14a15,18 > # (C) Copyright 2011 by Carnegie Mellon University > # - Roman Danyliw > # - version: 2011100301 (11/03/2011) > # - Contact for bugs and contributions 379c383 < S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W0:.:Linux:2.4-2.6 --- > S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W0:.:Linux:2.4-2.6 (possibly CentOS 3.x) 384c388 < S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W2:.:Linux:2.6, seldom 2.4 (older, 4) --- > S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W2:.:Linux:2.6, seldom 2.4 (older, 4) (possibly FC 3-5, CentOS 4.x, Mandrake 10, Ubuntu 4-6) 385a390 > S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W4:.:Linux:2.6 (older, 6) (possibly Mandriva 2010.x, Ubuntu 7.x) 387,389c392,394 < S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W5:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 1) < S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W6:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 2) < S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W7:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 3) --- > S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W5:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 1) (possibly Mandriva 2008.x, 2009.1, Ubuntu 7-9) > S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W6:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 2) (possibly FC8-14, Chromium 5.x, Ubuntu 10.x, OpenSuse 11.x) > S4:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W7:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 3) or Mac OSX 10.3.1 (possibly FC 6) 391c396,400 < --- > S2:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W6:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 5) > S44:128:1:52:M*,N,W0,N,N,S:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 6) (possibly Ubuntu 10.x) > S4:64:1:52:M*,N,N,S,N,W5:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 7) (possibly Ubuntu 8.x) > S4:64:1:60:S,T,M*,N,W5:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 8) (possibly Mandriva 2009.0) > S3:64:1:60:M*,S,T,N,W6:.:Linux:2.6 (newer, 9) (possibly OpenSuse 11.4) 436c445 < 65535:64:1:64:M*,N,W1,N,N,T,S,E:P:FreeBSD:6.x (1) --- > 65535:64:1:64:M*,N,W1,N,N,T,S,E:P:FreeBSD:6.x (1) or MacOS X 10.6 437a447 > 65535:64:1:60:M*,N,W3,S,T:.:FreeBSD:7.x, 8.x 449c459 < 65535:64:1:60:M*,N,W0,N,N,T0:.:NetBSD:1.6X (DF) --- > 65535:64:1:60:M*,N,W0,N,N,T0:.:NetBSD:1.6X (DF) or Sony PlayStation 3 477c487 < 4096:64:0:44:M1460:.:SunOS:4.1.x --- > 4096:64:0:44:M1460:.:SunOS:4.1.x, nmap syn scan(8) 479c489 < S34:64:1:52:M*,N,W0,N,N,S:.:Solaris:10 (beta) --- > S34:64:1:52:M*,N,W0,N,N,S:.:Solaris:10 (beta), OpenSolaris 518a529,532 > 65535:64:1:64:M*,N,W3,N,N,T,S,E:P:MacOS:X 10.x (10.3-7) > 65535:64:1:64:M*,N,W2,N,N,T,S,E:P:iOS:3.1+, 4.1-3 > 65535:64:1:48:M*,S,E:P:iOS:3.x, 4.2 > 566,567c580,581 < 65535:128:1:48:M*,N,N,S:.:Windows:2000 SP4, XP SP1+ < %8192:128:1:48:M*,N,N,S:.:Windows:2000 SP2+, XP SP1+ (seldom 98) --- > 65535:128:1:48:M*,N,N,S:.:Windows:2000 SP4, XP SP1+, 2003 > 8192:128:1:48:M*,N,N,S:.:Windows:2000 SP2+, XP SP1+ (seldom 98), Vista SP1, 7 SP1, 2008 SP2 578c592 < # Windows 2003 & Vista --- > # Windows 2003, Vista, 2008, and 7 583a598,600 > 8192:128:1:52:M*,N,W2,N,N,S:.:Windows:Vista SP1, 7 SP1 > 8192:128:1:52:M*,N,W8,N,N,S:.:Windows:Vista SP0/SP2, 7 SP0+, 2008 SP0 > 65535:64:0:60:M*,N,W0,S,T:.:Windows:7 SP1+ 794a812,814 > 1024:64:0:44:M*:.:-*NMAP:syn scan (5) > 2048:64:0:44:M*:.:-*NMAP:syn scan (6) > 3072:64:0:44:M*:.:-*NMAP:syn scan (7) 810a831,839 > 1:64:0:60:W10,N,M1460,T,S:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (5) > 63:64:0:60:M1400,W0,S,T,E:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (6) > 4:64:0:60:T,N,N,W5,N,M640:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (7) > 4:64:0:56:S,T,W10,E:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (8) > 16:64:0:60:M536,S,T,W10,E:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (9) > 512:64:0:56:M265,S,T:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (10) > 3:64:0:52:W10,N,M1460,S,N,N:UX:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (11) > 31337:64:0:60:W10,N,M265,T,S:A:-*NMAP:OS detection probe (12) > 813a843,845 > > S4:255:0:40:.:A:-*sinfp:active scan (1) > S4:255:0:60:M1460,T,W1,S,E:A:-*sinfp:active scan (2)