
  • package root

    This is documentation for Mothra, a collection of Scala and Spark library functions for working with Internet-related data.

    This is documentation for Mothra, a collection of Scala and Spark library functions for working with Internet-related data. Some modules contain APIs of general use to Scala programmers. Some modules make those tools more useful on Spark data-processing systems.

    Please see the documentation for the individual packages for more details on their use.

    Scala Packages

    These packages are useful in Scala code without involving Spark:

    This package, which is collected as the netsa-data library, provides types for working with various kinds of information:

    The netsa-io-ipfix library provides tools for reading and writing IETF IPFIX data from various connections and files.

    To read and write CERT NetSA SiLK file formats and configuration files, use the netsa-io-silk library.


    The "junk drawer" of netsa-util so far provides only two features: First, a method for equipping Scala Iterators with exception handling. And second, a way to query the versions of NetSA libraries present in a JVM at runtime.

    Spark Packages

    These packages require the use of Apache Spark:


    Spark datasources for CERT file types. This package contains utility features which add methods to Apache Spark DataFrameReader objects, allowing IPFIX and SiLK flows to be opened using simple calls.

    The mothra-datasources library contains both IPFIX and SiLK functionality, while mothra-datasources-ipfix and mothra-datasources-silk contain only what's needed for the named datasource.


    A grab-bag of analysis helper functions and example analyses.


    This single Scala object provides Spark SQL functions for working with network data. It is the entirety of the mothra-functions library.

  • package org

root package

package root

This is documentation for Mothra, a collection of Scala and Spark library functions for working with Internet-related data. Some modules contain APIs of general use to Scala programmers. Some modules make those tools more useful on Spark data-processing systems.

Please see the documentation for the individual packages for more details on their use.

Scala Packages

These packages are useful in Scala code without involving Spark:

This package, which is collected as the netsa-data library, provides types for working with various kinds of information:

The netsa-io-ipfix library provides tools for reading and writing IETF IPFIX data from various connections and files.

To read and write CERT NetSA SiLK file formats and configuration files, use the netsa-io-silk library.


The "junk drawer" of netsa-util so far provides only two features: First, a method for equipping Scala Iterators with exception handling. And second, a way to query the versions of NetSA libraries present in a JVM at runtime.

Spark Packages

These packages require the use of Apache Spark:


Spark datasources for CERT file types. This package contains utility features which add methods to Apache Spark DataFrameReader objects, allowing IPFIX and SiLK flows to be opened using simple calls.

The mothra-datasources library contains both IPFIX and SiLK functionality, while mothra-datasources-ipfix and mothra-datasources-silk contain only what's needed for the named datasource.


A grab-bag of analysis helper functions and example analyses.


This single Scala object provides Spark SQL functions for working with network data. It is the entirety of the mothra-functions library.

Package Members

  1. package org
