Mothra Release 1.6.0, 2022-Jun-15


Source code release


Pre-compiled "full" jar files and supporting documentation


Automatic download bootstrap tool scripts and man pages



  • Spark 3 and Scala 2.13 are now supported
    • Mothra now supports Spark 3 with Scala 2.12 or Scala 2.13.
    • Libraries for Spark 2.x now have spark-2 in their artifact ID. For example: "mothra_spark-2_2.12" is the version for Spark 2, while "mothra_2.12" is the version for Spark 3.
    • Build dependencies and build targets have changed! This should result in a lot less re-building of modules that don't depend on Spark. See for details on how to build.
    • Spark 2 with Scala 2.11 is still supported for now.
  • netsa-io-silk
    • SiLK file compression is now handled directly without any dependency on Apache Hadoop. This should make handling for all SiLK compressed files work consistently and without Hadoop codec configuration.

Mothra Release 1.5.3, 2022-Jun-13


Source code release


Pre-compiled "full" jar files and supporting documentation


Automatic download bootstrap tool scripts and man pages



  • Data Files
    • CERT and IANA data files updated to current as of 2022-06-13. (This includes new IPFIX IEs from super_mediator 1.9.0 release.)

Mothra Release 1.5.2, 2022-May-2


Source code release


Pre-compiled "full" jar files and supporting documentation


Automatic download bootstrap tool scripts and man pages



  • mothra-datasources-ipfix
    • In IPFIXFieldParsing, the default struct field names given to IE elements are now the name of the IE rather than verbose IE details.
  • netsa-io-silk
    • Implementations of & and | on TCPState are no longer reversed.
  • Unit Tests
    • Spark-session based tests now use localhost explicitly to make them less sensitive to local network configuration.

Mothra Release 1.5.1, 2022-Feb-14


Source code release


Pre-compiled "full" jar files and supporting documentation


Automatic download bootstrap tool scripts and man pages



  • Documentation
    • Numerous pieces of API documentation added or brought up to date
  • netsa_data
    • toInt methods added to appropriate types
    • Use correct ClassLoaders for data resources to improve compatibility with Apache NiFi
  • mothra_datasources_ipfix
    • Removed confusing no-longer-operational LegacyIPFIXFields
    • Added HTTP and other remaining DPI protocols to IPFIXFields.dpi
    • Added DHCP fingerprinting plugin fields to IPFIXFields.plugins
    • Added miscellaneous debugging fields to IPFIXFields.cert_tool

Mothra Release 1.5.0, 2022-Jan-4


Source code release


Pre-compiled "full" jar files and supporting documentation


Automatic download bootstrap tool scripts and man pages



  • First public release.