIRECTORIES When this value is yes, the control script creates any directories that the daemon requires but are nonexistent.

SILK_LIB_DIR The directory holding the file. This may be needed if is not in a standard location understood by the system linker. (Set this if you must set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run pipeline.) See the and ldconfig(8) manual pages for more details.

COUNTRY_CODES The location of the country code map, if it cannot be found in the standard location.

LOG_TYPE The daemons support writing their log messages to the syslog(3) facility or to local log files rotated at midnight local time. Set this to “syslog” to use syslog, or to “legacy” to use local log files. (The setting here does not affect the alert.log file, since it is handled differently.)

LOG_DIR When the LOG_TYPE is legacy, the logging files are written to this directory. The /var/log directory is often used for log files.

PID_DIR The daemons write their process identifier (PID) to a file in this directory. By default this variable has the same value as LOG_DIR, but you may wish to change it. On many systems, the /var/run directory holds this information.

USER The control script switches to this user (see su(1)) when starting the daemon. The default user is root. Note that the Analysis Pipeline can be run as an ordinary user.

At this point you should be able to use the control script as follows to start or stop the pipeline:

# /etc/init.d/pipeline start

# /etc/init.d/pipeline stop

To automate starting and stopping the pipeline when the operating system boots and shuts down, you need to tell the machine about the new script. On RedHat Linux, this can be done using:

# chkconfig --add pipeline

(If you have installed pipeline from an RPM, you do not need to perform this step.) At this point, you should be able to start the pipeline using the following command:

# service pipeline start

Appendix A

Manual Page

This appendix provides the manual page for the pipeline daemon. Parts of this manual page are described in more detail in Chapter 3, Installation. The manual page is included here for completeness and easy reference.

    1. NAME

      pipeline - Examine SiLK Flow records as they arrive


      To run as a daemon when built with the snarf alerting library:

      pipeline --configuration-file=FILE_PATH [--snarf-destination=ENDPOINT]

      --incoming-directory=DIR_PATH --error-directory=DIR_PATH [--archive-directory=DIR_PATH] [--flat-archive]

      [--polling-interval=NUMBER] [--country-code-file=FILE_PATH] [--integer-sensors] [--site-config-file=FILENAME]

      { --log-destination=DESTINATION


      | --log-pathname=FILE_PATH }

      [--log-level=LEVEL] [--log-sysfacility=NUMBER] [--pidfile=FILE_PATH] [--no-daemon]

      To run as a daemon when built without snarf:

      pipeline --configuration-file=FILE_PATH

      --alert-log-file=FILE_PATH [--aux-alert-file=FILE_PATH]

      --incoming-directory=DIR_PATH --error-directory=DIR_PATH [--archive-directory=DIR_PATH] [--flat-archive]

      [--polling-interval=NUMBER] [--country-code-file=FILE_PATH] [--integer-sensors] [--site-config-file=FILENAME]

      { --log-destination=DESTINATION


      | --log-pathname=FILE_PATH }

      [--log-level=LEVEL] [--log-sysfacility=NUMBER] [--pidfile=FILE_PATH] [--no-daemon]

      To run over specific files when built with snarf:

      pipeline --configuration-file=FILE_PATH [--snarf-destination=ENDPOINT]

      --name-files [--country-code-file=FILE_PATH]

      [--integer-sensors] [--site-config-file=FILENAME] SILK_FILE [SILK_FILE ...]

      To run over specific files when built without snarf:

      pipeline --configuration-file=FILE_PATH

      --alert-log-file=FILE_PATH [--aux-alert-file=FILENAME]

      --name-files [--country-code-file=FILE_PATH]

      [--integer-sensors] [--site-config-file=FILENAME] SILK_FILE [SILK_FILE ...]

      Help options:

      pipeline --configuration-file=FILE_PATH --verify-configuration pipeline --help

      pipeline --version


      The Analysis Pipeline program, pipeline, is designed to be run over files of SiLK Flow records as they are processed by the SiLK packing system.

      pipeline requires a configuration file that specifies filters and evaluations. The filter blocks determine which flow records are of interest (similar to SiLK’s rwfilter(1) command). The evaluation blocks can compute aggregate information over the flow records (similar to rwuniq(1)) to determine whether the flow records should generate an alert. Information on the syntax of the configuration file is available in the Analysis Pipeline Handbook.

      The output that pipeline produces depends on whether support for the snarf alerting library was compiled into the pipeline binary, as described in the next subsections.

      Either form of output from pipeline includes country code information. To map the IP addresses to country codes, a SiLK prefix map file, country_codes.pmap must be available to pipeline. This file can be installed in SiLK’s install tree, or its location can be specified with the SILK_COUNTRY_CODES environment variable or the –country-codes-file command line switch.

      Output Using Snarf

      When pipeline is built with support for the snarf alerting library (, the –snarf-destination switch can be used to specify where to send the alerts. The parameter to the switch takes the from tcp://HOST:PORT, which specifies that a snarfd process is running on HOST at PORT. When –snarf-destination is not specified, pipeline uses the value in the SNARF_ALERT_DESTINATION environment variable. If it is not set, pipeline prints the alerts encoded in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). The outputs go to the log file when running as a daemon, or to the standard output when the –name-files switch is specified.

      Legacy Output Not Using Snarf

      When snarf support is not built into pipeline, the output of pipeline is a textual file in pipe-delimited (|-delimited) format de- scribing which flow records raised an alert and the type of alert that was raised. The location of the output file must be specified via the –alert-log-file switch. The file is in a format that a properly configured ArcSight Log File Flexconnector can use. The file in the share/analysis-pipeline/ directory can be used to configure the ArcSight Flexconnector to process the file.

      pipeline can provide additional information about the alert in a separate file, called the auxiliary alert file. To use this feature, specify the complete path to the file in the –aux-alert-file switch.

      pipeline will assume that both the alert-log-file and the aux-alert-file are under control of the logrotate(8) daemon. See the Analysis Pipeline Handbook for details.

      Integrating pipeline into the SiLK Packing System

      Normally pipeline is run as a daemon during SiLK’s collection and packing process. pipeline runs on the flow records after they have been processed rwflowpack(8), since pipeline may need to use the class, type, and sensor data that rwflowpack assigns to each flow record.

      pipeline should get a copy of each incremental file that rwflowpack generates. There are three places that pipeline can be inserted so it will see every incremental file:

      • rwsender(8)

      • rwreceiver(8)

      • rwflowappend(8)

        We describe each of these in turn. If none of these daemons are in use at your site, you must modify how rwflowpack runs, which is also described below.


        To use pipeline with the rwsender in SiLK 2.2 or later, specify a –local-directory argument to rwsender, and have pipeline use that directory as its incoming-directory, for example:

        rwsender ... --local-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ... pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ...


        When pipeline is running on a dedicated machine separate from the machine where rwflowpack is running, one can use a dedicated rwreceiver to receive the incremental files from an rwsender running on the machine where rwflowpack is running. In this case, the incoming-directory for pipeline will be the destination-directory for rwreceiver. For example:

        rwreceiver ... --destination-dir=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ... pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ...

        When pipeline is running on a machine where an rwreceiver (version 2.2. or newer) is already running, one can specify an additional

        –duplicate-destination directory to rwreceiver, and have pipeline use that directory as its incoming directory. For example:

        rwreceiver ... --duplicate-dest=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ... pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ...


        One way to use pipeline with rwflowappend is to have rwflowappend store incremental files into an archive-directory, and have pipeline process those files. This is not as straightforward as it would first seem, however. Since rwflowappend stores the incremental files in subdirectories under the archive-directory, you must specify a –post-command to rwflowappend to move (or copy) the files into another directory where pipeline can process them. For example:

        rwflowappend ... --archive-dir=/var/silk/rwflowappend/archive

        --post-command=’mv %s /var/silk/pipeline/incoming’ ... pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ...

        Note: Newer versions of rwflowappend support a –flat-archive switch, which places the files into the root of the archive-directory. For this situation, make the archive-directory of rwflowappend the incoming-directory of pipeline:

        rwflowappend ... --archive-dir=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming pipeline ... --incoming-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming ...

        rwflowpack only

        If none of the above daemons are in use at your site because rwflowpack writes files directly into the data repository, you must modify how rwflowpack runs so it uses a temporary directory that rwflowappend monitors, and you can then insert pipeline after rwflowappend has processed the files.

        Assuming your current configuration for rwflowpack is:

        rwflowpack --sensor-conf=/var/silk/rwflowpack/sensor.conf



        You can modify it as follows:

        rwflowpack --sensor-conf=/var/silk/rwflowpack/sensor.conf





        rwflowappend --root-directory=/data





        --post-command=’mv %s /var/silk/pipeline/incoming’ ...

        pipeline --incoming-directory=/var/silk/pipeline/incoming




        Non-daemon mode

        It is possible to run pipeline over files whose names are specified on the command line. In this mode, pipeline stays in the foreground, processes the files, and exits. None of the files specified on the command line are changed in any way—they are neither moved nor deleted. To run pipeline in this mode, specify the –name-files switch and the names of the files to process.

    4. OPTIONS

      Option names may be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique or is an exact match for an option. A parameter to an option may be specified as –arg=param or –arg param, though the first form is required for options that take optional parameters.

      General Configuration

      These switches affect general configuration of pipeline. The first two switches are required:


      Give the path to the configuration file that specifies the filters that determine which flow records are of interest and the evalua- tions that signify when an alert is to be raised. This switch is required.


      Use the designated country code prefix mapping file instead of the default.


      In the alert log, print the integer ID of the sensor rather than its name.


      Read the SiLK site configuration from the named file FILENAME. When this switch is not provided, the location specified by the SILK_CONFIG_FILE environment variable is used if that variable is not empty. The value of SILK_CONFIG_FILE should include the name of the file. Otherwise, the application looks for a file named silk.conf in the following directories: the directories $ SILK_PATH/share/silk/ and $ SILK_PATH/share/ ; and the share/silk/ and share/ directories parallel to the application’s directory.

      Alert Destination when Snarf is Available

      When pipeline is built with support for snarf (, the following switch is available. Its use is optional.


      Specify where pipeline is to send alerts. The ENDPOINT has the form tcp://HOST:PORT, which specifies that a snarfd process is running on HOST at PORT. When this switch is not specified, pipeline uses the value in the SNARF_ALERT_DESTINATION environment variable. If that variable is not set, pipeline prints the alerts locally, either to the log file (when running as a daemon), or to the standard output.

      Alert Destination when Snarf is Unavailable

      When pipeline is built without support for snarf, the following switches are available, and the –alert-log-file switch is required.


      Specify the path to the file where pipeline will write the alert records. The full path to the log file must be specified. pipeline

      assumes that this file will be under control of the logrotate(8) command.


      Have pipeline provide additional information about an alert to FILE_PATH. When a record causes an alert, pipeline writes the record in textual format to the alert-log-file. Often there is additional information associated with an alert that cannot be captured in a single record; this is especially true for statistic-type alerts. The aux-alert-file is a location for pipeline to write that additional information. The FILE_PATH must be an absolute path, and pipeline assumes that this file will be under control of the logrotate(8) command.

      Daemon Mode

      The following switches are used when pipeline is run as a daemon. They may not be mixed with the switches related to Processing Existing Files described below. The first two switches are required, and at least one switch related to logging is required.


      Watch this directory for new SiLK Flow files that are to be processed by pipeline. pipeline ignores any files in this directory whose names begin with a dot (.). In addition, new files will only be considered when their size is constant for one polling- interval after they are first noticed.


      Store in this directory SiLK files that were NOT successfully processed by pipeline. One of the following mutually-exclusive logging-related switches is required:


      Specify the destination where logging messages are written. When DESTINATION begins with a slash /, it is treated as a file system path and all log messages are written to that file; there is no log rotation. When DESTINATION does not begin with /, it must be one of the following strings:


      Messages are not written anywhere.


      Messages are written to the standard output.


      Messages are written to the standard error.


      Messages are written using the syslog(3) facility.


      Messages are written to the syslog facility and to the standard error (this option is not available on all platforms).


      Use DIR_PATH as the directory where the log files are written. DIR_PATH must be a complete directory path. The log files have the form



      where YYYYMMDD is the current date and LOG_BASENAME is the application name or the value passed to the –log-basename switch when provided. The log files will be rotated: at midnight local time a new log will be opened and the previous day’s log file will be compressed using gzip(1). (Old log files are not removed by pipeline; the administrator should use another tool to remove them.) When this switch is provided, a process-ID file (PID) will also be written in this directory unless the –pidfile switch is provided.


      Use FILE_PATH as the complete path to the log file. The log file will not be rotated. The following switches are optional:


      Move incoming SiLK Flow files that pipeline processes successfully into the directory DIR_PATH. DIR_PATH must be a complete directory path. When this switch is not provided, the SiLK Flow files are deleted once they have been successfully processed. When the –flat-archive switch is also provided, incoming files are moved into the top of DIR_PATH; when –flat-archive is not given, each file is moved to a subdirectory based on the current local time: DIR_PATH/YEAR/MONTH/DAY/HOUR/. Removing files from the archive-directory is not the job of pipeline; the system administrator should implement a separate process to clean this directory.


      When archiving incoming SiLK Flow files via the –archive-directory switch, move the files into the top of the archive- directory, not into subdirectories of the archive-directory. This switch has no effect if –archive-directory is not also specified. This switch can be used to allow another process to watch for new files appearing in the archive-directory.


      Configure pipeline to check the incoming directory for new files every NUM seconds. The default polling interval is 15 seconds.


      Set the severity of messages that will be logged. The levels from most severe to least are: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug. The default is info.


      Set the facility that syslog(3) uses for logging messages. This switch takes a number as an argument. The default is a value that corresponds to LOG_USER on the system where pipeline is running. This switch produces an error unless –log- destination=syslog is specified.


      Use LOG_BASENAME in place of the application name for the files in the log directory. See the description of the –log- directory switch.


      Set the complete path to the file in which pipeline writes its process ID (PID) when it is running as a daemon. No PID file is written when –no-daemon is given. When this switch is not present, no PID file is written unless the –log-directory switch is specified, in which case the PID is written to LOGPATH/


      Force pipeline to stay in the foreground—it does not become a daemon. Useful for debugging.

      Process Existing Files


      Cause pipeline to run its analysis over a specific set of files named on the command line. Once pipeline has processed those files, it exits. This switch cannot be mixed with the Daemon Mode and Logging and Daemon Configuration switches described above. When using files named on the command line, pipeline will not move or delete the files.

      Help Options


      Verify that the syntax of the configuration file is correct and then exit pipeline. If the file is incorrect or if it does not define any evaluations, an error message is printed and pipeline exits abnormally. If the file is correct, pipeline simply exits with status 0.


      Print the available options and exit.


      Print the version number and information about how the SiLK library used by pipeline was configured, then exit the application.



      This environment variable is used as the value for the –site-config-file when that switch is not provided.


      This environment variable allows the user to specify the country code mapping file that pipeline will use. The value may be a complete path or a file relative to the SILK_PATH. If the variable is not specified, the code looks for a file named country_codes.pmap in the location specified by SILK_PATH.


      This environment variable gives the root of the install tree. As part of its search for the SiLK site configuration file, pipeline checks for a file named silk.conf in the directories $ SILK_PATH/share/silk and $ SILK_PATH/share. To find the country code prefix map file, pipeline checks those same directories for a file named country_codes.pmap.


      When pipeline is built with snarf support (, this environment variable specifies the location to send the alerts. The –snarf-destination switch has precedence over this variable.

    6. SEE ALSO

silk(7), rwflowappend(8), rwflowpack(8), rwreceiver(8), rwsender(8), rwfilter(1), rwuniq(1), syslog(3), logrotate(8),, Analysis Pipeline Handbook, The SiLK Installation Handbook