public.h File Reference
#include <fixbuf/autoinc.h>
#include <fixbuf/version.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef struct fbBasicList_st fbBasicList_t
typedef struct fbCollector_st fbCollector_t
typedef struct fbConnSpec_st fbConnSpec_t
typedef struct fbExporter_st fbExporter_t
typedef struct fbInfoElement_st fbInfoElement_t
typedef enum fbInfoElementDataType_en fbInfoElementDataType_t
typedef struct fbInfoElementOptRec_st fbInfoElementOptRec_t
typedef struct fbInfoElementSpec_st fbInfoElementSpec_t
typedef struct fbInfoModel_st fbInfoModel_t
typedef GHashTableIter fbInfoModelIter_t
typedef struct fbListener_st fbListener_t
typedef void(* fbListenerAppFree_fn) (void *ctx)
typedef gboolean(* fbListenerAppInit_fn) (fbListener_t *listener, void **ctx, int fd, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, GError **err)
typedef struct fbListenerEntry_st fbListenerEntry_t
typedef struct fbListenerGroup_st fbListenerGroup_t
typedef struct fbListenerGroupResult_st fbListenerGroupResult_t
typedef void(* fbNewTemplateCallback_fn) (fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, void *app_ctx, void **tmpl_ctx, fbTemplateCtxFree_fn *tmpl_ctx_free_fn)
typedef struct fbSession_st fbSession_t
typedef struct fbSpreadParams_st fbSpreadParams_t
typedef struct fbSubTemplateList_st fbSubTemplateList_t
typedef struct fbSubTemplateMultiList_st fbSubTemplateMultiList_t
typedef struct fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_st fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t
typedef struct fbTemplate_st fbTemplate_t
typedef void(* fbTemplateCtxFree_fn) (void *tmpl_ctx, void *app_ctx)
typedef enum fbTransport_en fbTransport_t
typedef struct fBuf_st fBuf_t
typedef struct fbVarfield_st fbVarfield_t


#define FB_CISCO_ASA_EVENT_ID   9998
#define FB_CISCO_ASA_EVENT_XTRA   9997
#define FB_CISCO_GENERIC   9999
#define FB_ERROR_BUFSZ   5
#define FB_ERROR_CONN   11
#define FB_ERROR_DOMAIN   g_quark_from_string("fixbufError")
#define FB_ERROR_EOF   3
#define FB_ERROR_EOM   2
#define FB_ERROR_IMPL   6
#define FB_ERROR_IO   7
#define FB_ERROR_IPFIX   4
#define FB_ERROR_LAXSIZE   16
#define FB_ERROR_NETFLOWV9   12
#define FB_ERROR_NLREAD   8
#define FB_ERROR_NLWRITE   9
#define FB_ERROR_SETUP   15
#define FB_ERROR_SFLOW   14
#define FB_ERROR_TMPL   1
#define FB_IE_BASIC_LIST   291
#define FB_IE_DEFAULT   0x00000000
#define FB_IE_DELTACOUNTER   0x00000300
#define FB_IE_F_ALIEN   0x00000080
#define FB_IE_F_ENDIAN   0x00000001
#define FB_IE_F_NONE   0x00000000
#define FB_IE_F_REVERSIBLE   0x00000040
#define FB_IE_FLAGS   0x00000500
#define FB_IE_IDENTIFIER   0x00000400
#define FB_IE_INIT(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_)    FB_IE_INIT_FULL(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, 0, 0, 0, (char*)NULL)
#define FB_IE_INIT_FULL(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, _min_, _max_, _type_, _desc_)    { {(const struct fbInfoElement_st*)_name_}, 0, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, _min_, _max_, _type_, _desc_ }
#define FB_IE_LIST   0x00000600
#define FB_IE_NULL   FB_IE_INIT(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#define FB_IE_PEN_REVERSE   29305
#define FB_IE_QUANTITY   0x00000100
#define FB_IE_REVERSE_STR   "reverse"
#define FB_IE_SEMANTIC(flags)   ((flags & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)
#define FB_IE_SNMPCOUNTER   0x00000700
#define FB_IE_SNMPGAUGE   0x00000800
#define FB_IE_TOTALCOUNTER   0x00000200
#define FB_IE_UNITS(flags)   ((flags & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
#define FB_IE_VARLEN   65535
#define FB_IE_VENDOR_BIT_REVERSE   0x4000
#define FB_IESPEC_NULL   { NULL, 0, 0 }
#define FB_LIST_SEM_ALL_OF   0x03
#define FB_LIST_SEM_NONE_OF   0x00
#define FB_LIST_SEM_ONE_OR_MORE_OF   0x02
#define FB_LIST_SEM_ORDERED   0x04
#define FB_SPREADPARAMS_INIT   { 0, 0, 0 }
#define FB_TID_AUTO   0
#define FB_TID_MIN_DATA   256
#define FB_TID_OTS   3
#define FB_TID_TS   2
#define FB_UNITS_BITS   0x00010000
#define FB_UNITS_ENTRIES   0x000C0000
#define FB_UNITS_FLOWS   0x00040000
#define FB_UNITS_FRAMES   0x000D0000
#define FB_UNITS_HOPS   0x000B0000
#define FB_UNITS_INFERRED   0x000F0000
#define FB_UNITS_MESSAGES   0x000A0000
#define FB_UNITS_MICROSECONDS   0x00070000
#define FB_UNITS_MILLISECONDS   0x00060000
#define FB_UNITS_NANOSECONDS   0x00080000
#define FB_UNITS_OCTETS   0x00020000
#define FB_UNITS_PACKETS   0x00030000
#define FB_UNITS_PORTS   0x000E0000
#define FB_UNITS_SECONDS   0x00050000
#define FB_UNITS_WORDS   0x00090000
#define FIXBUF_CHECK_VERSION(major, minor, release)


enum  fbInfoElementDataType_en {
  FB_UINT_64 , FB_INT_8 , FB_INT_16 , FB_INT_32 ,
  FB_INT_64 , FB_FLOAT_32 , FB_FLOAT_64 , FB_BOOL ,
enum  fbTransport_en {


void * fbBasicListAddNewElements (fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint16_t numNewElements)
fbBasicList_tfbBasicListAlloc (void)
void fbBasicListClear (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void fbBasicListClearWithoutFree (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void fbBasicListCollectorInit (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
uint16_t fbBasicListCountElements (const fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void fbBasicListFree (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void * fbBasicListGetDataPtr (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void * fbBasicListGetIndexedDataPtr (fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint16_t index)
const fbInfoElement_tfbBasicListGetInfoElement (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void * fbBasicListGetNextPtr (fbBasicList_t *basicList, void *currentPtr)
uint8_t fbBasicListGetSemantic (fbBasicList_t *basicList)
void * fbBasicListInit (fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint8_t semantic, const fbInfoElement_t *infoElement, uint16_t numElements)
void * fbBasicListInitWithOwnBuffer (fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint8_t semantic, const fbInfoElement_t *infoElement, uint16_t numElements, uint16_t dataLength, uint8_t *dataPtr)
void * fbBasicListRealloc (fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint16_t newNumElements)
void fbBasicListSetSemantic (fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint8_t semantic)
fbCollector_tfbCollectorAllocFile (void *ctx, const char *path, GError **err)
fbCollector_tfbCollectorAllocFP (void *ctx, FILE *fp)
fbCollector_tfbCollectorAllocSpread (void *ctx, fbSpreadParams_t *params, GError **err)
gboolean fbCollectorClearTranslator (fbCollector_t *collector, GError **err)
void fbCollectorClose (fbCollector_t *collector)
void * fbCollectorGetContext (fbCollector_t *collector)
uint32_t fbCollectorGetNetflowMissed (fbCollector_t *collector, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, uint32_t obdomain)
uint32_t fbCollectorGetObservationDomain (fbCollector_t *collector)
struct sockaddr * fbCollectorGetPeer (fbCollector_t *collector)
uint32_t fbCollectorGetSFlowMissed (fbCollector_t *collector, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, uint32_t obdomain)
int fbCollectorGetSpreadReturnGroups (fbCollector_t *collector, char *groups[])
void fbCollectorSetAcceptOnly (fbCollector_t *collector, struct sockaddr *address, size_t address_length)
gboolean fbCollectorSetNetflowV9Translator (fbCollector_t *collector, GError **err)
gboolean fbCollectorSetSFlowTranslator (fbCollector_t *collector, GError **err)
void fbCollectorSetUDPMultiSession (fbCollector_t *collector, gboolean multi_session)
void fbExporterAddSourceIP (fbExporter_t *exporter, const char *source_ip_v4)
void fbExporterAddSourceIP6 (fbExporter_t *exporter, const char *source_ip_v6)
fbExporter_tfbExporterAllocBuffer (uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufsize)
fbExporter_tfbExporterAllocFile (const char *path)
fbExporter_tfbExporterAllocFP (FILE *fp)
fbExporter_tfbExporterAllocNet (fbConnSpec_t *spec)
fbExporter_tfbExporterAllocSpread (fbSpreadParams_t *params)
void fbExporterAutoStream (fbExporter_t *exporter)
void fbExporterClose (fbExporter_t *exporter)
size_t fbExporterGetMsgLen (fbExporter_t *exporter)
void fbExporterSetStream (fbExporter_t *exporter, int sctp_stream)
gboolean fbInfoElementAddOptRecElement (fbInfoModel_t *model, fbInfoElementOptRec_t *rec)
fbTemplate_tfbInfoElementAllocTypeTemplate (fbInfoModel_t *model, GError **err)
gboolean fbInfoElementWriteOptionsRecord (fBuf_t *fbuf, const fbInfoElement_t *model_ie, uint16_t itid, uint16_t etid, GError **err)
void fbInfoModelAddElement (fbInfoModel_t *model, fbInfoElement_t *ie)
void fbInfoModelAddElementArray (fbInfoModel_t *model, fbInfoElement_t *ie)
fbInfoModel_tfbInfoModelAlloc (void)
guint fbInfoModelCountElements (const fbInfoModel_t *model)
void fbInfoModelFree (fbInfoModel_t *model)
const fbInfoElement_tfbInfoModelGetElementByID (fbInfoModel_t *model, uint16_t id, uint32_t ent)
const fbInfoElement_tfbInfoModelGetElementByName (fbInfoModel_t *model, const char *name)
void fbInfoModelIterInit (fbInfoModelIter_t *iter, const fbInfoModel_t *model)
const fbInfoElement_tfbInfoModelIterNext (fbInfoModelIter_t *iter)
gboolean fbInfoModelReadXMLData (fbInfoModel_t *model, const gchar *xml_data, gssize xml_data_len, GError **err)
gboolean fbInfoModelReadXMLFile (fbInfoModel_t *model, const gchar *filename, GError **err)
gboolean fbInfoModelTypeInfoRecord (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
fbListener_tfbListenerAlloc (fbConnSpec_t *spec, fbSession_t *session, fbListenerAppInit_fn appinit, fbListenerAppFree_fn appfree, GError **err)
void fbListenerFree (fbListener_t *listener)
void fbListenerFreeGroupResult (fbListenerGroupResult_t *result)
gboolean fbListenerGetCollector (fbListener_t *listener, fbCollector_t **collector, GError **err)
int fbListenerGroupAddListener (fbListenerGroup_t *group, const fbListener_t *listener)
fbListenerGroup_tfbListenerGroupAlloc (void)
int fbListenerGroupDeleteListener (fbListenerGroup_t *group, const fbListener_t *listener)
void fbListenerGroupFree (fbListenerGroup_t *group)
fbListenerGroupResult_tfbListenerGroupWait (fbListenerGroup_t *group, GError **err)
void fbListenerInterrupt (fbListener_t *listener)
fBuf_tfbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTCP (fbListener_t *listener, int sock, GError **err)
fBuf_tfbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTLS (fbListener_t *listener, int sock, GError **err)
fBuf_tfbListenerWait (fbListener_t *listener, GError **err)
fBuf_tfbListenerWaitNoCollectors (fbListener_t *listener, GError **err)
gboolean fbListValidSemantic (uint8_t semantic)
void fbSessionAddNewTemplateCallback (fbSession_t *session, fbNewTemplateCallback_fn callback, void *app_ctx)
uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplate (fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, GError **err)
void fbSessionAddTemplatePair (fbSession_t *session, uint16_t ent_tid, uint16_t int_tid)
uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticast (fbSession_t *session, char **groups, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, GError **err)
uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticastWithMetadata (fbSession_t *session, char **groups, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, char *name, char *description, GError **err)
uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata (fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, const char *name, const char *description, GError **err)
fbSession_tfbSessionAlloc (fbInfoModel_t *model)
gboolean fbSessionEnableTemplateMetadata (fbSession_t *session, gboolean enabled, GError **err)
gboolean fbSessionEnableTypeMetadata (fbSession_t *session, gboolean enabled, GError **err)
gboolean fbSessionExportTemplate (fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
gboolean fbSessionExportTemplates (fbSession_t *session, GError **err)
void fbSessionFree (fbSession_t *session)
fbCollector_tfbSessionGetCollector (fbSession_t *session)
uint32_t fbSessionGetDomain (fbSession_t *session)
fbInfoModel_tfbSessionGetInfoModel (fbSession_t *session)
uint16_t fbSessionGetLargestInternalTemplateSize (fbSession_t *session)
fbTemplate_tfbSessionGetTemplate (fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
uint16_t fbSessionLookupTemplatePair (fbSession_t *session, uint16_t ext_tid)
gboolean fbSessionRemoveTemplate (fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
void fbSessionRemoveTemplatePair (fbSession_t *session, uint16_t ext_tid)
void fbSessionResetExternal (fbSession_t *session)
void fbSessionSetDomain (fbSession_t *session, uint32_t domain)
uint16_t fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements (fbSession_t *session, gboolean enabled, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
uint16_t fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates (fbSession_t *session, gboolean enabled, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
gboolean fbSessionSpreadEnableTemplateMetadata (fbSession_t *session, char **groups, gboolean enabled, GError **err)
gboolean fbSessionSpreadEnableTypeMetadata (fbSession_t *session, char **groups, gboolean enabled, GError **err)
uint16_t fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportElements (fbSession_t *session, char **groups, gboolean enabled, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
uint16_t fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportTemplates (fbSession_t *session, char **groups, gboolean enabled, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
void * fbSubTemplateListAddNewElements (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint16_t numNewElements)
fbSubTemplateList_tfbSubTemplateListAlloc (void)
void fbSubTemplateListClear (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
void fbSubTemplateListClearWithoutFree (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
void fbSubTemplateListCollectorInit (fbSubTemplateList_t *STL)
uint16_t fbSubTemplateListCountElements (const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
void fbSubTemplateListFree (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
void * fbSubTemplateListGetDataPtr (const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
void * fbSubTemplateListGetIndexedDataPtr (const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint16_t index)
void * fbSubTemplateListGetNextPtr (const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, void *currentPtr)
uint8_t fbSubTemplateListGetSemantic (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
const fbTemplate_tfbSubTemplateListGetTemplate (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
uint16_t fbSubTemplateListGetTemplateID (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList)
void * fbSubTemplateListInit (fbSubTemplateList_t *sTL, uint8_t semantic, uint16_t tmplID, const fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t numElements)
void * fbSubTemplateListInitWithOwnBuffer (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint8_t semantic, uint16_t tmplID, const fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t numElements, uint16_t dataLength, uint8_t *dataPtr)
void * fbSubTemplateListRealloc (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint16_t newNumElements)
void fbSubTemplateListSetSemantic (fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint8_t semantic)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_tfbSubTemplateMultiListAddNewEntries (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint16_t numNewEntries)
fbSubTemplateMultiList_tfbSubTemplateMultiListAlloc (void)
void fbSubTemplateMultiListClear (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
void fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListCountElements (const fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryAddNewElements (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t numNewElements)
void fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryClear (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryCountElements (const fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetDataPtr (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetIndexedPtr (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t index)
const fbTemplate_tfbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplate (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplateID (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryInit (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t tmplID, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t numElements)
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryNextDataPtr (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, void *currentPtr)
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryRealloc (fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t newNumElements)
void fbSubTemplateMultiListFree (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_tfbSubTemplateMultiListGetFirstEntry (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_tfbSubTemplateMultiListGetIndexedEntry (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint16_t index)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_tfbSubTemplateMultiListGetNextEntry (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *currentEntry)
uint8_t fbSubTemplateMultiListGetSemantic (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_tfbSubTemplateMultiListInit (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint8_t semantic, uint16_t numElements)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_tfbSubTemplateMultiListRealloc (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint16_t newNumEntries)
void fbSubTemplateMultiListSetSemantic (fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint8_t semantic)
fbTemplate_tfbTemplateAlloc (fbInfoModel_t *model)
gboolean fbTemplateAppend (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElement_t *ex_ie, GError **err)
gboolean fbTemplateAppendSpec (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec, uint32_t flags, GError **err)
gboolean fbTemplateAppendSpecArray (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec, uint32_t flags, GError **err)
gboolean fbTemplateContainsAllElementsByName (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec)
gboolean fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec, uint32_t flags)
gboolean fbTemplateContainsElement (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, const fbInfoElement_t *ex_ie)
gboolean fbTemplateContainsElementByName (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec)
uint32_t fbTemplateCountElements (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
void fbTemplateFreeUnused (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
void * fbTemplateGetContext (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
uint16_t fbTemplateGetIELenOfMemBuffer (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
fbInfoElement_tfbTemplateGetIndexedIE (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint32_t IEindex)
fbInfoModel_tfbTemplateGetInfoModel (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
uint32_t fbTemplateGetOptionsScope (fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
void fbTemplateSetOptionsScope (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t scope_count)
fBuf_tfBufAllocForCollection (fbSession_t *session, fbCollector_t *collector)
fBuf_tfBufAllocForExport (fbSession_t *session, fbExporter_t *exporter)
gboolean fBufAppend (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint8_t *recbase, size_t recsize, GError **err)
gboolean fBufEmit (fBuf_t *fbuf, GError **err)
void fBufFree (fBuf_t *fbuf)
fbTemplate_tfBufGetCollectionTemplate (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t *ext_tid)
fbCollector_tfBufGetCollector (fBuf_t *fbuf)
fbExporter_tfBufGetExporter (fBuf_t *fbuf)
uint32_t fBufGetExportTime (fBuf_t *fbuf)
fbSession_tfBufGetSession (fBuf_t *fbuf)
void fBufInterruptSocket (fBuf_t *fbuf)
void fBufListFree (fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint8_t *record)
gboolean fBufNext (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint8_t *recbase, size_t *recsize, GError **err)
fbTemplate_tfBufNextCollectionTemplate (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t *ext_tid, GError **err)
gboolean fBufNextMessage (fBuf_t *fbuf, GError **err)
size_t fBufRemaining (fBuf_t *fbuf)
gboolean fBufSetAutomaticInsert (fBuf_t *fbuf, GError **err)
void fBufSetAutomaticMode (fBuf_t *fbuf, gboolean automatic)
void fBufSetBuffer (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen)
void fBufSetCollector (fBuf_t *fbuf, fbCollector_t *collector)
void fBufSetExporter (fBuf_t *fbuf, fbExporter_t *exporter)
gboolean fBufSetExportTemplate (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t ext_tid, GError **err)
void fBufSetExportTime (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint32_t extime)
gboolean fBufSetInternalTemplate (fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t int_tid, GError **err)
void fBufSetSpreadExportGroup (fBuf_t *fbuf, char **groups, int num_groups, GError **err)

Data Structures

struct  fbBasicList_st
struct  fbConnSpec_st
struct  fbInfoElement_st
union  fbInfoElement_st.ref
struct  fbInfoElementOptRec_st
struct  fbInfoElementSpec_st
struct  fbListenerEntry_st
struct  fbListenerGroupResult_st
struct  fbSpreadParams_st
struct  fbSubTemplateList_st
union  fbSubTemplateList_st.dataLength
struct  fbSubTemplateMultiList_st
struct  fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_st
struct  fbVarfield_st

Detailed Description

Fixbuf IPFIX protocol library public interface.

Typedef Documentation

◆ fBuf_t

typedef struct fBuf_st fBuf_t

An IPFIX message buffer.

Used to encode and decode records from IPFIX Messages. The internals of this structure are private to libfixbuf.

◆ fbVarfield_t

typedef struct fbVarfield_st fbVarfield_t

A variable-length field value.

Variable-length information element content is represented by an fbVarfield_t on the internal side of the transcoder; that is, variable length fields in an IPFIX Message must be represented by this structure within the application record.

◆ fbInfoModel_t

typedef struct fbInfoModel_st fbInfoModel_t

An IPFIX information model.

Contains information element definitions. The internals of this structure are private to libfixbuf.

◆ fbInfoModelIter_t

typedef GHashTableIter fbInfoModelIter_t

An iterator over the information elements in an information model.

◆ fbInfoElementDataType_t

From RFC 5610: A description of the abstract data type of an IPFIX information element as registered in the IANA IPFIX IE Data Type subregistry.

◆ fbInfoElement_t

A single IPFIX Information Element definition.

An Information Element defines the type of data in each field of a record. This structure may be contained in an fbInfoModel_t, in which case the name field contians the information element name, or an an fbTemplate_t, in which case the canon field references the fbInfoElement_t contained within the Information Model.

libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This type will only refer to elements in an Information Model; name will replace the ref union and midx will be removed. A new fbTemplateField_t type will hold information about the elements when used in an fbTemplate_t.

◆ fbInfoElementOptRec_t

The corresponding C struct for a record whose template is the RFC5610 Information Element Type Options Template.

If collecting this record, use the function fbInfoElementAddOptRecElement() to add the fbInfoElement_t it describes to the fbInfoModel_t.

To export RFC5610 elements, use fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements().

fbInfoElementSpec_t rfc5610_spec[] = {
{"privateEnterpriseNumber", 4, 0 },
{"informationElementId", 2, 0 },
{"informationElementDataType", 1, 0 },
{"informationElementSemantics", 1, 0 },
{"informationElementUnits", 2, 0 },
{"paddingOctets", 6, 0 },
{"informationElementRangeBegin", 8, 0 },
{"informationElementRangeEnd", 8, 0 },
{"informationElementName", FB_IE_VARLEN, 0 },
{"informationElementDescription", FB_IE_VARLEN, 0 },
#define FB_IE_VARLEN
Information element length constant for variable-length IE.
Definition public.h:1494
Convenience macro defining a null information element specification initializer (fbInfoElementSpec_t)...
Definition public.h:1807
A single IPFIX Information Element specification.
Definition public.h:1815

◆ fbTemplate_t

typedef struct fbTemplate_st fbTemplate_t

An IPFIX Template or Options Template.

Templates define the structure of data records and options records within an IPFIX Message. The internals of this structure are private to libfixbuf.

◆ fbInfoElementSpec_t

A single IPFIX Information Element specification.

Used to name an information element (fbInfoElement_t) for inclusion in an fbTemplate_t by fbTemplateAppendSpecArray() and for querying whether a template contains an element via fbTemplateContainsElementByName().

◆ fbSession_t

typedef struct fbSession_st fbSession_t

An IPFIX Transport Session state container.

Though Session creation and lifetime are managed by the fbCollector_t and fbExporter_t types, each fBuf_t buffer uses this type to store session state, including internal and external Templates and Message Sequence Number information.

◆ fbTransport_t

Transport protocol for connection specifier.

◆ fbConnSpec_t

typedef struct fbConnSpec_st fbConnSpec_t

Connection specifier.

Used to define a peer address for fbExporter_t, or a passive address for fbListener_t.

◆ fbSpreadParams_t

Spread connection parameters.

Used to define a spread daemon and group or list of groups for spread.

libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbExporter_t

typedef struct fbExporter_st fbExporter_t

IPFIX Exporting Process endpoint.

Used to export messages from an associated IPFIX Message Buffer to a remote Collecting Process, or to an IPFIX File. The internals of this structure are private to libfixbuf.

◆ fbCollector_t

typedef struct fbCollector_st fbCollector_t

IPFIX Collecting Process endpoint.

Used to collect messages into an associated IPFIX Message Buffer from a remote Exporting Process, or from an IPFIX File. Use this with the fbListener_t structure to implement a full Collecting Process, including Transport Session setup. The internals of this structure are private to libfixbuf.

◆ fbListener_t

typedef struct fbListener_st fbListener_t

IPFIX Collecting Process session listener.

Used to wait for connections from IPFIX Exporting Processes, and to manage open connections via a select(2)-based mechanism. The internals of this structure are private to libfixbuf.

◆ fbListenerGroup_t

typedef struct fbListenerGroup_st fbListenerGroup_t

Structure that represents a group of listeners.

◆ fbListenerEntry_t

ListenerEntry's make up an fbListenerGroup_t as a linked list.

◆ fbListenerGroupResult_t

A ListenerGroupResult contains the fbListener whose listening socket got a new connection (cf.

fbListenerGroupWait()). It is tied to the fBuf_t that is produced for the connection. These comprise a linked list.

◆ fbTemplateCtxFree_fn

typedef void(* fbTemplateCtxFree_fn) (void *tmpl_ctx, void *app_ctx)

A callback function that is called when a template is freed.

This function should be set during the fbNewTemplateCallback_fn.

tmpl_ctxa pointer to the ctx that is stored within the fbTemplate. This is the context to be cleaned up.
app_ctxthe app_ctx pointer that was passed to the fbSessionAddNewTemplateCallback() call. This is for context only and should not be cleaned up.

◆ fbNewTemplateCallback_fn

typedef void(* fbNewTemplateCallback_fn) (fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, void *app_ctx, void **tmpl_ctx, fbTemplateCtxFree_fn *tmpl_ctx_free_fn)

A callback function that will be called when the session receives a new external template.

This callback can be used to assign an internal template to an incoming external template for nested template records using fbSessionAddTemplatePair() or to apply some context variable to a template.

The callback should be set using fbSessionAddNewTemplateCallback(), and that function should be called after fbSessionAlloc(). Libfixbuf often clones session upon receiving a connection (particularly in the UDP case since a collector and fbuf can have multiple sessions), and this callback is carried over to cloned sessions.

sessiona pointer to the session that received the template
tidthe template ID for the template that was received
tmplpointer to the template information of the received template
app_ctxthe app_ctx pointer that was passed to the fbSessionAddNewTemplateCallback() call
tmpl_ctxpointer that is stored in the fbTemplate structure.
tmpl_ctx_free_fna callback function that should be called to free the tmpl_ctx when the template is freed/replaced.

◆ fbBasicList_t

typedef struct fbBasicList_st fbBasicList_t

A basic list element in a template which structure represents a basic list on the internal side, basic lists in an IPFIX Message must be represented by this structure within the application record.

◆ fbSubTemplateList_t

Structure used to hold information of a sub template list.

This structure is filled in by the user in an exporter to tell fixbuf how to encode the data. This structure is filled in by the transcoder in a collector, feeding the useful information up to the user

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t

Entries contain the same type of information at SubTemplateLists: template ID and template pointers to describe the data the number of data elements and the data pointer and data length.

Sub template multi lists are inherently nested constructions. At a high level, they are a list of sub template lists. The first level is a list of fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t's, which each contain the information that describes the data contained in them. Initializing a fbSubTemplateMultiList_t with a semantic and number of elements returns memory that contains numElements blocks of memory containing fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t's. It is not ready to accept data. Each of the fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t's needed to be set up then data is copied into the entries.

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiList_t

Multilists just contain the semantic to describe the sub lists, the number of sub lists, and a pointer to the first entry.

◆ fbListenerAppInit_fn

typedef gboolean(* fbListenerAppInit_fn) (fbListener_t *listener, void **ctx, int fd, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, GError **err)

Application context initialization function type for fbListener_t.

Set this function when creating the fbListener_t with fbListenerAlloc(). This function is called after accept(2) for TCP or SCTP with the peer address in the peer argument. For UDP, it is called during fbListener_t initialization and the peer address will be NULL. If the Collector is in multi-session mode, the appinit function will be called when a new UDP connection occurs with the peer address, similiar to the TCP case. Use fbCollectorSetUDPMultiSession() to turn on multi-session mode (off by default). The application may veto fbCollector_t creation by returning FALSE. In multi-session mode, if the connection is to be ignored, the application should set error code FB_ERROR_NLREAD on the err and return FALSE. If the application returns FALSE, fixbuf will maintain information about that peer, and will reject connections from that peer until shutdown or until that session times out. Fixbuf will return FB_ERROR_NLREAD for previously rejected sessions. The context (returned via out-parameter ctx) will be stored in the fbCollector_t, and is retrievable via a call to fbCollectorGetContext(). If not in multi-session mode and using the appinit fn, the ctx will be associated with all UDP sessions.

◆ fbListenerAppFree_fn

typedef void(* fbListenerAppFree_fn) (void *ctx)

Application context free function type for fbListener_t.

Set this function when creating the fbListener_t with fbListenerAlloc(). For TCP and SCTP collectors, this is called when the connection is closed. If a UDP Collector is in multi-session mode (see appinit fn), then the appfree function is called if a session is timed out (does not receive a UDP message for more than 30 minutes.) Called during fbCollector_t cleanup.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FIXBUF_CHECK_VERSION ( major,
release )
(FIXBUF_VERSION_MAJOR > (major) || \
(FIXBUF_VERSION_MAJOR == (major) && FIXBUF_VERSION_MINOR > (minor)) || \
(FIXBUF_VERSION_MAJOR == (major) && FIXBUF_VERSION_MINOR == (minor) && \
The first number of libfixbuf's version number.
Definition version.h:48
The third number of libfixbuf's version number.
Definition version.h:52
The second number of libfixbuf's version number.
Definition version.h:50

Evaluates to a non-zero value if the version number of libfixbuf is at least major.minor.release.


#define FB_ERROR_DOMAIN   g_quark_from_string("fixbufError")

All fixbuf errors are returned within the FB_ERROR_DOMAIN domain.


#define FB_ERROR_TMPL   1

No template was available for the given template ID.


#define FB_ERROR_EOM   2

End of IPFIX message.

Either there are no more records present in the message on read, or the message MTU has been reached on write.


#define FB_ERROR_EOF   3

End of IPFIX Message stream.

No more messages are available from the transport layer on read, either because the session has closed, or the file has been processed.


#define FB_ERROR_IPFIX   4

Illegal IPFIX message content on read.

The input stream is malformed, or is not an IPFIX Message after all.


#define FB_ERROR_BUFSZ   5

A message was received larger than the collector buffer size.

Should never occur. This condition is checked at the transport layer in case future versions of fixbuf support dynamic buffer sizing.


#define FB_ERROR_IMPL   6

The requested feature is not yet implemented.


#define FB_ERROR_IO   7

An unspecified I/O error occured.


#define FB_ERROR_NLREAD   8

No data is available for reading from the transport layer.

Either a transport layer read was interrupted, or timed out.


#define FB_ERROR_NLWRITE   9

An attempt to write data to the transport layer failed due to closure of the remote end of the connection.

Currently only occurs with the TCP transport layer.



The specified Information Element does not exist in the Information Model.


#define FB_ERROR_CONN   11

A connection or association could not be established or maintained.


#define FB_ERROR_NETFLOWV9   12

Illegal NetflowV9 content on a read.

Can't parse the Netflow header or the stream is not a NetflowV9 stream



Miscellaneous error occured during translator operation.


#define FB_ERROR_SFLOW   14

Illegal sFlow content on a read.


#define FB_ERROR_SETUP   15

Setup error.


#define FB_ERROR_LAXSIZE   16

Internal template with defaulted element sizes.


#define FB_IE_INIT_FULL ( _name_,
_desc_ )    { {(const struct fbInfoElement_st*)_name_}, 0, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, _min_, _max_, _type_, _desc_ }

Convenience macro for creating full fbInfoElement_t static initializers.

Used for creating information element arrays suitable for passing to fbInfoModelAddElementArray().


#define FB_IE_INIT ( _name_,
_flags_ )    FB_IE_INIT_FULL(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, 0, 0, 0, (char*)NULL)

Convenience macro for creating default fbInfoElement_t static initializers.

Used for creating information element arrays suitable for passing to fbInfoModelAddElementArray().

Use FB_IE_INIT_FULL instead.


#define FB_IE_NULL   FB_IE_INIT(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Convenience macro defining a null fbInfoElement_t initializer to terminate a constant information element array for passing to fbInfoModelAddElementArray().


#define FB_IE_SEMANTIC ( flags)    ((flags & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)

Convenience macro for extracting the information element semantic value from the flags member of the fbInfoElement_t struct.



#define FB_IE_UNITS ( flags)    ((flags & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)

Convenience macro for extracting the information element units value from the flags member of the fbInfoElement_t struct.



#define FB_IE_F_NONE   0x00000000

Default treatment flags value.

Provided for initializer convenience. Corresponds to octet-array semantics for a non-reversible, non-alien IE.


#define FB_IE_F_ENDIAN   0x00000001

Information element endian conversion bit in the flags member of fbInfoElement_t.

If set, IE is an integer and will be endian-converted on transcode.


#define FB_IE_F_REVERSIBLE   0x00000040

Information element reversible bit in the flags member of fbInfoElement_t.

Adding the information element via fbInfoModelAddElement() or fbInfoModelAddElementArray() will cause a second, reverse information element to be added to the model following the conventions in IETF RFC 5103. This means that, if there is no enterprise number, the reverse element will get an enterprise number of FB_IE_PEN_REVERSE, and if there is an enterprise number, the reverse element's numeric identifier will have its FB_IE_VENDOR_BIT_REVERSE bit set.


#define FB_IE_F_ALIEN   0x00000080

Information element alien bit in the flags member of fbInfoElement_t.

If set, IE is enterprise-specific and was recieved via an external template at a Collecting Process. It is therefore subject to semantic typing via options (not yet implemented). Do not set this flag on information elements added programmatically to an information model via fbInfoModelAddElement() or fbInfoModelAddElementArray().


#define FB_IE_QUANTITY   0x00000100

An Information Element Semantics Flags used to describe an information element as a quantity.


#define FB_IE_TOTALCOUNTER   0x00000200

An Information Element Semantics Flags used to describe an information element as a totalCounter.


#define FB_IE_DELTACOUNTER   0x00000300

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as a deltaCounter.


#define FB_IE_IDENTIFIER   0x00000400

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as an identifier.


#define FB_IE_FLAGS   0x00000500

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as a flags element.


#define FB_IE_LIST   0x00000600

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as a List Element.


#define FB_IE_SNMPCOUNTER   0x00000700

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as an SNMP counter.


#define FB_IE_SNMPGAUGE   0x00000800

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as a SNMP gauge.


#define FB_IE_DEFAULT   0x00000000

An Information Element Semantics Flag used to describe an information element as a Default element.


#define FB_UNITS_BITS   0x00010000

Information Element Units - See RFC 5610.

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element. See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_OCTETS   0x00020000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_PACKETS   0x00030000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_FLOWS   0x00040000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_SECONDS   0x00050000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_MILLISECONDS   0x00060000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_MICROSECONDS   0x00070000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_NANOSECONDS   0x00080000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_WORDS   0x00090000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_MESSAGES   0x000A0000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_HOPS   0x000B0000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_ENTRIES   0x000C0000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5610


#define FB_UNITS_FRAMES   0x000D0000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

Added for layer 2 frames


#define FB_UNITS_PORTS   0x000E0000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 8045.


#define FB_UNITS_INFERRED   0x000F0000

An Information Element Units Flag used to describe the units of an information element.

See RFC 5477.


#define FB_IE_VARLEN   65535

Information element length constant for variable-length IE.


#define FB_IE_BASIC_LIST   291

Information element number constant for basic lists.

This may change upon updates to the specification.

Collectors should use the type member of the fbInfoElement_t or use fbInfoModelGetElementByName() to query the fbInfoModel_t, and libfixbuf will remove this value in a future release.



Information element number constant for sub template lists.

This may change upon updates to the IPFIX lists specification.

Collectors should use the type member of the fbInfoElement_t or use fbInfoModelGetElementByName() to query the fbInfoModel_t, and libfixbuf will remove this value in a future release.



Information element number constant for sub template multi lists.

This may change upon updates to the IPFIX lists specification.

Collectors should use the type member of the fbInfoElement_t or use fbInfoModelGetElementByName() to query the fbInfoModel_t, and libfixbuf will remove this value in a future release.


#define FB_IE_PEN_REVERSE   29305

Private enterprise number for reverse information elements (see RFC 5103 section 6.1).

If an information element with FB_IE_F_REVERSIBLE and a zero enterprise number (i.e., an IANA-assigned information element) is added to a model, the reverse IE will be generated by setting the enterprise number to this constant.


#define FB_IE_VENDOR_BIT_REVERSE   0x4000

Reverse information element bit for vendor-specific information elements (see RFC 5103 section 6.2).

If an information element with FB_IE_F_REVERSIBLE and a non-zero enterprise number (i.e., a vendor-specific information element) is added to a model, the reverse IE number will be generated by ORing this bit with the given forward information element number.


#define FB_CISCO_GENERIC   9999

Generic Information Element ID for undefined Cisco NetFlow v9 Elements.


#define FB_CISCO_ASA_EVENT_ID   9998

Information Element ID for Cisco NSEL Element NF_F_FW_EVENT often exported by Cisco's ASA Device.

This must be converted to a different Information Element ID due to the reverse IE bit in IPFIX. Cisco uses IE ID 40005.


#define FB_CISCO_ASA_EVENT_XTRA   9997

Information Element ID for Cisco NSEL Element NF_F_FW_EXT_EVENT often exported by Cisco's ASA Device.

This must be converted to a different Information Element ID due to the reverse IE bit in IPFIX. Cisco uses IE ID 33002 More Information about event codes can be found here:


#define FB_IE_REVERSE_STR   "reverse"

Reverse information element name prefix.

This string is prepended to an information element name, and the first character after this string is capitalized, when generating a reverse information element.



Length of reverse information element name prefix.


#define FB_TID_AUTO   0

Template ID argument used when adding an fbTemplate_t to an fbSession_t that automatically assigns a template ID.

Functions that accept this value include fbSessionAddTemplate(), fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticast(), and others.

For internal templates, FB_TID_AUTO starts from 65535 and decrements. For external templates, FB_TID_AUTO starts from 256 and increments. This is to avoid inadvertant unrelated external and internal templates having the same ID.


#define FB_TID_TS   2

Reserved set ID for template sets, per RFC 7011.


#define FB_TID_OTS   3

Reserved set ID for options template sets, per RFC 7011.


#define FB_TID_MIN_DATA   256

Minimum non-reserved template ID available for data sets, per RFC 7011.


#define FB_IESPEC_NULL   { NULL, 0, 0 }

Convenience macro defining a null information element specification initializer (fbInfoElementSpec_t) to terminate a constant information element specifier array for passing to fbTemplateAppendSpecArray().


Partially reliable datagram transport via SCTP.
Definition public.h:1853

Convenience macro defining a null static fbConnSpec_t.


#define FB_SPREADPARAMS_INIT   { 0, 0, 0 }

Initialization macro for fbSpreadParams_t.



The following Semantic values are for use in the structured Data Types: basicLists, subTemplateLists, and subTemplateMultiLists.

Semantic field for indicating the value has not been set


#define FB_LIST_SEM_NONE_OF   0x00

Semantic field for none-of value defined in RFC 6313.



Semantic field for exactly-one-of value defined in RFC 6313.


#define FB_LIST_SEM_ONE_OR_MORE_OF   0x02

Semantic field for the one-or-more-of value defined in RFC 6313.


#define FB_LIST_SEM_ALL_OF   0x03

Semantic field for the all-of value defined in RFC 6313.


#define FB_LIST_SEM_ORDERED   0x04

Semantic field for the ordered value defined in RFC 6313.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ fbInfoElementDataType_en

From RFC 5610: A description of the abstract data type of an IPFIX information element as registered in the IANA IPFIX IE Data Type subregistry.


The "octetArray" data type: A finite-length string of octets.


The "unsigned8" data type: A non-negative integer value in the range of 0 to 255 (0xFF).


The "unsigned16" data type: A non-negative integer value in the range of 0 to 65535 (0xFFFF).


The "unsigned32" data type: A non-negative integer value in the range of 0 to 4_294_967_295 (0xFFFFFFFF).


The "unsigned64" data type: A non-negative integer value in the range of 0 to 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).


The "signed8" data type: An integer value in the range of -128 to 127.


The "signed16" data type: An integer value in the range of -32768 to 32767.


The "signed32" data type: An integer value in the range of -2_147_483_648 to 2_147_483_647.


The "signed64" data type: An integer value in the range of -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 to 9_223_372_036_854_775_807.


The "float32" data type: An IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point type.


The "float64" data type: An IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point type.


The "boolean" data type: A binary value: "true" or "false".


The "macAddress" data type: A MAC-48 address as a string of 6 octets.


The "string" data type: A finite-length string of valid characters from the Unicode character encoding set.


The "dateTimeSeconds" data type: An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch, 1970-Jan-01 00:00 UTC.


The "dateTimeMilliseconds" data type: An unsigned 64-bit integer containing the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, 1970-Jan-01 00:00 UTC.


The "dateTimeMicroseconds" data type: Two 32-bit fields where the first is the number seconds since the NTP epoch, 1900-Jan-01 00:00 UTC, and the second is the number of 1/(2^32) fractional seconds.


The "dateTimeMicroseconds" data type: Two 32-bit fields where the first is the number seconds since the NTP epoch, 1900-Jan-01 00:00 UTC, and the second is the number of 1/(2^32) fractional seconds.


The "ipv4Address" data type: A value of an IPv4 address.


The "ipv6Address" data type: A value of an IPv6 address.


The "basicList" data type: A structured data element as described in RFC6313, Section 4.5.1.


The "subTemplateList" data type: A structured data element as described in RFC6313, Section 4.5.2.


The "subTemplateMultiList" data type: A structured data element as described in RFC6313, Section 4.5.3.

◆ fbTransport_en

Transport protocol for connection specifier.


Partially reliable datagram transport via SCTP.

Only available if fixbuf was built with SCTP support.


Reliable stream transport via TCP.


Unreliable datagram transport via UDP.


Secure, partially reliable datagram transport via DTLS over SCTP.

Only available if fixbuf was built with OpenSSL support. Requires an OpenSSL implementation of DLTS over SCTP, not yet available.


Secure, reliable stream transport via TLS over TCP.

Only available if fixbuf was built with OpenSSL support.


Secure, unreliable datagram transport via DTLS over UDP.

Only available if fixbuf was built with OpenSSL support. Requires OpenSSL 0.9.8 or later with DTLS support.

Function Documentation

◆ fbListValidSemantic()

gboolean fbListValidSemantic ( uint8_t semantic)

Validates the value of a structured data types semantic field, as defined in RFC 6313 and listed at IANA.

semanticThe value of the semantic field to be checked
TRUE if valid (0xFF, 0x00-0x04), FALSE otherwise
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fbListSemanticsIsValid().

◆ fbBasicListAlloc()

fbBasicList_t * fbBasicListAlloc ( void )

Allocates and returns an empty Basic List Structure.

a pointer to the allocated basic list in memory

◆ fbBasicListInit()

void * fbBasicListInit ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
uint8_t semantic,
const fbInfoElement_t * infoElement,
uint16_t numElements )

Initializes the basic list structure based on the parameters.

This function allocates a buffer large enough to hold num elements amount of the infoElements.

basicLista pointer to the basic list structure to fill
semanticthe semantic value to be used in the basic list
infoElementa pointer to the info element to be used in the list
numElementsnumber of elements in the list
a pointer to the memory where the list data is to be written

◆ fbBasicListInitWithOwnBuffer()

void * fbBasicListInitWithOwnBuffer ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
uint8_t semantic,
const fbInfoElement_t * infoElement,
uint16_t numElements,
uint16_t dataLength,
uint8_t * dataPtr )

use this function to initialize the basic list, but it gets the pointer to a buffer and its length allocated independently from these functions This will generally be used by a collector that does not want to free and allocate new buffers for each incoming message

basicLista pointer to the basic list structure to fill
semanticthe semantic value to be used in the basic list
infoElementa pointer to the info element to be used in the list
numElementsnumber of elements in the list
dataLengthlength of the buffer passed to the function
dataPtrpointer to the buffer previously allocated for the list
a pointer to the beginning of the buffer on success, NULL on failure
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be removed; use fbBasicListInit() instead.

◆ fbBasicListCollectorInit()

void fbBasicListCollectorInit ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Initializes a basic list structure for collection.

The key part of this function is it sets the dataPtr to NULL. If your basic list is declared as a pointer, then allocated using something like g_slice_alloc0 which sets it all to zero, you do not need to call this function. But if your basic list struct isn't a pointer, there dataPtr parameter will be set to garbage, which will break other fixbuf calls, so this function is required

basicListpointer to the basic list to be initialized

◆ fbBasicListCountElements()

uint16_t fbBasicListCountElements ( const fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Returns the number of elements the basic list is capable of holding.

basicListpointer to the basic list
the number of elements on the basic list
libfixbuf 2.3.0

◆ fbBasicListGetSemantic()

uint8_t fbBasicListGetSemantic ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Gets the Semantic field for Basic List.

presumably used in collectors after decoding

basicListpointer to the basic list to retrieve the semantic from
the 8-bit semantic value describing the basic list

◆ fbBasicListSetSemantic()

void fbBasicListSetSemantic ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
uint8_t semantic )

Sets the semantic for describing a basic list.

generally used in exporters before decoding

basicListpointer to the basic list to set the semantic
semanticvalue to set the semantic field to

◆ fbBasicListGetInfoElement()

const fbInfoElement_t * fbBasicListGetInfoElement ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Returns a pointer to the information element used in the basic list.

It is mainly used in an fbCollector_t to retrieve information.

basicListpointer to the basic list to get the infoElement from
pointer to the information element from the list

◆ fbBasicListGetDataPtr()

void * fbBasicListGetDataPtr ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Gets a pointer to the data buffer for the basic list.

basicListpointer to the basic list to get the data pointer from
the pointer to the data held by the basic list

◆ fbBasicListGetIndexedDataPtr()

void * fbBasicListGetIndexedDataPtr ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
uint16_t index )

Retrieves the element at position index in the basic list or returns NULL if index is out of range.

The first element is at index 0, and the last at fbBasicListCountElements()-1.

basicListpointer to the basic list to retrieve the dataPtr
indexthe index of the element to retrieve (0-based)
a pointer to the data in the index'th slot in the list, or NULL if the index is past the bounds of the list

◆ fbBasicListGetNextPtr()

void * fbBasicListGetNextPtr ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
void * currentPtr )

Retrieves a pointer to the data element in the basicList that follows the one at currentPtr.

Retrieves the first element if currentPtr is NULL. Returns NULL when there are no more elements or when currentPtr is outside the buffer used by the basic list.

basicListpointer to the basic list
currentPtrpointer to the current element being used. Set to NULL to retrieve the first element.
a pointer to the next data slot, based on the current pointer. NULL if the new pointer is passed the end of the buffer

◆ fbBasicListRealloc()

void * fbBasicListRealloc ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
uint16_t newNumElements )

Potentially reallocates the list's internal buffer and returns a handle to it.

Specifically, when newNumElements differs from fbBasicListCountElements(), frees the current buffer that holds the elements, allocates a new buffer to accomodate newNumElements elements, and returns the buffer. The remaining properties of the list are unchanged. If the number of elements are the same, the existing buffer is returned.

basicListpointer to the basic list to realloc
newNumElementsnew number of elements to allocate for the list
pointer to the data pointer for the list after realloc
See also
fbBasicListAddNewElements() to add elements to an existing list.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fbBasicListResize().

◆ fbBasicListAddNewElements()

void * fbBasicListAddNewElements ( fbBasicList_t * basicList,
uint16_t numNewElements )

Allocates numNewElements additional element(s) into the basic list.

May only be called after calling fbBasicListInit().

basicListpointer to the basic list to add elements to
numNewElementsnumber of elements to add to the list
a pointer to the newly allocated element(s)

◆ fbBasicListClear()

void fbBasicListClear ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Clears the parameters of the basic list and frees the data buffer.

To re-use the basicList after this call, it must be re-initialized via fbBasicListInit() or fbBasicListCollectorInit().

basicListpointer to the basic list to clear
See also

◆ fbBasicListClearWithoutFree()

void fbBasicListClearWithoutFree ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Clears the parameters of the basic list, but does not free the buffer.

This should get used when the user provides their own buffer (fbBasicListInitWithOwnBuffer()).

basicListpointer to the basic list to clear without freeing

◆ fbBasicListFree()

void fbBasicListFree ( fbBasicList_t * basicList)

Clears the basic list (fbBasicListClear()), then frees the basic list itself.

This is typically paired with fbBasicListAlloc(), and it not normally needed.

basicListpointer to the basic list to free

◆ fbSubTemplateListAlloc()

fbSubTemplateList_t * fbSubTemplateListAlloc ( void )

Allocates and returns an empty subTemplateList structure.

Based on how subTemplateLists will be used and set up amidst data structures, this function may never be used.

pointer to the new sub template list

◆ fbSubTemplateListInit()

void * fbSubTemplateListInit ( fbSubTemplateList_t * sTL,
uint8_t semantic,
uint16_t tmplID,
const fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
uint16_t numElements )

Initializes a subTemplateList structure and allocates the internal buffer to a size capable of holding numElements records matching the template.

This is mainly used when preparing to encode data for output by an fbExporter_t. When reading data, use fbSubTemplateListCollectorInit() to initialize the subTemplateList. The tmpl should exist on the fbSession_t that will be used when exporting the record holding this subTemplateList.

sTLpointer to the sub template list to initialize
semanticthe semantic value used to describe the list contents
tmplIDid of the template used for encoding the list data
tmplpointer to the template struct used for encoding the list data
numElementsnumber of elements in the list
a pointer to the allocated buffer (location of first element)
See also
fbSubTemplateListInitWithOwnBuffer() to manage the memory yourself.

◆ fbSubTemplateListInitWithOwnBuffer()

void * fbSubTemplateListInitWithOwnBuffer ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList,
uint8_t semantic,
uint16_t tmplID,
const fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
uint16_t numElements,
uint16_t dataLength,
uint8_t * dataPtr )

Initializes the subTemplateList but does not allocate a buffer.

It accepts a previously allocated buffer and data length and uses it. This will generally be used in collectors providing their own buffer

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list to initialize
semanticthe semantic value used to describe the list contents
tmplIDid of the template used for encoding the list data
tmplpointer to the template struct used for encoding the list data
numElementsnumber of elements in the list
dataLengthlength of the data buffer
dataPtrpointer to the previously allocated data buffer
a pointer to that buffer
See also
fbSubTemplateListInit() to have libfixbuf manage the memory.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be removed; use fbSubTemplateListInit() instead.

◆ fbSubTemplateListCollectorInit()

void fbSubTemplateListCollectorInit ( fbSubTemplateList_t * STL)

Initializes a sub template list variable on a fbCollector_t.

If the fbSubTemplateList variable is in a struct, it will likely not be set to 0's If not, the dataPtr will not be NULL, so the transcoder will not allocate the right memory for it, as it will assuming it's set up. This will break. Call this function right after declaring the struct variable that contains the fbSubTemplateList. It only needs to be called once for each STL.

When using an fbExporter_t, use fbSubTemplateListInit() to initialize the subTemplateList.

STLpointer to the sub template list to initialize for collection

◆ fbSubTemplateListGetDataPtr()

void * fbSubTemplateListGetDataPtr ( const fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Returns a pointer to the buffer that contains the data for the list.

subTemplateListpointer to the STL to get the pointer from
a pointer to the data buffer used by the sub template list

◆ fbSubTemplateListGetIndexedDataPtr()

void * fbSubTemplateListGetIndexedDataPtr ( const fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList,
uint16_t index )

Returns the data for the record at position index in the sub template list, or returns NULL if index is out of range.

The first element is at index 0, the last at fbSubTemplateListCountElements()-1.

subTemplateListpointer to the STL
indexThe index of the element to be retrieved (0-based)
a pointer to the desired element, or NULL when out of range

◆ fbSubTemplateListGetNextPtr()

void * fbSubTemplateListGetNextPtr ( const fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList,
void * currentPtr )

Retrieves a pointer to the data record in the sub template list that follows the one at currentPtr.

Retrieves the first record if currentPtr is NULL. Returns NULL when there are no more records or when currentPtr is outside the buffer used by the sub template list.

subTemplateListpointer to the STL to get data from
currentPtrpointer to the last element accessed. NULL causes the pointer to the first element to be returned
the pointer to the next element in the list. Returns NULL if currentPtr points to the last element in the list.

◆ fbSubTemplateListCountElements()

uint16_t fbSubTemplateListCountElements ( const fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Returns the number of elements the sub template list is capable of holding.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list
the number of records on the sub template list
libfixbuf 2.3.0

◆ fbSubTemplateListSetSemantic()

void fbSubTemplateListSetSemantic ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList,
uint8_t semantic )

Sets the semantic parameter of a subTemplateList.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list
semanticSemantic value for the list

◆ fbSubTemplateListGetSemantic()

uint8_t fbSubTemplateListGetSemantic ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Gets the semantic value from a sub template list.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list
the semantic field from the list

◆ fbSubTemplateListGetTemplate()

const fbTemplate_t * fbSubTemplateListGetTemplate ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Gets the template pointer from the list structure.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list
a pointer to the template used by the sub template list

◆ fbSubTemplateListGetTemplateID()

uint16_t fbSubTemplateListGetTemplateID ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Gets the template ID for the template used by the list.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list
the template ID used by the sub template list

◆ fbSubTemplateListRealloc()

void * fbSubTemplateListRealloc ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList,
uint16_t newNumElements )

Potentially reallocates the list's internal buffer and returns a handle to it.

Specifically, when newNumElements differs from fbSubTemplateListCountElements(), frees the sub template list's internal data-record buffer, allocates a new buffer to accomodate newNumElements elements, and returns the buffer. The remaining properties of the sub template list are unchanged. If the number of elements are the same, the existing buffer is returned. This function does not free any recursive structured-data records used by the existing buffer before reallocating it.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list to realloc
newNumElementsvalue for the new number of elements for the list
pointer to the data buffer after realloc
See also
fbSubTemplateListAddNewElements() to add elements to an existing list.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fbSubTemplateListResize().

◆ fbSubTemplateListAddNewElements()

void * fbSubTemplateListAddNewElements ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList,
uint16_t numNewElements )

Allocates space for numNewElements additional element in the subTemplateList.

May only be called after the list will be initialized with fbSubTemplateListInit().

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list
numNewElementsnumber of new elements to add to the list
a pointer to the first newly allocated element

◆ fbSubTemplateListClear()

void fbSubTemplateListClear ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Clears a subTemplateList structure, notably freeing the internal buffer and setting it to NULL.

This should be used after each call to fBufNext(): If the dataPtr is not NULL in DecodeSubTemplateList, it will not allocate new memory for the new record, which could cause a buffer overflow if the new record has a longer list than the current one. An alternative is to allocate a large buffer and assign it to dataPtr on your own, then never clear it with this. Be certain this buffer is longer than needed for all possible lists

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list to clear
See also

◆ fbSubTemplateListClearWithoutFree()

void fbSubTemplateListClearWithoutFree ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Clears the sub template list parameters but does not free the data ptr.

This is used in conjuction with fbSubTemplateListInitWithOwnBuffer() because that buffer is allocated at the beginning by the user and will be freed at the end by the user, outside of fixbuf api calls

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list to clear

◆ fbSubTemplateListFree()

void fbSubTemplateListFree ( fbSubTemplateList_t * subTemplateList)

Clears the sub template list (fbSubTemplateListClear()) then frees the subTemplateList itself.

This is typically paired with subTemplateListAlloc(), and it is unlikely to be used.

subTemplateListpointer to the sub template list to free

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListAlloc()

fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListAlloc ( void )

Allocates and returns an empty subTemplateMultiList structure.

Based on how subTemplateMultiLists will be used and set up amidst data structures, this function may never be used.

pointer to the new sub template multi list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListInit()

fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListInit ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML,
uint8_t semantic,
uint16_t numElements )

Initializes the multi list with the list semantic and allocates memory to store numElements entries.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list to initialize
semanticvalue used to describe the entries in the multi list
numElementsnumber of entries in the multi list
pointer to the first uninitialized entry

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListCountElements()

uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListCountElements ( const fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML)

Returns the number of entries the sub template multi list is capable of holding.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list
the number of entries on the sub template multi list
libfixbuf 2.3.0

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListSetSemantic()

void fbSubTemplateMultiListSetSemantic ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML,
uint8_t semantic )

Sets the semantic field for the multi list.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list
semanticValue for the semantic field of the sub template multi list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListGetSemantic()

uint8_t fbSubTemplateMultiListGetSemantic ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML)

Gets the semantic paramter from the multi list.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list
semantic parameter describing the contents of the multi list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListClear()

void fbSubTemplateMultiListClear ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML)

Clears all of the fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t objects on this STML (see fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries()), then frees the memory containing the entries.

STMLpointer to the sub template mutli list to clear
See also

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries()

void fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML)

Clears the memory used by all the entries of a sub template multi list.

That is, it calls fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryClear() for each entry. To free the memory in the STML that holds these entries, call fbSubTemplateMultiListClear().

If any of the entries contain another layer of structures, that second layer must be freed by the user, as this function cannot do that. For example, if an entry's template contains an element of type basicList, the memory used by that basicList is not freed by this function.
STMLpointer to the sub template multi list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListFree()

void fbSubTemplateMultiListFree ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML)

Clears the multi list (fbSubTemplateMultiListClear()), then frees the STML itself.

This is typically paired with fbSubTemplateMultiListAlloc(), and it not normally needed.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListRealloc()

fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListRealloc ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML,
uint16_t newNumEntries )

Potentially reallocates the list's internal buffer for entries and returns a handle to it.

Specifically, calls fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries(), then if newNumElements differs from fbSubTemplateMultiListCountElements(), frees the entries buffer, allocates a new one to accomodate newNumElements entries, and returns the buffer. If the number of elements are the same, the existing buffer is returned.

STMLpointer to the sub template mutli list
newNumEntriesthe new number of entries for the STML
pointer to the first entry
See also
fbSubTemplateMultiListAddNewEntries() to add additional entries to an existing STML.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fbSubTemplateMultiListResize().

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListAddNewEntries()

fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListAddNewEntries ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML,
uint16_t numNewEntries )

Adds numNewElements entries to the multi list of entries.

May only be used after the list has been initialized.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list
numNewEntriesnumber of entries to add to the list
a pointer to the new entry

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListGetFirstEntry()

fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListGetFirstEntry ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML)

Retrieves the first entry in the multi list.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list
pointer to the first entry used by the list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListGetIndexedEntry()

fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListGetIndexedEntry ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML,
uint16_t index )

Retrieves a pointer to the entry at a specific index, or returns NULL if index is out of range.

The first entry is at index 0, the last at fbSubTemplateMultiListCountElements()-1.

STMLpointer to the sub template mutli list
indexindex of the entry to be returned (0-based)
the index'th entry used by the list, or NULL if out of range

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListGetNextEntry()

fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListGetNextEntry ( fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * STML,
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * currentEntry )

Retrieves a pointer to the entry in the mutli list that follows the one at currentEntry.

Retrieves the first entry if currentEntry is NULL. Returns NULL when there are no more entries or when currentEntry is outside the buffer used by the multi list.

STMLpointer to the sub template multi list to get data from
currentEntrypointer to the last element accessed. NULL means none have been accessed yet
the pointer to the next element in the list. Returns the NULL if currentEntry points to the last entry.

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryInit()

void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryInit ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry,
uint16_t tmplID,
fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
uint16_t numElements )

Initializes the multi list entry with the template values, and allocates the memory used by the entry to hold the data.

This is mainly used when preparing to encode data for output by an fbExporter_t. The tmpl should exist on the fbSession_t that will be used when exporting the record holding the subTemplateMultiList.

entrypointer to the entry to initialize
tmplIDID of the template used to structure the data elements
tmplpointer to the template used to structure the data elements
numElementsnumber of data elements in the entry
pointer to the data buffer to be filled in

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryRealloc()

void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryRealloc ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry,
uint16_t newNumElements )

Potentially reallocates the entry's internal buffer and returns a handle to it.

Specifically, when newNumEntries differs from fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryCountElements(), frees the buffer used to store the entry's data records, allocates a new buffer based on the size of the template and newNumElements, and returns a handle to that buffer. The template of the entry is unchanged. If the number of elements are the same, the existing buffer is returned. This function does not free any recursive structured-data records used by the existing buffer before reallocating it.

entrypointer to the entry to realloc
newNumElementsthe new number of elements for the entry
pointer to buffer to write data to
See also
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryAddNewElements() to add additional elements to an existing sub template multi list entry.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryResize().

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryAddNewElements()

void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryAddNewElements ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry,
uint16_t numNewElements )

Allocates space for numNewEntries additional elements in the sub template multi list entry.

May only be called after the STML entry has been initialized with fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryInit().

entrypointer to the STML entry to add additional elements to
numNewElementsnumber of new elements to add to the STML entry
a pointer to the first newly allocated element

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryClear()

void fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryClear ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry)

Frees the memory holding the records' data used by this entry.

Use fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries() to clear all entries in an fbSubTemplateMultiList_t, and fbSubTemplateMultiListClear() to clear the entire sub template multi list.

entrypointer to the entry to clear the contents of.

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetDataPtr()

void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetDataPtr ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry)

Retrieves the data pointer for this entry.

entrypointer to the entry to get the data pointer from
pointer to the buffer used to store data for this entry

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryNextDataPtr()

void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryNextDataPtr ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry,
void * currentPtr )

Retrieves a pointer to the data record in this entry that follows the one at currentPtr.

Retrieves the first record if currentPtr is NULL. Returns NULL when there are no more records or when currentPtr is outside the buffer used by the multi list entry.

entrypointer to the entry to get the next element from
currentPtrpointer to the last element accessed. NULL means return a pointer to the first element.
the pointer to the next element in the list. Returns NULL if currentPtr points to the last element in the list

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetIndexedPtr()

void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetIndexedPtr ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry,
uint16_t index )

Retrieves a pointer to the data element in the entry at position index, or returns NULL when index is out of range.

The first element is at index 0, the last at fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryCountElements()-1.

entrypointer to the entry to get a data pointer from.
indexthe number of the element in the list to return
the pointer to the index'th element used by the entry, or NULL when out of range

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryCountElements()

uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryCountElements ( const fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry)

Returns the number of entries the sub template multi list entry is capable of holding.

entrypointer to the sub template multi list entry
the number of records on the sub template multi list entry
libfixbuf 2.3.0

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplate()

const fbTemplate_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplate ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry)

Retrieves the template pointer used to structure the data elements.

entrypointer to the entry to get the template from
the template pointer used to describe the contents of the entry

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplateID()

uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplateID ( fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * entry)

Retrieves the template ID for the template used to structure the data.

entrypointer to the entry to get the template ID from
the template ID for template that describes the data

◆ fBufListFree()

void fBufListFree ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
uint8_t * record )

Clears all of the memory that fixbuf allocated during transcode of this record.

This frees all of the memory allocated for list structures, recursively, when fixbuf was encoding or decoding the record.

The template provided is the internal template that was set on the fBuf before fBufNext() or fBufAppend() was called with the data. The template MUST match the record or bad things WILL happen without indication. This does not free the record itself. It will only free any list information elements and nested list information elements.

tmplpointer to the internal template that MUST match the record
recordpointer to the data

◆ fbListenerGroupAlloc()

fbListenerGroup_t * fbListenerGroupAlloc ( void )

Allocates and returns an empty listenerGroup.

Use fbListenerGroupAddListener() to populate the listenerGroup, fbListenerGroupWait() to wait for connections on those listeners, and fbListenerGroupFree() when the group is no longer needed.

a pointer to the created fbListenerGroup_t, or NULL on error

◆ fbListenerGroupFree()

void fbListenerGroupFree ( fbListenerGroup_t * group)

Frees a listener group.


◆ fbListenerGroupAddListener()

int fbListenerGroupAddListener ( fbListenerGroup_t * group,
const fbListener_t * listener )

Adds a previously allocated listener to the previously allocated group.

The listener is placed at the head of the list

grouppointer to the allocated group to add the listener to
listenerpointer to the listener structure to add to the group
0 upon success. "1" if entry couldn't be allocated "2" if either of the incoming pointers are NULL

◆ fbListenerGroupDeleteListener()

int fbListenerGroupDeleteListener ( fbListenerGroup_t * group,
const fbListener_t * listener )

Removes the listener from the group.


grouppointer to the group to remove from the listener from
listenerpointer to the listener to remove from the group
0 on success, and "1" if the listener is not found "2" if either of the pointers are NULL

◆ fbListenerGroupWait()

fbListenerGroupResult_t * fbListenerGroupWait ( fbListenerGroup_t * group,
GError ** err )

Accepts connections for multiple listeners.

Works similarly to fbListenerWait(), except that is looks for connections for any listener that is part of a previously allocated and filled listener group. It returns a pointer to the head of a list of listenerGroupResults. The caller is responsible for freeing the listenerGroupResult (fbListenerFreeGroupResult()).

grouppointer to the group of listeners to wait on
errerror string structure seen throughout fixbuf
pointer to the head of the listener group result list NULL on error, and sets the error string

◆ fbListenerFreeGroupResult()

void fbListenerFreeGroupResult ( fbListenerGroupResult_t * result)

Frees the listener group result returned from fbListenerGroupWait().

resultA listener group result

◆ fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTCP()

fBuf_t * fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTCP ( fbListener_t * listener,
int sock,
GError ** err )

Returns an fBuf wrapped around an independently managed socket and a properly created listener for TCP connections.

The caller is only responsible for creating the socket. The existing collector code will close the socket and cleanup everything.

listenerpointer to the listener to wrap around the socket
sockthe socket descriptor of the independently managed socket
errstandard fixbuf err structure pointer
pointer to the fbuf for the collector. NULL if sock is 0, 1, or 2 (stdin, stdout, or stderr)

◆ fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTLS()

fBuf_t * fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTLS ( fbListener_t * listener,
int sock,
GError ** err )

Same as fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTCP() but for TLS (not tested)

listenerpointer to the listener to wait on
sockindependently managed socket descriptor
errstandard fixbuf err structure pointer
pointer to the fbuf for the collector NULL if sock is 0, 1, or 2 (stdin, stdout, or stderr)

◆ fBufInterruptSocket()

void fBufInterruptSocket ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Interrupts the select call of a specific collector by way of its fBuf.

This is mainly used by fbListenerInterrupt() to interrupt all of the collector sockets well.

◆ fBufSetInternalTemplate()

gboolean fBufSetInternalTemplate ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint16_t int_tid,
GError ** err )

Sets the internal template on a buffer to the given template ID.

The internal template describes the format of the record pointed to by the recbase parameter to fBufAppend() (for export) and fBufNext() (for collection). The given template ID must identify a current internal template in the buffer's associated session.

An internal template must be set on a buffer before calling fBufAppend() or fBufNext().

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
int_tidtemplate ID of the new internal template
errAn error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fBufSetExportTemplate()

gboolean fBufSetExportTemplate ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint16_t ext_tid,
GError ** err )

Sets the external template for export on a buffer to the given template ID.

The external template describes the record that will be written to the IPFIX message. The buffer must be initialized for export. The given ID is scoped to the observation domain of the associated session (see fbSessionSetDomain()), and must identify a current external template for the current domain in the buffer's associated session.

An export template must be set on a buffer before calling fBufAppend().

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
ext_tidtemplate ID of the new external template within the current domain.
errAn error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fBufSetSpreadExportGroup()

void fBufSetSpreadExportGroup ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
char ** groups,
int num_groups,
GError ** err )

This function checks to see if the groups you are setting on the buffer are different than the groups previously set.

If so, it will emit the buffer, set the first group on the session (to get templates & sequence numbers) and THEN set the desired group(s) for export on a buffer. This should be called before setting external templates with fbSessionAddTemplate() and before calling fBufAppend(). If using fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticast(), it is not necessary to call this before because it is called within this function.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
groupsan array of Spread Export Groups
num_groupsnumber of groups from groups to be added
erran error description, set on failure.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fBufSetAutomaticMode()

void fBufSetAutomaticMode ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
gboolean automatic )

Sets the automatic (read/write) mode flag on a buffer.

Buffers are created in automatic mode by default.

In automatic write mode, a call to fBufAppend(), fbSessionAddTemplate(), or fbSessionExportTemplates() that overruns the available space in the buffer will cause a call to fBufEmit() to emit the message in the buffer to the fbExporter_t before starting a new message.

In automatic read mode, a call to fBufNext() that overruns the buffer will cause a call to fBufNextMessage() to read another message from the fbCollector_t before attempting to read a record.

In manual mode, the end of message on any buffer read/write call results in the call returning an error with a GError code of FB_ERROR_EOM.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
automaticTRUE for this buffer to be automatic, FALSE for manual.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fBufSetAutomaticNextMessage().

◆ fBufSetAutomaticInsert()

gboolean fBufSetAutomaticInsert ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
GError ** err )

Enables automatic insertion of RFC 5610 elements read from a Buffer.

RFC 5610 records allow an application to retrieve information about a non-standard information elements. By default, automatic insertion mode is disabled.

In automatic insertion mode, when the buffer reads an information element type record that has a non-zero value for the privateEnterpriseNumber, a new information element (fbInfoElement_t) is created and added to the buffer's session's information model (fbInfoModel_t). This function creates the internal template for the Info Element Type Record (fbInfoElementOptRec_t) and adds it to the buffer's session.

For export of RFC 5610 elements, use fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements().

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
errGerror pointer
TRUE on success, FALSE if the internal template could not be created
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fBufSetAutomaticElementInsert().

◆ fBufGetSession()

fbSession_t * fBufGetSession ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Retrieves the session associated with a buffer.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
the associated session

◆ fBufFree()

void fBufFree ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Frees a buffer.

Also frees any associated session, exporter, or collector, closing exporting process or collecting process endpoint connections and removing collecting process endpoints from any listeners, as necessary.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer

◆ fBufAllocForExport()

fBuf_t * fBufAllocForExport ( fbSession_t * session,
fbExporter_t * exporter )

Allocates a new buffer for export.

Associates the buffer with a given session and exporting process endpoint; these become owned by the buffer. Session and exporter are freed by fBufFree(). Must never be freed by user

sessiona session initialized with appropriate internal and external templates
exporteran exporting process endpoint
a new IPFIX message buffer, owning the session and exporter, for export use via fBufAppend() and fBufEmit().

◆ fBufGetExporter()

fbExporter_t * fBufGetExporter ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Retrieves the exporting process endpoint associated with a buffer.

The buffer must have been allocated with fBufAllocForExport(); otherwise, returns NULL.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
the associated exporting process endpoint

◆ fBufSetExporter()

void fBufSetExporter ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
fbExporter_t * exporter )

Associates an exporting process endpoint with a buffer.

The exporter will be used to write IPFIX messgaes to a transport. The exporter becomes owned by the buffer; any previous exporter associated with the buffer is closed if necessary and freed.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
exporteran exporting process endpoint

◆ fBufRemaining()

size_t fBufRemaining ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Retrieves the length of the buffer that is remaining after processing.

An IPFIX collector that is not using fixbuf to handle connections would use this function upon receiving an FB_ERROR_BUFSZ error to determine how many bytes are left in the buffer (set by fBufSetBuffer()) that are not processed.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
length of buffer not read

◆ fBufSetBuffer()

void fBufSetBuffer ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint8_t * buf,
size_t buflen )

Sets a buffer on an fBuf for collection.

This can be used by applications that want to handle their own connections, file reading, etc. This call should be made after the call to read and before calling fBufNext. fBufNext() will return FB_ERROR_BUFSZ when there is not enough buffer space to read a full IPFIX message.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
bufthe data buffer to use for processing IPFIX
buflenthe length of IPFIX data in buf
See also
Connection-less Collector Connection-less collector

◆ fBufAppend()

gboolean fBufAppend ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint8_t * recbase,
size_t recsize,
GError ** err )

Appends a record to a buffer.

Uses the present internal template set via fBufSetInternalTemplate() to describe the record of size recsize located in memory at recbase. Uses the present export template set via fBufSetExportTemplate() to describe the record structure to be written to the buffer. Information Elements present in the external template that are not present in the internal template are transcoded into the message as zeroes. If the buffer is in automatic mode, may cause a message to be emitted via fBufEmit() if there is insufficient space in the buffer for the record.

If the internal template contains any variable length Information Elements, those must be represented in the record by fbVarfield_t structures.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
recbasepointer to internal record
recsizesize of internal record in bytes
erran error description, set on failure. Must not be NULL, as it is used internally in automatic mode to detect message restart.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fBufEmit()

gboolean fBufEmit ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
GError ** err )

Emits the message currently in a buffer using the associated exporting process endpoint.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fBufSetExportTime()

void fBufSetExportTime ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint32_t extime )

Sets the export time on the message currently in a buffer.

This will be used as the export time of the message created by the first call to fBufAppend() after the current message, if any, is emitted. Use 0 for the export time to cause the export time to be taken from the system clock at message creation time.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
extimethe export time in epoch seconds.

◆ fBufAllocForCollection()

fBuf_t * fBufAllocForCollection ( fbSession_t * session,
fbCollector_t * collector )

Allocates a new buffer for collection.

Associates the buffer with a given session and collecting process endpoint; these become owned by the buffer and must not be freed by the user. The session and collector are freed by fBufFree().

When using libfixbuf to process a buffer of IPFIX data (see fBufSetBuffer()), invoke this function with a NULL collector.

sessiona session initialized with appropriate internal templates
collectoran collecting process endpoint
a new IPFIX message buffer, owning the session and collector, for collection use via fBufNext() and fBufNextMessage().

◆ fBufGetCollector()

fbCollector_t * fBufGetCollector ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Retrieves the collecting process endpoint associated with a buffer.

The buffer must have been allocated with fBufAllocForCollection(); otherwise, returns NULL.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
the associated collecting process endpoint

◆ fBufSetCollector()

void fBufSetCollector ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
fbCollector_t * collector )

Associates an collecting process endpoint with a buffer.

The collector will be used to read IPFIX messgaes from a transport. The collector becomes owned by the buffer; any previous collector associated with the buffer is closed if necessary and freed.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
collectoran collecting process endpoint

◆ fBufNext()

gboolean fBufNext ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint8_t * recbase,
size_t * recsize,
GError ** err )

Retrieves a record from a Buffer associated with a collecting process.

Uses the external template taken from the message to read the next record available from a data set in the message. Copies the record to a data buffer at recbase, with a maximum record size pointed to by recsize, described by the present internal template set via fBufSetInternalTemplate(). Reads and processes any templates and options templates between the last record read (or beginning of message) and the next data record. Information Elements present in the internal template that are not present in the external template are transcoded into the record at recbase as zeroes. If the buffer is in automatic mode, may cause a message to be read via fBufNextMessage() if there are no more records available in the message buffer.

If the internal template contains any variable length Information Elements, those must be represented in the record at recbase by fbVarfield_t structures.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
recbasepointer to internal record buffer; will contain record data after call.
recsizeOn call, pointer to size of internal record buffer in bytes. Contains number of bytes actually transcoded at end of call.
erran error description, set on failure. Must not be NULL, as it is used internally in automatic mode to detect message restart.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fBufNextMessage()

gboolean fBufNextMessage ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
GError ** err )

Reads a new message into a buffer using the associated collecting process endpoint.

Called by fBufNext() on end of message in automatic mode; should be called after an FB_ERROR_EOM return from fBufNext() in manual mode, or to skip the current message and go on to the next in the stream.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fBufGetExportTime()

uint32_t fBufGetExportTime ( fBuf_t * fbuf)

Retrieves the export time on the message currently in a buffer.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
the export time in epoch seconds.

◆ fBufGetCollectionTemplate()

fbTemplate_t * fBufGetCollectionTemplate ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint16_t * ext_tid )

Retrieves the external template used to read the last record from the buffer.

If no record has been read, returns NULL. Stores the external template ID within the current domain in ext_tid, if not NULL.

This routine is not particularly useful to applications, as it would be called after the record described by the external template had been transcoded, and as such could not be used to select an appropriate internal template for a given external template. However, it is used by fBufNextCollectionTemplate(), and may be useful in certain contexts, so is made public.

Usually, you'll want to use fBufNextCollectionTemplate() instead.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
ext_tidpointer to external template ID storage, or NULL.
the external template describing the last record read.

◆ fBufNextCollectionTemplate()

fbTemplate_t * fBufNextCollectionTemplate ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
uint16_t * ext_tid,
GError ** err )

Retrieves the external template that will be used to read the next record from the buffer.

If no next record is available, returns NULL. Stores the external template ID within the current domain in ext_tid, if not NULL. Reads and processes any templates and options templates between the last record read (or beginning of message) and the next data record. If the buffer is in automatic mode, may cause a message to be read via fBufNextMessage() if there are no more records available in the message buffer.

fbufan IPFIX message buffer
ext_tidpointer to external template ID storage, or NULL.
erran error description, set on failure. Must not be NULL, as it is used internally in automatic mode to detect message restart.
the external template describing the last record read.

◆ fbInfoModelAlloc()

fbInfoModel_t * fbInfoModelAlloc ( void )

Allocates a new information model.

The information model contains all the default information elements in the IANA-managed number space, and may be extended via fbInfoModelAddElement(), fbInfoModelAddElementArray(), fbInfoModelReadXMLFile(), and fbInfoModelReadXMLData().

An Information Model is required to create Templates and Sessions. Each application should have only one Information Model.

a new Information Model

◆ fbInfoModelFree()

void fbInfoModelFree ( fbInfoModel_t * model)

Frees an information model.

Must not be called until all sessions and templates depending on the information model have also been freed; i.e., at application cleanup time.

modelAn information model

◆ fbInfoModelAddElement()

void fbInfoModelAddElement ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
fbInfoElement_t * ie )

Adds a single information element to an information model.

The information element is assumed to be in "canonical" form; that is, its field should contain the information element name. The information element and its name are copied into the model; the caller may free or reuse its storage after this call.

See fbInfoModelAddElementArray() for a more convenient method of statically adding information elements to information models.

modelAn information model
iePointer to an information element to copy into the model

◆ fbInfoModelAddElementArray()

void fbInfoModelAddElementArray ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
fbInfoElement_t * ie )

Adds multiple information elements in an array to an information model.

The information elements are assumed to be in "canonical" form; that is, their fields should contain the information element name. Each information element and its name are copied into the model; the caller may free or reuse its storage after this call.

The ie parameter points to the first information element in an array, usually statically initialized with an array of FB_IE_INIT_FULL macros followed by an FB_IE_NULL macro.

modelAn information model
iePointer to an IE array to copy into the model
See also
fbInfoModelReadXMLFile() and fbInfoModelReadXMLData() for alternate ways to add information elements to information models.

◆ fbInfoModelReadXMLFile()

gboolean fbInfoModelReadXMLFile ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
const gchar * filename,
GError ** err )

Adds information specified in the given XML file to the information model.

The XML file is expected to be in the format used by the IANA IPFIX Entities registry, with the following two additions:

  • A <cert:enterpriseId> field may be used to mark the enterprise ID for an element.
  • A <cert:reversible> field may be used to mark an element as reversible (as per RFC 5103). Valid values for this field are true, false, yes, no, 1, and 0.

If the XML being parsed contains registries for the element data types, semantics, or units, those will be parsed and used to interpret the corresponding fields in the element records. (These registries exist in IANA's registry.)

A parsed element that already exists in the given InfoModel will be replace the existing element.

modelAn information model
filenameThe file containing the XML description
errReturn location for a GError
FALSE if an error occurred, TRUE on success
libfixbuf 2.1.0
See also

◆ fbInfoModelReadXMLData()

gboolean fbInfoModelReadXMLData ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
const gchar * xml_data,
gssize xml_data_len,
GError ** err )

Adds information specified in the given XML data to the information model.

The XML data is expected to be in the format used by the IANA IPFIX Entities registry, with the following two additions:

  • A <cert:enterpriseId> field may be used to mark the enterprise ID for an element.
  • A <cert:reversible> field may be used to mark an element as reversible (as per RFC 5103). Valid values for this field are true, false, yes, no, 1, and 0.

If the XML being parsed contains registries for the element data types, semantics, or units, those will be parsed and used to interpret the corresponding fields in the element records. (These registries exist in IANA's registry.)

A parsed element that already exists in the given InfoModel will be replace the existing element.

modelAn information model
xml_dataA pointer to the XML data
xml_data_lenThe length of xml_data in bytes
errReturn location for a GError
FALSE if an error occurred, TRUE on success
libfixbuf 2.1.0
See also

◆ fbInfoModelGetElementByName()

const fbInfoElement_t * fbInfoModelGetElementByName ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
const char * name )

Returns a pointer to the canonical information element within an information model given the information element name.

The returned information element is owned by the information model and must not be modified.

modelAn information model
nameThe name of the information element to look up
The named information element within the model, or NULL if no such element exists.

◆ fbInfoModelGetElementByID()

const fbInfoElement_t * fbInfoModelGetElementByID ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
uint16_t id,
uint32_t ent )

Returns a pointer to the canonical information element within an information model given the information element ID and enterprise ID.

The returned information element is owned by the information model and must not be modified.

modelAn information model
idAn information element id
entAn enterprise id
The named information element within the model, or NULL if no such element exists.

◆ fbInfoModelCountElements()

guint fbInfoModelCountElements ( const fbInfoModel_t * model)

Returns the number of information elements in the information model.

modelAn information model
The number of information elements in the information model

◆ fbInfoModelIterInit()

void fbInfoModelIterInit ( fbInfoModelIter_t * iter,
const fbInfoModel_t * model )

Initializes an information model iterator for iteration over the information elements (fbInfoElement_t) in the model.

The caller uses fbInfoModelIterNext() to visit the elements.

iterA pointer to the iterator to initialize
modelAn information model

◆ fbInfoModelIterNext()

const fbInfoElement_t * fbInfoModelIterNext ( fbInfoModelIter_t * iter)

Returns a pointer to the next information element in the information model.

Returns NULL once all information elements have been returned.

iterAn information model iterator
The next information element within the model, or NULL if there are no more elements.

◆ fbInfoElementAllocTypeTemplate()

fbTemplate_t * fbInfoElementAllocTypeTemplate ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
GError ** err )

Allocates and returns the Options Template that will be used to define Information Element Type Records.

This function does not add the template to the session or fbuf. This function allocates the template, appends the appropriate elements to the template, and sets the scope on the template. See RFC 5610 for more info.

modelA pointer to an existing info model
The pointer to the newly allocated template.

◆ fbInfoElementWriteOptionsRecord()

gboolean fbInfoElementWriteOptionsRecord ( fBuf_t * fbuf,
const fbInfoElement_t * model_ie,
uint16_t itid,
uint16_t etid,
GError ** err )

Exports an options record to the given fbuf with information element type information about the given information element.

See RFC 5610 for details. Use fbInfoElementAllocTypeTemplate() and add the returned template to the session, before calling this function.

fbufAn existing fbuf
model_ieA pointer to the information element to export type info.
itidThe internal template id of the Options Template.
etidThe external template id of the Options Template.
TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.

◆ fbInfoElementAddOptRecElement()

gboolean fbInfoElementAddOptRecElement ( fbInfoModel_t * model,
fbInfoElementOptRec_t * rec )

Adds an element that we received via an RFC 5610 Options Record to the given info model.

Returns True if the element was successfully added. False, if it couldn't be added. This function does not add elements that have a private enterprise number of 0, for security reasons.

modelAn information model
recA pointer to the received fbInfoElementOptRec.
TRUE if item was successfully added to info model.

◆ fbInfoModelTypeInfoRecord()

gboolean fbInfoModelTypeInfoRecord ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Checks to see if a template contains all of the elements required by RFC 5610 for describing an information element type (type metadata).

tmplA pointer to the template
TRUE if template contains all the info elements
See also
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be removed; use fbTemplateIsMetadata() instead.

◆ fbTemplateAlloc()

fbTemplate_t * fbTemplateAlloc ( fbInfoModel_t * model)

Allocates a new empty template.

The template will be associated with the given Information Model, and only able to use Information Elements defined within that Information Model. Templates may be associated with multiple sessions, with different template IDs each time, and as such are reference counted and owned by sessions. A template must be associated with at least one session or it will be leaked; each template is freed after its last associated session is freed. To free a template that has not yet been added to a session, use fbTemplateFreeUnused().

Use fbTemplateAppend(), fbTemplateAppendSpec(), and fbTemplateAppendSpecArray() to "fill in" a template after creating it, and before associating it with any session.

modelAn information model
a new, empty Template.

◆ fbTemplateAppend()

gboolean fbTemplateAppend ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
fbInfoElement_t * ex_ie,
GError ** err )

Appends an information element to a template.

The information element is taken to be an example; the canonical element from the template's associated model is looked up by enterprise and element number and copied. If no information element exists in the model with the given enterprise and element number, it is copied to the model with the name "_alienInformationElement".

This call is intended primarily for use by fBuf_t's template reader, but can also be useful to simulate receipt of templates over the wire.

tmplTemplate to append information element to
ex_ieExample IE to add to the template
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fbTemplateAppendSpec()

gboolean fbTemplateAppendSpec ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
fbInfoElementSpec_t * spec,
uint32_t flags,
GError ** err )

Appends an information element described by specifier to a template.

The fbInfoElement_t named by the specifier is copied from the template's associated fbInfoModel_t, and the length and flags are overriden from the specifier.

tmplTemplate to append information element to.
specSpecifier describing information element to append.
flagsApplication flags. Must contain all bits of spec flags word or the append will be silently skipped. Used for building multiple templates with different information element features from a single specifier.
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
See also

◆ fbTemplateAppendSpecArray()

gboolean fbTemplateAppendSpecArray ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
fbInfoElementSpec_t * spec,
uint32_t flags,
GError ** err )

Appends information elements described by a specifier array to a template.

Calls fbTemplateAppendSpec() for each member of the array until the FB_IESPEC_NULL convenience macro is encountered.

tmplTemplate to append information element to.
specPointer to first specifier in specifier array to append.
flagsApplication flags. Must contain all bits of spec flags word or the append will be silently skipped. Used for building multiple templates with different information element features from a single specifier.
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fbTemplateCountElements()

uint32_t fbTemplateCountElements ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Determines number of information elements in a template.

tmplA template
information element count

◆ fbTemplateSetOptionsScope()

void fbTemplateSetOptionsScope ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
uint16_t scope_count )

Sets the number of information elements in a template that are scope.

This causes the template to become an options template, and must be called after all the scope information elements have been appended to the template.

The scope count may not be greater than the number of IEs in the template. A scope_count argument of zero sets the scope count to the number of IEs.

It is expected that this function is only called once per template.

tmplTemplate to set scope on
scope_countNumber of scope information elements

◆ fbTemplateGetOptionsScope()

uint32_t fbTemplateGetOptionsScope ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Determines number of scope information elements in a template.

The template is an options template if nonzero.

tmplA template
scope information element count

◆ fbTemplateContainsElement()

gboolean fbTemplateContainsElement ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
const fbInfoElement_t * ex_ie )

Determines if a template contains a given information element.

Matches against information element private enterprise number, number, and multiple-IE index (i.e., to determine if a given template contains six instances of a given information element, set ex_ie->midx = 5 before this call).

tmplTemplate to search
ex_iePointer to an information element to search for
TRUE if the template contains the given IE
See also

◆ fbTemplateContainsElementByName()

gboolean fbTemplateContainsElementByName ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
fbInfoElementSpec_t * spec )

Determines if a template contains at least one instance of a given information element, specified by name in the template's information model.

tmplTemplate to search
specSpecifier of information element to search for
TRUE if the template contains the given IE
See also
fbTemplateContainsElement(), fbTemplateContainsAllElementsByName(), fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName()

◆ fbTemplateContainsAllElementsByName()

gboolean fbTemplateContainsAllElementsByName ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
fbInfoElementSpec_t * spec )

Determines if a template contains at least one instance of each fbInfoElement_t in a given information element specifier array.

tmplTemplate to search
specPointer to specifier array to search for
TRUE if the template contains all the given IEs
See also
fbTemplateContainsElementByName(), fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName()

◆ fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName()

gboolean fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
fbInfoElementSpec_t * spec,
uint32_t flags )

Determines if a template contains at least one instance of each information element in a given information element specifier array that match the given flags argument.

tmplTemplate to search
specPointer to specifier array to search for
flagsFlags to match info elements. Specifier elements whose flags member is non-zero and do not match all the bits of the flags parameter are not checked.
TRUE if the template contains all the given IEs
See also
fbTemplateContainsElementByName(), fbTemplateContainsAllElementsByName()

◆ fbTemplateGetIndexedIE()

fbInfoElement_t * fbTemplateGetIndexedIE ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
uint32_t IEindex )

Returns the information element in the template referenced by the index.

tmplPointer to the template
IEindexindex of the information element to return
A pointer to the information element at index IEindex, NULL if IEindex is greater than number of elements
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be renamed fbTemplateGetFieldByPosition() and will return an fbTemplateField_t.

◆ fbTemplateGetInfoModel()

fbInfoModel_t * fbTemplateGetInfoModel ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Returns the information model, as understood by the template.

tmplTemplate Pointer
The information model
libfixbuf 2.1.0

◆ fbTemplateFreeUnused()

void fbTemplateFreeUnused ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Frees a template if it is not currently in use by any Session.

Use this to clean up while creating templates in case of error.

tmpltemplate to free

◆ fbTemplateGetContext()

void * fbTemplateGetContext ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Gets the ctx pointer associated with a Template.

The ctx pointer is set during the fbNewTemplateCallback_fn when the new template is received.

tmplTemplate Pointer
ctx The application Context Pointer

◆ fbTemplateGetIELenOfMemBuffer()

uint16_t fbTemplateGetIELenOfMemBuffer ( fbTemplate_t * tmpl)

Returns the number of octets required for a data buffer (an octet array) to store a data record described by this template.

Another description is this is the length of the record when this template is used as an internal template.

libfixbuf 2.2.0

◆ fbSessionAlloc()

fbSession_t * fbSessionAlloc ( fbInfoModel_t * model)

Allocates a transport session state container.

The new session is associated with the given information model, contains no templates, and is usable either for collection or export.

Each fbExporter_t, fbListener_t, and fbCollector_t must have its own session; session state cannot be shared.

The fbSession_t returned by this function is not freed by calling fBufFree() or fbListenerFree(). It should be freed by the application by calling fbSessionFree().

modelAn information model. Not freed by sessionFree. Must be freed by user after calling SessionFree
a new, empty session state container.

◆ fbSessionEnableTypeMetadata()

gboolean fbSessionEnableTypeMetadata ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean enabled,
GError ** err )

Configures a session to export type information for enterprise-specific information elements as options records according to RFC 5610.

This function is a wrapper over fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements() with tid set to FB_TID_AUTO.

enabledTRUE to enable type metadata export, FALSE to disable
errerror mesasge
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
Use fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements() instead.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be removed; use fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements() instead.

◆ fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements()

uint16_t fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean enabled,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Configures a session to export type information for enterprise-specific information elements as options records according to RFC 5610.

Regardless of the enabled value, this function creates the type information template and adds it to the session with the template ID tid or an arbitrary ID when tid is FB_TID_AUTO.

If enabled is TRUE, the information metadata is exported each time fbSessionExportTemplates() is called.

When collecting, use fBufSetAutomaticInsert() to automatically update the information model with these RFC 5610 elements.

enabledTRUE to enable type metadata export, FALSE to disable
tidthe template id to use for type-information records
errerror mesasge
the template id for type-information records or 0 if the template could not be added to the session.
libfixbuf 2.3.0

◆ fbSessionEnableTemplateMetadata()

gboolean fbSessionEnableTemplateMetadata ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean enabled,
GError ** err )

Configures a session to export template metadata as options records.

This function is a wrapper over fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates() with tid set to FB_TID_AUTO.

enabledTRUE to enable template metadata export, FALSE to disable
errerror mesasge
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
See also
fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates(), fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata()
Use fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates() instead.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be removed; use fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates() instead.

◆ fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates()

uint16_t fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean enabled,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Configures a session to export template metadata as options records.

Template metadata is the name and description specified by fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata().

If enabled, the metadata is exported each time fbSessionExportTemplates() or fbSessionExportTemplate() is called. In addition, the metadata is exported when fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata() is called if the session is associated with an fbExporter_t.

Regardless of the enabled value, this function creates the template-metadata template and adds it to the session with the template ID tid or an arbitrary ID when tid is FB_TID_AUTO.

enabledTRUE to enable template metadata export, FALSE to disable
tidthe template id to use for template metadata records
errerror mesasge
the template id for template-metadata records or 0 if the template could not be added to the session.
libfixbuf 2.3.0
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function gains a parameter.

◆ fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata()

uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean internal,
uint16_t tid,
fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
const char * name,
const char * description,
GError ** err )

Adds a template to the session, as fbSessionAddTemplate(), with the provided metadata.

This function appends the template's metadata to the buffer (if currently enabled; c.f. fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates()) as well as the template.

sessionA session state container
internalTRUE if the template is internal, FALSE if external.
tidTemplate ID to assign, replacing any current template in case of collision; or FB_TID_AUTO to assign a new tId.
tmplTemplate to add
nameTemplate name, may not be NULL
descriptionTemplate description, may be NULL
errerror message
template id of newly added template, 0 on error
See also
fbSessionAddTemplate() for additional information.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will be removed; its functionality will be subsumed by fbSessionAddTemplate().

◆ fbSessionGetInfoModel()

fbInfoModel_t * fbSessionGetInfoModel ( fbSession_t * session)

Gets the info model for the session.

a pointer to the info model for the session

◆ fbSessionAddNewTemplateCallback()

void fbSessionAddNewTemplateCallback ( fbSession_t * session,
fbNewTemplateCallback_fn callback,
void * app_ctx )

This function sets the callback that allows the application to set its own context variable with a new incoming template.

Assigning a callback is not required and is only useful if the application either needs to store some information about the template or to prevent certain nested templates from being transcoded. If the application's template contains a subTemplateMultiList or subTemplateList and the callback is not used, all incoming templates contained in these lists will be fully transcoded and the application is responsible for freeing any nested lists contained within those objects.

This function should be called after fbSessionAlloc(). Fixbuf often clones sessions upon receiving a connection. In the TCP case, the application has access to the session right after fbListenerWait() returns by calling fBufGetSession(). In the UDP case, the application does not have access to the fbSession until after a call to fBufNext() for fBufNextCollectionTemplate() and by this time the application may have already received some templates. Therefore, it is important to call this function before fBufNext(). Any callbacks added to the session will be carried over to cloned sessions.

sessionpointer session to assign the callback to
callbackthe function that should be called when a new template is received
app_ctxparameter that gets passed into the callback function. This can be used to pass session-specific information state information to the callback function.

◆ fbSessionAddTemplatePair()

void fbSessionAddTemplatePair ( fbSession_t * session,
uint16_t ent_tid,
uint16_t int_tid )

Adds an external-internal template pair to the session.

This tells the transcoder which internal template to use for a given external template used in a sub template list, or a sub template multi list.

If the value of int_tid is 0, it tells fixbuf NOT to decode any list where the external template is ent_tid. This allows a collector to specify which templates that are included in lists it can handle.

If ent_tid and int_tid are set equal to each other, it tells the transcoder to decode all of the fields from the external template, by using the external template also as the internal template (lining up all the fields) The exception to this is if there is an existing internal template with the same template ID as the external template. In this case, the internal template with the appropriate ID will be used. To avoid this potentially unintended consequence, be careful and deliberate with template IDs.

sessionpointer to the session to add the pair to
ent_tidthe external template ID
int_tidthe internal template ID used to decode the data when the associated external template is used

◆ fbSessionRemoveTemplatePair()

void fbSessionRemoveTemplatePair ( fbSession_t * session,
uint16_t ext_tid )

Removes a template pair from the list this is called by fixbuf when a template is revoked from the session by the node on the other end of the connection.

sessionpointer to the session to remove the pair from
ext_tidthe external template ID for the pair

◆ fbSessionLookupTemplatePair()

uint16_t fbSessionLookupTemplatePair ( fbSession_t * session,
uint16_t ext_tid )

Function to find a pair, uniquely identified by the external ID, and return the associated internal template ID.

sessionpointer to the session used to find the pair
ext_tidexternal template ID used to find a pair
the internal template ID from the pair. 0 if the pair isn't found

◆ fbSessionFree()

void fbSessionFree ( fbSession_t * session)

Frees a transport session state container.

This is done automatically when freeing the listener or buffer with which the session is associated. Use this call if a session needs to be destroyed before it is associated.

sessionsession state container to free.

◆ fbSessionResetExternal()

void fbSessionResetExternal ( fbSession_t * session)

Resets the external state (sequence numbers and templates) in a session state container.

FIXME: Verify that this call actually makes sense; either that a session is reassociatable with a new collector, or that you need to do this when reassociating a collector with a connection. Once this is done, rewrite this documentation

sessionsession state container to reset

◆ fbSessionSetDomain()

void fbSessionSetDomain ( fbSession_t * session,
uint32_t domain )

Sets the current observation domain on a session.

The domain is used to scope sequence numbers and external templates. This is called automatically during collection, but must be called to set the domain for export before adding external templates or writing records.

Notice that a domain change does not automatically cause any associated export buffers to emit messages; a domain change takes effect with the next message started. Therefore, call fBufEmit() before setting the domain on the buffer's associated session.

sessiona session state container
domainID of the observation domain to set

◆ fbSessionGetDomain()

uint32_t fbSessionGetDomain ( fbSession_t * session)

Retrieves the current domain on a session.

sessiona session state container
the ID of the session's current observation domain

◆ fbSessionGetLargestInternalTemplateSize()

uint16_t fbSessionGetLargestInternalTemplateSize ( fbSession_t * session)

Gets the largest decoded size of an internal template in the session.

This is the number of bytes needed by store the largest record described by an internal template in the session.

sessiona session
The number of bytes needed to store the largest record described by an internal template in the session
libfixbuf 2.2.0

◆ fbSessionGetCollector()

fbCollector_t * fbSessionGetCollector ( fbSession_t * session)

Retrieves the collector that was created with the session.

sessiona session state container
fbCollector_t the collector that was created with the session

◆ fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticast()

uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticast ( fbSession_t * session,
char ** groups,
gboolean internal,
uint16_t tid,
fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
GError ** err )

Sets and sends templates for 1 or more groups.

This loops through the groups and adds the template to each group's session and adds the template to the buffer. This function is really meant for external templates, since they are exported, although can be used for internal templates. Since internal templates are not managed per group, they can simply be added with fbSessionAddTemplate(). It is necessary to use this function if you plan on managing templates per group. Using fbSessionAddTemplate() will not allow you to send a tmpl(s) to more than 1 group.

sessiona session state container
groupsgroup names
internalTRUE for internal tmpl, FALSE for external
tidtemplate id, or FB_TID_AUTO for an arbitrary ID
tmplpointer to template with template id tid
errerror mesasge
template ID or 0 on failure
See also
fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticastWithMetadata(), fbSessionAddTemplate() for additional information
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticastWithMetadata()

uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticastWithMetadata ( fbSession_t * session,
char ** groups,
gboolean internal,
uint16_t tid,
fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
char * name,
char * description,
GError ** err )

Sets and sends templates for 1 or more groups.

This loops through the groups and adds the template to each group's session and adds the template to the buffer. This function is really meant for external templates, since they are exported, although can be used for internal templates. Since internal templates are not managed per group, they can simply be added with fbSessionAddTemplate(). It is necessary to use this function if you plan on managing templates per group. Using fbSessionAddTemplate() will not allow you to send a tmpl(s) to more than 1 group.

sessiona session state container
groupsgroup names
internalTRUE for internal tmpl, FALSE for external
tidtemplate id
tmplpointer to template with template id tid
namename of template (required)
descriptiondescription of template (optional)
errerror mesasge
template ID, or 0 on error

◆ fbSessionSpreadEnableTemplateMetadata()

gboolean fbSessionSpreadEnableTemplateMetadata ( fbSession_t * session,
char ** groups,
gboolean enabled,
GError ** err )

Enables template metadata export for Spread Sessions.

This function is a wrapper over fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportTemplates() with tid set to FB_TID_AUTO.

groupsspread groups to enable
enabledTRUE to enable template metadata export, FALSE to disable
errerror message
TRUE on sucess, FALSE if IE template-metadata template could not be added to the session.
See also
Use fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportTemplates() instead.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportTemplates()

uint16_t fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportTemplates ( fbSession_t * session,
char ** groups,
gboolean enabled,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Enables template metadata export for Spread Sessions.

Template metadata is the name and description specified by fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticastWithMetadata(). When enabled is TRUE, configures a session to send option records that describe templates. Regardless of the enabled value, this function creates the template-metadata template and adds it to the session with the template ID tid or an arbitrary ID when tid is FB_TID_AUTO.

groupsspread groups to enable
enabledTRUE to enable template metadata export, FALSE to disable
tidthe template id to use for template-metadata records
errerror message
the template id for template-metadata records or 0 if the template could not be added to the session.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbSessionSpreadEnableTypeMetadata()

gboolean fbSessionSpreadEnableTypeMetadata ( fbSession_t * session,
char ** groups,
gboolean enabled,
GError ** err )

Enables RFC 5610 information element metadata export for Spread Sessions.

When enabled is TRUE, configures the session to send option records for each private enterprise element added to the information model. This function is a wrapper over fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportElements() with tid set to FB_TID_AUTO.

groupsspread groups to enable
enabledTRUE to enable metadata export, FALSE to disable
errerror message
TRUE on sucess, FALSE if IE type template could not be added to the session.
Use fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportElements() instead.
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportElements()

uint16_t fbSessionSpreadSetMetadataExportElements ( fbSession_t * session,
char ** groups,
gboolean enabled,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Enables RFC 5610 information element metadata export for Spread Sessions.

When enabled is TRUE, configures a session to send option records for each private enterprise element added to the information model. Regardless of the enabled value, this function creates the type information template and adds it to the session with the template ID tid or an arbitrary ID when tid is FB_TID_AUTO.

groupsspread groups to enable
enabledTRUE to enable metadata export, FALSE to disable
tidthe template id to use for type metadata records
errerror message
the template id for type-information records or 0 if the template could not be added to the session.
libfixbuf 2.3.0
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbSessionExportTemplate()

gboolean fbSessionExportTemplate ( fbSession_t * session,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Exports a single external template in the current domain of a given session.

Writes the template to the associated export buffer. May cause a message to be emitted if the associated export buffer is in automatic mode, or return with FB_ERROR_EOM if the associated export buffer is not in automatic mode.

Also exports an options record containing the template's name and description if they were specified (fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata()) and metadata export is enabled (fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates()).

sessiona session state container associated with an export buffer
tidtemplate ID within current domain to export
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fbSessionExportTemplates()

gboolean fbSessionExportTemplates ( fbSession_t * session,
GError ** err )

Exports all external templates in the current domain of a given session.

Writes templates to the associated export buffer. May cause a message to be emitted if the associated export buffer is in automatic mode, or return with FB_ERROR_EOM if the associated export buffer is not in automatic mode.

When template and/or information element metadata is enabled, those options records are also exported.

All external templates are exported each time this function is called.

sessiona session state container associated with an export buffer
erran error description, set on failure.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
See also
fbSessionSetMetadataExportTemplates() to enable template metadata, fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements() to enable information element metadata

◆ fbSessionAddTemplate()

uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplate ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean internal,
uint16_t tid,
fbTemplate_t * tmpl,
GError ** err )

Adds a template to a session.

If external, adds the template to the current domain, and exports the template if the session is associated with an export buffer. Gives the template the ID specified in tid, or assigns the template an arbitrary ID if tid is FB_TID_AUTO.

Calling this function twice with the same parameters may cause the template to be freed and the session to keep a handle to the invalid template. If necessary, first use fbSessionGetTemplate() to check for the presence of the template on the session.

sessionA session state container
internalTRUE if the template is internal, FALSE if external.
tidTemplate ID to assign, replacing any current template in case of collision; or FB_TID_AUTO to assign a new tId.
tmplTemplate to add
errAn error description, set on failure
the template ID of the added template, or 0 on failure.
See also
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This function will add parameters to subsume fbSessionAddTemplateWithMetadata().

◆ fbSessionRemoveTemplate()

gboolean fbSessionRemoveTemplate ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean internal,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Removes a template from a session.

If external, removes the template from the current domain, and exports a template revocation set if the session is associated with an export buffer.

sessionA session state container
internalTRUE if the template is internal, FALSE if external.
tidTemplate ID to remove.
errAn error description, set on failure
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

◆ fbSessionGetTemplate()

fbTemplate_t * fbSessionGetTemplate ( fbSession_t * session,
gboolean internal,
uint16_t tid,
GError ** err )

Retrieves a template from a session by ID.

If external, retrieves the template within the current domain.

sessionA session state container
internalTRUE if the template is internal, FALSE if external.
tidID of the template to retrieve.
errAn error description, set on failure. May be NULL.
The template with the given ID, or NULL on failure.

◆ fbExporterAllocNet()

fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocNet ( fbConnSpec_t * spec)

Allocates an exporting process endpoint for a network connection.

The remote collecting process is specified by the given connection specifier. The underlying socket connection will not be opened until the first message is emitted from the buffer associated with the exporter.

specremote endpoint connection specifier. A copy is made for the exporter, it is freed later. User is responsible for original spec pointer
a new exporting process endpoint

◆ fbCollectorGetSpreadReturnGroups()

int fbCollectorGetSpreadReturnGroups ( fbCollector_t * collector,
char * groups[] )

This function is useful if need to know what groups were set on the message.

Also useful if you are subscribed to more than 1 group, or want to know what other groups the message published to.

groupsof groups
number in the array of groups
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbExporterAllocSpread()

fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocSpread ( fbSpreadParams_t * params)

Allocates an exporting process endpoint for a Spread connection.

This connection will use the Spread toolkit for exporting and collecting IPFIX records. Note that the connection to the Spread daemon will not take place until the first message is emitted from the buffer. This is not synonymous with appending the first record to the buffer. NOTE: unlike the other connection specifiers, the session MUST be set in the fbSpreadSpec_t structure BEFORE it is passed to this method.

paramsSpread connection specifier
a new exporting process endpoint
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbExporterAllocFile()

fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocFile ( const char * path)

Allocates an exporting process endpoint for a named file.

The underlying file will not be opened until the first message is emitted from the buffer associated with the exporter.

pathpathname of the IPFIX File to write, or "-" to open standard output. Path is duplicated and handled. Original pointer is up to the user.
a new exporting process endpoint

◆ fbExporterAllocBuffer()

fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocBuffer ( uint8_t * buf,
uint16_t bufsize )

Allocates an exporting process to use the existing buffer buf having the specified size.

Each call to fBufEmit() copies data into buf starting at buf[0]; use fbExporterGetMsgLen() to get the number of bytes copied into buf.

bufexisting buffer that IPFIX messages are copied to
bufsizesize of the buffer
a new exporting process endpoint

◆ fbExporterAllocFP()

fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocFP ( FILE * fp)

Allocates an exporting process endpoint for an opened ANSI C file pointer.

fpopen file pointer to write to. File pointer is created and freed outside of the Exporter functions.
a new exporting process endpoint

◆ fbExporterSetStream()

void fbExporterSetStream ( fbExporter_t * exporter,
int sctp_stream )

Sets the SCTP stream for the next message exported.

To change the SCTP stream used for export, first emit any message in the exporter's associated buffer with fbufEmit(), then use this call to set the stream for the next message. This call cancels automatic stream selection, use fbExporterAutoStream() to re-enable it. This call is a no-op for non-SCTP exporters.

exporteran exporting process endpoint.
sctp_streamSCTP stream to use for next message.

◆ fbExporterAutoStream()

void fbExporterAutoStream ( fbExporter_t * exporter)

Enables automatic SCTP stream selection for the next message exported.

Automatic stream selection is the default; use this call to re-enable it on a given exporter after using fbExporterSetStream(). With automatic stream selection, the minimal behavior specified in the original IPFIX protocol (RFC xxxx) is used: all templates and options templates are exported on stream 0, and all data is exported on stream 1. This call is a no-op for non-SCTP exporters.

exporteran exporting process endpoint.

◆ fbExporterClose()

void fbExporterClose ( fbExporter_t * exporter)

Forces the file or socket underlying an exporting process endpoint to close.

No effect on open file endpoints. The file or socket may be reopened on a subsequent message emission from the associated buffer.

exporteran exporting process endpoint.

◆ fbExporterGetMsgLen()

size_t fbExporterGetMsgLen ( fbExporter_t * exporter)

Gets the (transcoded) message length that was copied to the exporting buffer upon fBufEmit() when using fbExporterAllocBuffer().

exporteran exporting process endpoint.

◆ fbExporterAddSourceIP()

void fbExporterAddSourceIP ( fbExporter_t * exporter,
const char * source_ip_v4 )

Allows exporter to specify a IPv4 source interface to bind its socket connection to.

exporteran exporting process endpoint.
source_ip_v4an IPv4 address to use as a source to bind to
libfixbuf 2.5.0

◆ fbExporterAddSourceIP6()

void fbExporterAddSourceIP6 ( fbExporter_t * exporter,
const char * source_ip_v6 )

Allows exporter to specify a IPv6 source interface to bind its socket connection to.

exporteran exporting process endpoint.
source_ip_v6an IPv6 address to use as a source to bind to
libfixbuf 2.5.0

◆ fbCollectorAllocFile()

fbCollector_t * fbCollectorAllocFile ( void * ctx,
const char * path,
GError ** err )

Allocates a collecting process endpoint for a named file.

The underlying file will be opened immediately.

ctxapplication context; for application use, retrievable by fbCollectorGetContext()
pathpath of file to read, or "-" to read standard input. Used to get fp, user creates and frees.
errAn error description, set on failure.
a collecting process endpoint, or NULL on failure.

◆ fbCollectorAllocFP()

fbCollector_t * fbCollectorAllocFP ( void * ctx,
FILE * fp )

Allocates a collecting process endpoint for an open file.

ctxapplication context; for application use, retrievable by fbCollectorGetContext()
fpfile pointer to file to read. Created and freed by user. Must be kept around for the life of the collector.
a collecting process endpoint.

◆ fbCollectorAllocSpread()

fbCollector_t * fbCollectorAllocSpread ( void * ctx,
fbSpreadParams_t * params,
GError ** err )

Allocates a collecting process endpoint for the Spread transport.

ctxapplication context
paramspoint to fbSpreadSpec_t containing Spread params
errerror description, set on failure
a collecting endpoint, or null on failure
libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.

◆ fbCollectorGetContext()

void * fbCollectorGetContext ( fbCollector_t * collector)

Retrieves the application context associated with a collector.

This context is taken from the ctx argument of fbCollectorAllocFile() or fbCollectorAllocFP(), or passed out via the ctx argument of the appinit function argument (fbListenerAppInit_fn) to fbListenerAlloc().

collectora collecting process endpoint.
the application context

◆ fbCollectorClose()

void fbCollectorClose ( fbCollector_t * collector)

Closes the file or socket underlying a collecting process endpoint.

No effect on open file endpoints. If the collector is attached to a buffer managed by a listener, the buffer will be removed from the listener (that is, it will not be returned by subsequent fbListenerWait() calls).

collectora collecting process endpoint.

◆ fbCollectorSetAcceptOnly()

void fbCollectorSetAcceptOnly ( fbCollector_t * collector,
struct sockaddr * address,
size_t address_length )

Sets the collector to only receive from the given IP address over UDP.

The port will be ignored. Use fbListenerGetCollector() to get the pointer to the collector after calling fbListenerAlloc(). ONLY valid for UDP. Set the address family in address.

collectorpointer to collector
addresspointer to sockaddr struct with IP address and family.
address_lengthaddress length

◆ fbListenerAlloc()

fbListener_t * fbListenerAlloc ( fbConnSpec_t * spec,
fbSession_t * session,
fbListenerAppInit_fn appinit,
fbListenerAppFree_fn appfree,
GError ** err )

Allocates a listener.

The listener will listen on a specified local endpoint, and create a new collecting process endpoint and collection buffer for each incoming connection. Each new buffer will be associated with a clone of a given session state container.

The application may associate context with each created collecting process endpoint, or veto a connection attempt, via a function colled on each connection attempt passed in via the appinit parameter. If this function will create application context, provide a function via the appfree parameter which will free it.

The fbListener_t returned should be freed by the application by calling fbListenerFree().

speclocal endpoint connection specifier. A copy is made of this, which is freed by listener. Original pointer freeing is up to the user.
sessionsession state container to clone for each collection buffer created by the listener. Not freed by listener. Must be kept alive while listener exists.
appinitapplication connection initiation function. Called on each collection attempt; vetoes connection attempts and creates application context.
appfreeapplication context free function.
errAn error description, set on failure.
a new listener, or NULL on failure.

◆ fbListenerFree()

void fbListenerFree ( fbListener_t * listener)

Frees a listener.

Stops listening on the local endpoint, and frees any open buffers still managed by the listener.

listenera listener

◆ fbListenerWait()

fBuf_t * fbListenerWait ( fbListener_t * listener,
GError ** err )

Waits on a listener.

Accepts pending connections from exporting processes. Returns the next collection buffer with available data to read; if the collection buffer returned by the last call to fbListenerWait() is available, it is preferred. Blocks forever (or until fbListenerInterrupt() is called) if no messages or connections are available.

To effectively use fbListenerWait(), the application should set up an session state container with internal templates, call fbListenerWait() to accept a first connection, then read records from the collector buffer to end of message (FB_ERROR_EOM). At end of message, the application should then call fbListenerWait() to accept pending connections or switch to another collector buffer with available data. Note that each collector buffer returned created by fbListenerWait() is set to automatic mode using fBufSetAutomaticMode(). To modify this behavior, call fBufSetAutomaticMode(fbuf, TRUE) on the fbuf returned from this function.

listenera listener
errAn error description, set on failure.
a collection buffer with available data, or NULL on failure.

◆ fbListenerWaitNoCollectors()

fBuf_t * fbListenerWaitNoCollectors ( fbListener_t * listener,
GError ** err )

Waits for an incoming connection, just like fbListenerWait(), except that this function doesn't monitor active collectors.

This allows for a multi threaded application to have one thread monitoring the listeners, and one keeping track of collectors

listenerThe listener to wait for connections on
errAn error description, set on failure.
a collection buffer for the new connection, NULL on failure.

◆ fbListenerInterrupt()

void fbListenerInterrupt ( fbListener_t * listener)

Causes the current or next call to fbListenerWait() to unblock and return.

Use this from a thread or a signal handler to interrupt a blocked listener.

listenerlistener to interrupt.

◆ fbListenerGetCollector()

gboolean fbListenerGetCollector ( fbListener_t * listener,
fbCollector_t ** collector,
GError ** err )

If a collector is associated with the listener class, this will return a handle to the collector state structure.

listenerhandle to the listener state
collectorpointer to a collector state pointer, set on return if there is no error
erra GError structure holding an error message on error
FALSE on error, check err, TRUE on success

◆ fbCollectorClearTranslator()

gboolean fbCollectorClearTranslator ( fbCollector_t * collector,
GError ** err )

Removes an input translator from a given collector such that it will operate on IPFIX protocol again.

collectorthe collector on which to remove the translator
errwhen an error occurs, a GLib GError structure is set with an error description
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

◆ fbCollectorSetNetflowV9Translator()

gboolean fbCollectorSetNetflowV9Translator ( fbCollector_t * collector,
GError ** err )

Sets the collector input translator to convert NetFlowV9 into IPFIX for the given collector.

collectorpointer to the collector state to perform Netflow V9 conversion on
errGError structure that holds the error message if an error occurs
TRUE on success, FALSE on error

◆ fbCollectorSetSFlowTranslator()

gboolean fbCollectorSetSFlowTranslator ( fbCollector_t * collector,
GError ** err )

Sets the collector input translator to convert SFlow into IPFIX for the given collector.

collectorpointer to the collector state to perform SFlow conversion on
errGError structure that holds the error message if an error occurs
TRUE on success, FALSE on error

◆ fbCollectorGetNetflowMissed()

uint32_t fbCollectorGetNetflowMissed ( fbCollector_t * collector,
struct sockaddr * peer,
size_t peerlen,
uint32_t obdomain )

Returns the number of potential missed export packets of the Netflow v9 session that is currently set on the collector (the session is set on the collector when an export packet is received) if peer is NULL.

If peer is set, this will look up the session for that peer/obdomain pair and return the missed export packets associated with that peer and obdomain. If peer/obdomain pair doesn't exist, this function returns 0. This can't return the number of missed flow records since Netflow v9 increases sequence numbers by the number of export packets it has sent, NOT the number of flow records (like IPFIX and netflow v5 does).

peer[OPTIONAL] peer address of NetFlow v9 exporter
peerlensize of peer object
obdomainobservation domain of NetFlow v9 exporter
number of missed packets since beginning of session

◆ fbCollectorGetSFlowMissed()

uint32_t fbCollectorGetSFlowMissed ( fbCollector_t * collector,
struct sockaddr * peer,
size_t peerlen,
uint32_t obdomain )

Returns the number of potential missed export packets of the SFlow session that is identified with the given ip/agentID.

The agent ID is a field that is in the sFlow header and is sent with every packet. Fixbuf keeps track of sequence numbers for sFlow sessions per agent ID.

peeraddress of exporter to lookup
obdomainobservation domain of peer exporter
number of missed packets since beginning of session

◆ fbCollectorGetPeer()

struct sockaddr * fbCollectorGetPeer ( fbCollector_t * collector)

Retrieves information about the node connected to this collector.

collectorpointer to the collector to get peer information from
pointer to sockaddr structure containing IP information of peer

◆ fbCollectorGetObservationDomain()

uint32_t fbCollectorGetObservationDomain ( fbCollector_t * collector)

Retrieves the observation domain of the node connected to the UDP collector.

The observation domain only gets set on the collector when collecting via UDP. If the collector is using another mode of transport, use fbSessionGetDomain().


◆ fbCollectorSetUDPMultiSession()

void fbCollectorSetUDPMultiSession ( fbCollector_t * collector,
gboolean multi_session )

Enables or disables multi-session mode for a fbCollector_t associated with a UDP fbListener_t.

The default setting is that multi-session mode is disabled.

When multi-session mode is enabled, libfixbuf invokes the appinit callback (fbListenerAppInit_fn) set on fbListenerAlloc() when a new UDP connection occurs, allowing the callback to examine the peer address and set a context for that UDP address. In addition, the appfree callback (fbListenerAppFree_fn) is invoked when the fbSession_t for that collector times-out.

Regardless of the multi-session mode setting, libfixbuf always calls the appinit function when a UDP listener is created, passing NULL as the peer address.

The caller may use fbListenerGetCollector() to get the collector given a listener.

collectorpointer to collector associated with listener.
multi_sessionTRUE to enable multi-session, FALSE to disable

Data Structure Documentation

◆ fbBasicList_st

struct fbBasicList_st

A basic list element in a template which structure represents a basic list on the internal side, basic lists in an IPFIX Message must be represented by this structure within the application record.

Data Fields
const fbInfoElement_t * infoElement pointer to the information element that is repeated in the list
uint8_t * dataPtr pointer to the memory that stores the elements in the list
uint16_t numElements number of elements in the list
uint16_t dataLength length of the buffer used to store the elements in the list
uint8_t semantic semantic field to describe the list

◆ fbConnSpec_st

struct fbConnSpec_st

Connection specifier.

Used to define a peer address for fbExporter_t, or a passive address for fbListener_t.

Data Fields
fbTransport_t transport Transport protocol to use.
char * host Hostname to connect/listen to.

NULL to listen on all interfaces.

char * svc Service name or port number to connect/listen to.
char * ssl_ca_file Path to certificate authority file.

Only used for OpenSSL transport.

char * ssl_cert_file Path to certificate file.

Only used for OpenSSL transport.

char * ssl_key_file Path to private key file.

Only used for OpenSSL transport.

char * ssl_key_pass Private key decryption password.

Only used for OpenSSL transport.

void * vai Pointer to address info cache.

Initialize to NULL. For fixbuf internal use only.

void * vssl_ctx Pointer to SSL context cache.

Initialize to NULL. For fixbuf internal use only.

◆ fbInfoElement_st

struct fbInfoElement_st

A single IPFIX Information Element definition.

An Information Element defines the type of data in each field of a record. This structure may be contained in an fbInfoModel_t, in which case the name field contians the information element name, or an an fbTemplate_t, in which case the canon field references the fbInfoElement_t contained within the Information Model.

libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: This type will only refer to elements in an Information Model; name will replace the ref union and midx will be removed. A new fbTemplateField_t type will hold information about the elements when used in an fbTemplate_t.
Data Fields
union fbInfoElement_st.ref ref Information element name.
uint32_t midx Multiple IE index.

Must be 0 for model IEs. Defines the ordering of identical IEs in templates. Set and managed automatically by the fbTemplate_t routines.

uint32_t ent Private Enterprise Number.

Set to 0 for IETF-defined IEs.

uint16_t num Information Element number.

Does not include the on-wire enterprise bit; i.e. num & 0x8000 == 0 even if ent > 0.

uint16_t len Information element length in octets.
uint32_t flags Flags.

Bitwise OR of FB_IE_F_* constants. Use Macros to get units and semantic

uint64_t min range min
uint64_t max range max
uint8_t type Data Type.
const char * description description

◆ fbInfoElement_st.ref

union fbInfoElement_st.ref

Information element name.

Data Fields
const struct fbInfoElement_st * canon Pointer to canonical copy of IE.

Set by fbInfoElementCopyToTemplate(), and valid only for template IEs.

const char * name Information element name.

Storage for this is managed by fbInfoModel. Valid only for model IEs.

◆ fbInfoElementOptRec_st

struct fbInfoElementOptRec_st

The corresponding C struct for a record whose template is the RFC5610 Information Element Type Options Template.

If collecting this record, use the function fbInfoElementAddOptRecElement() to add the fbInfoElement_t it describes to the fbInfoModel_t.

To export RFC5610 elements, use fbSessionSetMetadataExportElements().

fbInfoElementSpec_t rfc5610_spec[] = {
{"privateEnterpriseNumber", 4, 0 },
{"informationElementId", 2, 0 },
{"informationElementDataType", 1, 0 },
{"informationElementSemantics", 1, 0 },
{"informationElementUnits", 2, 0 },
{"paddingOctets", 6, 0 },
{"informationElementRangeBegin", 8, 0 },
{"informationElementRangeEnd", 8, 0 },
{"informationElementName", FB_IE_VARLEN, 0 },
{"informationElementDescription", FB_IE_VARLEN, 0 },
Data Fields
uint32_t ie_pen private enterprise number
uint16_t ie_id information element id
uint8_t ie_type ie data type
uint8_t ie_semantic ie semantic
uint16_t ie_units ie units
uint8_t padding[6] padding to align with template
uint64_t ie_range_begin ie range min
uint64_t ie_range_end ie range max
fbVarfield_t ie_name information element name
fbVarfield_t ie_desc information element description

◆ fbInfoElementSpec_st

struct fbInfoElementSpec_st

A single IPFIX Information Element specification.

Used to name an information element (fbInfoElement_t) for inclusion in an fbTemplate_t by fbTemplateAppendSpecArray() and for querying whether a template contains an element via fbTemplateContainsElementByName().

Data Fields
char * name Information element name.
uint16_t len_override The size of the information element in bytes.

For internal templates, this is the size of the memory location that will be filled by the transcoder (i.e., the size of a field in a struct). Zero cannot be used to default the size of elements used in internal templates. This is so changes in the "default" length will not silently be different then the sizes of fields in an internal struct definition. Zero can be used as the size of FB_IE_VARLEN elements. This field can also be used to specify reduced-length encoding.

uint32_t flags Application flags word.

If nonzero, then the flags argument to fbTemplateAppendSpec(), fbTemplateAppendSpecArray(), or fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName() MUST match ALL the bits of this flags word in order for the information element to be considered.

◆ fbListenerEntry_st

struct fbListenerEntry_st

ListenerEntry's make up an fbListenerGroup_t as a linked list.

Data Fields
struct fbListenerEntry_st * next pointer to the next listener entry in the linked list
struct fbListenerEntry_st * prev pointer to the previous listener entry in the linked list
fbListener_t * listener pointer to the listener to add to the list

◆ fbListenerGroupResult_st

struct fbListenerGroupResult_st

A ListenerGroupResult contains the fbListener whose listening socket got a new connection (cf.

fbListenerGroupWait()). It is tied to the fBuf_t that is produced for the connection. These comprise a linked list.

Data Fields
struct fbListenerGroupResult_st * next Pointer to the next listener group result.
fbListener_t * listener pointer to the listener that received a new connection
fBuf_t * fbuf pointer to the fbuf created for that new connection

◆ fbSpreadParams_st

struct fbSpreadParams_st

Spread connection parameters.

Used to define a spread daemon and group or list of groups for spread.

libfixbuf-3.x compatibility: Spread support will be removed.
Data Fields
fbSession_t * session pointer to the session, this MUST be set to a valid session before the spec is passed to fbExporterAllocSpread().
char * daemon pointer to the daemon host address, in Spread format.

Must be set before the spec is passed to fbExporterAllocSpread()

char ** groups pointer to array of group names, must have at least one, and must be null term array

◆ fbSubTemplateList_st

struct fbSubTemplateList_st

Structure used to hold information of a sub template list.

This structure is filled in by the user in an exporter to tell fixbuf how to encode the data. This structure is filled in by the transcoder in a collector, feeding the useful information up to the user

Data Fields
union fbSubTemplateList_st.dataLength dataLength length of the allocated buffer used to hold the data

I made this a union to allow this to work on 64-bit archs

const fbTemplate_t * tmpl pointer to the template used to structure the data
uint8_t * dataPtr pointer to the buffer used to hold the data
uint16_t tmplID ID of the template used to structure the data.
uint16_t numElements number of elements in the list
uint8_t semantic value used to describe the contents of the list, all-of, one-of, etc

◆ fbSubTemplateList_st.dataLength

union fbSubTemplateList_st.dataLength

length of the allocated buffer used to hold the data

I made this a union to allow this to work on 64-bit archs

Data Fields
size_t length
uint64_t extra

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiList_st

struct fbSubTemplateMultiList_st

Multilists just contain the semantic to describe the sub lists, the number of sub lists, and a pointer to the first entry.

Data Fields
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * firstEntry pointer to the first entry in the multi list
uint16_t numElements number of sub template lists in the multi list
uint8_t semantic value used to describe the list of sub templates

◆ fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_st

struct fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_st

Entries contain the same type of information at SubTemplateLists: template ID and template pointers to describe the data the number of data elements and the data pointer and data length.

Sub template multi lists are inherently nested constructions. At a high level, they are a list of sub template lists. The first level is a list of fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t's, which each contain the information that describes the data contained in them. Initializing a fbSubTemplateMultiList_t with a semantic and number of elements returns memory that contains numElements blocks of memory containing fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t's. It is not ready to accept data. Each of the fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t's needed to be set up then data is copied into the entries.

Data Fields
fbTemplate_t * tmpl pointer to the template used to structure the data in this entry
uint8_t * dataPtr pointer to the buffer used to hold the data in this entry
size_t dataLength length of the buffer used to hold the data in this entry
uint16_t tmplID ID of the template used to structure the data in this entry.
uint16_t numElements number of elements in this entry

◆ fbVarfield_st

struct fbVarfield_st

A variable-length field value.

Variable-length information element content is represented by an fbVarfield_t on the internal side of the transcoder; that is, variable length fields in an IPFIX Message must be represented by this structure within the application record.

Data Fields
size_t len Length of content in buffer.
uint8_t * buf Content buffer.

In network byte order as appropriate. On write, this buffer will be copied into the message buffer. On read, this buffer points into the message buffer and must be copied by the caller before any call to fBufNext().