pyfixbuf — Class Descriptions

Class Overview

The data for single flow is represented in pyfixbuf by the Record class. A Record contains one or more Field objects, where each Field describes some aspect of the flow.

The format of a flow record is flexible and is described by a Template, represented in pyfixbuf by the Template class. A template contains references to one or more Information Elements (InfoElement), where each element describes some aspect of the flow, such as sourceIPv4Address. The elements referenced by a template correspond to the fields in the Record. The InfoElementSpec class is used to specify the Information Elements used by a Template.

libfixbuf and Pyfixbuf support RFC 6313 which defines object types to hold structured data. A basicList (BL) may contain multiple instances of a single Information Element. A subTemplateList (STL) contains zero or more Record instances that use that a single Template. Finally, the subTemplateMultiList (STML) type holds Record instances that may use different Template descriptions. In an STML, a group of Records that use the same Template are represented by the STMLEntry class.

An exporting process is created with the Exporter class, and a collecting process is created with the Collector class if it is file-based or the Listener class if it is socket-based. Internally, the Listener creates a new Collector object when a new connection is made to the socket.

The interface between a Collector or an Exporter and the Record and Template objects is managed by two classes:

  • The message buffer, Buffer, is used to read data from a Collector and write data to a Exporter.

  • The Session manages Templates and other state, such as message sequence numbers.

The universe of information elements (InfoElement) is maintained by an Information Model (InfoModel). An InfoModel instance contains the information elements defined by IANA. The InfoModel may be expanded by defining enterprise-specific elements, such as those defined by CERT (see also the pyfixbuf.cert module). The CERT elements are required when reading data produced by YAF or super_mediator.

The DataType, Units, and Semantic classes are enumerations that describe properties of an InfoElement.


A Record is one of the “core” interfaces to the IPFIX data through libfixbuf. This is the main object for manipulating the data prior to export and following import.

class pyfixbuf.Record(model: InfoModel[, template: Template = None[, record: Record = None]])

Creates an empty Record given an InfoModel, model, and optionally a template or a record.

The Record is returned from a collection Buffer or is added to an exporting Buffer.

When adding elements to a Record, the Record should match a Template. If the process is collecting, the Record should match the Internal Template. For an Exporting process, the Record should match the External Template, and there should be one Record for each External Template. A Record can not contain more Information Elements than it’s associated template. Information Elements should be added to the Record in the same order as the Template.

If a template is given to the constructor, all Information Elements that exist in the template are added to the Record in the same order as they exist in the Template. The record argument is ignored.

If a record is given, all Information Elements that exist in the record are added to the Record in the same order as they exist in the record.

One element must exist in the Record before exporting any data.

A Record maintains internal dictionaries for the elements that it contains. For this reason, if a template contains more than 1 of the same Information Element, elements must be added using the add_element method in order to give alternate key names to elements that are the same.

A Record may also be accessed similar to a list.

add_element(key_name: str[, type: DataType = DataType.OCTET_ARRAY[, element_name: str = None[, length: int = 0]]])

Appends a field named key_name to this Record, where key_name will be used to get or set the value of an Information Element.

The InfoElement may be specified in three ways: The key_name may match the name of an InfoElement in the InfoModel, the element_name may name the InfoElement, or the type may be specified as BASICLIST, SUBTEMPLATELIST, SUBTEMPLATEMULTILIST, or VARLEN for octetArray.

When the Record contains duplicate Information Elements, the key_name should be unique to ease reference to the elements and the InfoElement should be specified using the element_name or type parameters.

The length parameter specifies the reduced-length encoding length for the Information Element, similar to the length attribute of InfoElementSpec. This may only be applied to certain data types and must be smaller than the default length. When 0, the default length specified by the InfoModel is used.

When type is BASICLIST, the element_name parameter is used as the content type for the elements in the basicList. See init_basic_list and the BL constructor.

Elements must be added in the same order as they exist in the template.


>>> my_rec = pyfixbuf.Record(model)
>>> my_rec.add_element("sourceTransportPort")
>>> my_rec.add_element("sourceTransportPort2", 0, "sourceTransportPort")
>>> my_rec.add_element("basicList")
>>> my_rec.add_element("basicList2", BASICLIST)
>>> my_rec.add_element("octetTotalCount", length=4)

In the above example, an empty Record was created. The corresponding template to the above Record would look something like:

>>> tmpl = Template(model)
>>> tmpl.add_spec_list([
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("sourceTransportPort"),
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("sourceTransportPort"),
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("basicList"),
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("basicList"),
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("octetTotalCount", 4)])

As you can see, we have two sourceTransportPort elements and two basicList elements. A basicList is a list of one or more of the same Information Element. The Information Element in the basicList does not have to be initialized until data is added to the Record.

Since we have two sourceTransportPort fields, we must give a key_name to one of the elements, in this case, sourceTransport2. Since sourceTransportPort2 is not a defined Information Element in the Information Model, the element_name must be given to the method.

Similarly, in order to access the dictionary of elements in the Record, we had to give the second basicList a key_name, basicList2. Since basicList2 is not a defined Information Element, it needs to be given the type, BASICLIST. Since type is not 0, it does not need an element_name.

add_element_list(name_list: Iterable[str])

Treats each string in name_list as the name of an InfoElement and appends that information element to the Record. See the above method add_element.


Clears all the lists in the top level of the Record.

Any nested lists must be accessed and cleared manually.


Clears any memory allocated for the Record.

init_basic_list(basic_list_key: str[, count: int = 0[, element_name: str = None]])

Initializes a basicList for export with the given basic_list_key name to a list of count elements. If a name is not given to the element_name keyword, it assumes the basic_list_key is a valid Information Element Name.


>>> my_rec.add_element("bL", BASICLIST, "octetTotalCount")
>>> my_rec.add_element("basicList")
>>> my_rec.add_element("basicList2", BASICLIST)
>>> my_rec.init_basic_list("bL", 4)
>>> my_rec.init_basic_list("basicList", 3, "destinationTransportPort")
>>> my_rec.init_basic_list("basicList2", 2, "souceIPv4Address")

In the above example, we have initialized three basicLists. The first initializes a basicList of octetTotalCounts by adding the element as as basicList to the record. Later we initialize the basicList to 4 items. The second does the initialization of the type, destintationTransportPort, when calling init_basic_list as opposed to the first, which is done when the basicList is added to the record. The third, basicList2, is initialized to two sourceIPv4Addresses.

It is perfectly acceptable to initialize a list to 0 elements. All basicLists in the Record must be initialized before appending the Record to the Buffer.

A basicList may be initialized via this method, or by using the BL and setting the basicList element in the Record to the BL.

clear_basic_list(basic_list_key: str)

Clears the basicList on this Record identified by basic_list_key, freeing any memory allocated for the list. This should be called after the Record has been appended to the Buffer. Does nothing if the type of the field identified by basic_list_key is not DataType.BASIC_LIST, but does raises KeyError if basic_list_key is not known on this Record.

__getitem__(key: Union[str, int]) Any

Implements the evaluation of record[key] for Record instances: Returns the value of the element with the given key.

If key is a string, it may the name of an InfoElement or the key_name specified to the add_element method. key may also be an integer corresponding to the positional index in the Record.

Raises an Exception when key is not in the Record. Use get for a similar function that does not raise an Exception. See also get_field.

The return type depends on the Information Element type which was defined when initializing the InfoElement.

Element Type

Return Type















IP (v4 or v6)

ipaddress object


MAC Address String xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx





Default (Undefined Type)



>>> rec
<pyfixbuf.Record object at 0x10d0f49f0>
>>> rec['protocolIdentifier']
>>> rec[1]
>>> rec.template[1].name
__setitem__(key: Union[str, int], value: Any)

Implements assignment to record[key] for Record instances: Sets the value of the element having the given key to value.

If key is a string, it may the name of an InfoElement or the key_name specified to the add_element method. key may also be an integer corresponding to the positional index in the Record.

copy(other: Record)

Copies all the matching elements from the other Record to this Record.

is_list(key: str) bool

Returns True or False depending on the type of the given key. Raises KeyError when key is not on this Record.

get(key: str, default: Any = None) Any

Returns record[key] if key exists on this Record; otherwise returns default.

get_field(key: str) Record.Field

Returns a Record.Field object for key on this Record. Raises KeyError when key is not present.

get_stl_list_entry(key: str) STL

Gets the subTemplateList from this Record with the given key and returns a newly allocated STL. Returns None if the type of key is not DataType.SUB_TMPL_LIST. Raises KeyError if key is not a known key on this Record.

A STL may also be accessed by using __getitem__.

get_stml_list_entry(key: str) STML

Gets the subTemplateMultiList from this Record with the given key and returns a newly allocated STML. Returns None if the type of key is not DataType.SUB_TMPL_MULTI_LIST. Raises KeyError if key is not a known key on this Record.

A STML may also be retrieved by using __getitem__.

as_dict() Dict[Union[str, Tuple(str, int)], Any]

Returns a dict that represents the Record.

The keys of the dictionary are normally strings, but if the Record’s Template contains duplicate a InfoElement, the key for the second such element is a couple containing the name and the int 1, the third would be the name and the int 2, et cetera.

__len__() int

Implements the built-in len() method for Record instances: Returns the number of elements in the Record.

__contains__(item: str) bool

Implements the in operator for Record instances: Tests whether add_element was called with a key_name that is equal to element. If the Record was initialized with a Template, tests whether the Template included an InfoElement having the name element.


>>> rec
<pyfixbuf.Record object at 0x10d0f49f0>
>>> 'protocolIdentifier' in rec
set_template(template: Template)

If this Record was not initialized with a Template, this method may be used to set the Record’s Template. A Record must have a Template associated with it when assigning a Record to a subTemplateList element.


>>> tmpl = pyfixbuf.Template(model)
>>> tmpl.add_spec_list([
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("sourceTransportPort"),
...     pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("destinationTransportPort")]
>>> my_rec = pyfixbuf.Record(model)
>>> my_rec.add_element("sourceTransportPort", "destinationTransportPort")
>>> my_rec["sourceTransportPort"] = 13
>>> my_rec["destinationTransportPort"] = 15
>>> my_rec.set_template(tmpl)
>>> other_rec["subTemplateList"] = [my_rec]
__iter__() Iterator[Any]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the values in the Record. See also iterfields.


>>> for value in record:
...     print(value)
iterfields() Iterator[Record.Field]

Returns an Iterator over the Record’s values where each iteration returns a Record.Field object. To get a Record.Field for a single field, use get_field.


>>> for field in record.iterfields():
...     print(, DataType.get_name(, field.value)
matches_template(template: Template, exact: bool = False) bool

Returns True if this Record matches Template using the checks specified by check_template. Returns False otherwise.

count(element_name: str) int

Counts the occurrences of the element_name in the Record.


>>> rec.add_element_list(["basicList", "basicList", "basicList"])
>>> rec.count("basicList")
>>> rec.count("sourceTransportPort")
template : Template

Returns the Template used by this Record.


class Record.Field(name: str, instance: int, ie: InfoElement, length: int, value: Any)

Represents a complete value field in a Record, and is implemented as a subclass of collection.namedtuple. This is the type of object returned by the Record.iterfields method. A Record.Field object includes the following attributes:

name : str

The field name provided as the key parameter to Record.add_element. For a Record built from a Template, this is the name is the InfoElement.

instance : int

An integer that is non-zero when name is not unique. The value represents the number of times name occurs in the Record before this one.

ie : InfoElement

The canonical InfoElement that describes this value.

length : int

The length of this field specified to Record.add_element or in the InfoElementSpec associated with the Record‘s Template. May be different than the length specified in the InfoElement due to reduced length encoding.

value : Any

The value of this field.


The Template type implements an IPFIX Template or an IPFIX Options Template. IPFIX templates contain one or more Information Elements (InfoElement). If a certain sequence of elements is desired, each Information Element (InfoElementSpec) must be added to the template in the desired order. Templates are stored by Template ID and type (internal, external) per domain in a Session. The valid range of Template IDs is 256 to 65535. Templates are given a template ID when they are added to a Session. The only difference between Data Templates and Options Templates is that Options Templates have a scope associated with them, which gives the context of reported Information Elements in the Data Records.

An Internal Template is how fixbuf decides what the data should look like when it is transcoded. For this reason, an internal template should match the corresponding Record, in terms of the order of Information Elements. An External Template is sent before the exported data so that the Collecting Process is able to process IPFIX messages without necessarily knowing the interpretation of all data records.

class pyfixbuf.Template(model: InfoModel[, type: bool = False])

Creates a new Template using the given model, an InfoModel. An IPFIX Template is an ordered list of the Information Elements that are to be collected or exported. For export, the order of Information Elements in the Templates determines how the data will be exported.

If type is given, an Information Element Type Information Options Template will be created. The appropriate elements will automatically be added to the template and the scope will be sent. See RFC 5610 for more information.

Once a Template has been added to a Session, it cannot be altered.

A Template can be accessed like a dictionary or a list to retrieve a specific InfoElementSpec.

An Information Model (InfoModel) is needed to allocate and initialize a new Template.

copy() Template

Returns a copy of this Template.

add_spec(spec: InfoElementSpec)

Appends a given InfoElementSpec spec to the Template.

Once the Template has been added to a Session, it cannot be altered.

add_spec_list(specs: Iterable[InfoElementSpec])

Appends each of the InfoElementSpec items in specs to the Template.

Once the Template has been added to the Session, it can not be altered.

add_element(name: str)

Appends an Information Element with the given name to this Template. This function may be used as an alternative to add_spec.

This function creates an InfoElementSpec with the given element name and default length and adds it to the Template.

Once the Template has been added to the Session, it can not be altered.

get_indexed_ie(index: int) InfoElement

Returns the InfoElement at the given positional index in the Template. Unlike the __getitem__ method which returns the InfoElementSpec, this method returns the InfoElement at a particular index.

get_context() Any

Returns the Template’s context object as set by the callables registered with the Session.add_template_callback function.

__contains__(element: Union[InfoElement, InfoElementSpec, str, int]) bool

Implements the in operator for Template instances: Tests whether element is in the Template.

If element is an int, return True if it is non-negative and less than the length of the Template.

If element is a str, return True if an Information Element with the name element is included in the Template.

If element is an InfoElement or InfoElementSpec, return True if the element exists in the Template, False otherwise.


>>> t = Template(InfoModel())
>>> t.add_element("protocolIdentifier")
>>> "protocolIdentifier" in t
>>> InfoElementSpec("protocolIdentifier") in t
__getitem__(key: Union[str, int]) InfoElementSpec

Implements the evaluation of template[key] for Template instances: Returns the InfoElementSpec represented by key.

If key is an int, it is treated as a positional index and an IndexError exception is raised when it is out of range.

If key is a str, it is treated as the name of the InfoElementSpec to find and KeyError Exception is raised when key is not the name of an InfoElementSpec on the Template. If an InfoElementSpec is repeated in the Template, querying by name always returns the first element.

Any other type for key raises a TypeError.


>>> t = Template(InfoModel())
>>> t.add_element("protocolIdentifier")
>>> t[0]
<pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec object at 0x107a0fc00>
>>> t["protocolIdentifier"]
<pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec object at 0x107a0fc00>
__len__() int

Implements the built-in len() method for Template instances: Returns the number of InfoElementSpec objects in the Template.


>>> t = Template(InfoModel())
>>> t.add_element("protocolIdentifier")
>>> len(t)
__iter__() Iterator[InfoElementSpec]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the InfoElementSpec objects in this Template. See also ie_iter.

ie_iter() Iterator[InfoElement]

Returns an Iterator over the InfoElement objects in this Template. See also __iter__.


>>> for ie in template:
...     print(, DataType.get_name(ie.type))
scope : int

Returns the scope associated with the Template. Setting scope to zero sets the scope to encompass the entire template. Setting the scope to None removes the scope.

template_id : int

Returns the template ID associated with the Template. Template ID can only be changed by adding the template to a Session.

type : bool

Returns True if template is an Information Element Type Information Template. Returns False otherwise. This attribute may not be changed.

infomodel : InfoModel

Returns the InfoModel associated with the Template. This attribute may not be changed.

read_only : bool

Returns True if this template has been added to a Session. This attribute may not be set.


>>> tmpl = pyfixbuf.Template(model)
>>> spec = pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("sourceTransportPort")
>>> spec2 = pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("destinationTransportPort")
>>> tmpl.add_spec(spec)
>>> tmpl.add_spec(spec2)
>>> tmpl2 = pyfixbuf.Template(model)
>>> tmpl2.add_spec_list([pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("fooname"),
>>> tmpl2.scope = 2
>>> if "sourceTransportPort" in tmpl:
>>>    print "yes"


A basicList is a list of zero or more instances of an Information Element. Examples include a list of port numbers, or a list of host names. The BL object acts similar to a Python list with additional attributes.

class pyfixbuf.BL(model: InfoModel, element: Union[InfoElement, InfoElementSpec, str][, count: int = 0[, semantic: int = 0]])

A BL represents a basicList.

A basicList is a list of zero or more instances of an Information Element.

A basicList can be initialized through a Record via init_basic_list or by creating a BL object.

The constructor requires an InfoModel model, and a InfoElementSpec, InfoElement, or string element. Additionally, it takes an optional integer count which represents the number of elements in the list, and an optional integer semantic to express the relationship among the list items.

All basicLists in a Record must be initialized (even to 0) before appending a Record to a Buffer.


>>> rec.add_element("basicList", BASICLIST)
>>> rec.add_element("basicList2", BASICLIST)
>>> bl = BL(model, "sourceTransportPort", 2)
>>> bl[0] = 80
>>> bl[1] = 23
>>> rec["basicList"] = bl
>>> rec.init_basic_list("basicList2", 4, "octetTotalCount")
>>> rec["basicList2"] = [99, 101, 104, 23]
__len__() int

Implements the built-in len() method for BL instances: Returns the number of entries in the basicList.


>>> bl = BL(model, "sourceTransportPort", 5)
>>> len(bl)
__iter__() Iterator[Any]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the items in the BL.


>>> bl = record['basicList']
>>> for v in bl:
...     print(v)
__getitem__(index: int) Any

Implements the evaluation of bl[index] for BL instances: Returns the value at position index in the basicList.


>>> bl = record['basicList']
>>> print(bl[0])
__setitem__(key: int, value: Any)

Implements assignment to bl[index] for BL instances: Sets the value at position index in the basicList to value.

copy(other: Iterable[Any])

Copies the items in the list other to this BL, stopping when other is exhausted or the length of the BL is reached.

Raises TypeError when other does not support iteration.

__contains__(item: Any) bool

Implements the in operator for BL instances: Tests whether this BL contains an element whose value is item.


>>> bl = record['basicList']
>>> 'text/plain' in bl
__str__() str

Return str(self).

__eq__(other: list) bool

Determines whether other is equal to this BL.

Returns True when other and this basicList contain the same elements in the same order. Returns False otherwise. Raises TypeError when other does not support iteration.


>>> bl = record['basicList']
>>> bl == ['text/xml', 'text/plain']

Clears and frees the basicList data.

semantic : int

The structured data semantic value for this BL.

element : InfoElement

The InfoElement associated with this BL that was set when the class:!BL was created. This attribute may not be changed.

Decoding Examples:

>>> bl = rec["basicList"]
>>> for items in bl:
...    print str(items) + '\n'
... bl.clear()

Encoding Examples:

>>> bl = BL(model, "httpUserAgent", 2)
>>> bl[0] = "Mozilla/Firefox"
>>> bl[1] = "Safari5.0"
>>> rec["basicList"] = bl
>>> if "Safari5.0" in bl:
...     print "Apple"
>>> print bl
["Mozilla/Firefox", "Safari5.0"]


A subTemplateList is a list of zero or more instances of a structured data type where each entry corresponds to a single template. Since a single template is associated with an STL, a Record must also be associated with the STL. Access each entry (a Record) in the list by iterating through the STL.

class pyfixbuf.STL([record: Record = None, key_name: str = None])

A STL represents a subTemplateList.

If record, a Record object, and key_name, a string, are provided, the subTemplateList for key_name in the given record is initialized, otherwise a generic STL is initialized. Eventually a Template must be associated with the STL for encoding.

For decoding, a Record must be associated with the STL.

set_record(record: Record)

Sets the Record on this STL to record.

__contains__(name: str) bool

Implements the in operator for STL instances: Tests whether the Template associated with this STL contains an InfoElement having the name name.

entry_init(record: Record, template: Template[, count: int = 0])

Initializes the STL to count entries of the given Record and Template.

This method should only be used to export a STL.

Each STL should be initialized before appending the Record to the Buffer even if it is initialized to 0.

Raises an Exception when template has a template_id of 0. You should add the template to a Session before using it for the STL.

The record that contains the STL should not be modified after calling entry_init().

__iter__() Iterator[Record]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the Record objects in the STL.


>>> for record in stl:
...     print(record.as_dict())
next() Record

Returns the next Record in the STL

iter_records(tmpl_id: int = 0) Iterator[Records]

Returns an Iterator over the STL‘s records, including records in any nested STML or STL. If a template ID is passed, returns an iterator over all the Record objects with a template ID matching the passed value.


>>> for record in stl.iter_records():
...     print(record.template.template_id)

Clears all entries in the list. Nested elements should be accessed and freed before calling this method. Frees any memory previously allocated for the list.

__getitem__(item: Union[int, str]) Any

Implements the evaluation of stl[item] for STL instances:

If item is an int, returns the Record at that positional index.

If item is a str, finds the InfoElement with the name item in the STL’s Template and returns the value for that element in the most recently accessed Record in the STL.

Returns None if item has an unexpected type.

__setitem__(key: int, value: Record)

Implements assignment to stl[index] for STL instances: Sets the Record at position index in this STL to value.

If this STL was not previously initialized via entry_init, it is initialized with the given Record’s Template and a count of 1.

__len__() int

Implements the built-in len() method for STL instances: Returns the number of Record objects in the STL.

template_id : int

The template ID of the Template used for this STL.

semantic : int

The structured data semantic value for this STL.

Decoding Examples:

>>> stl = rec["dnsList"]
>>> stl.set_record(dnsRecord)
>>> for dnsRecord in stl:
...     dnsRecord = dnsRecord.as_dict()
...     for key,value in dnsRecord.items():
...         print key + ": " + str(value) + '\n'
... stl.clear()

Encoding Examples:

>>> stl = STL()
>>> stl.entry_init(dnsRecord, dnsTemplate, 2)
>>> dnsRecord["dnsName"] = ""
>>> dnsRecord["rrType"] = 1
>>> stl[0] = dnsRecord
>>> dnsRecord["dnsName"] = ""
>>> dnsRecord["rrType"] = 2
>>> stl[1] = dnsRecord
>>> rec["subTemplateList"] = stl


A subTemplateMultiList is a list of zero or more instances of a structured data record, where the data records do not necessarily have to reference the same template. A subTemplateMultiList is made up of one or more STMLEntry objects. Each STMLEntry in the STML typically has a different template associated with it, but that is not a requirement. The data in the STML is accessed by iterating through each STMLEntry in the list and setting a Record on the STMLEntry.

class pyfixbuf.STML([record: Record = None[, key_name:str = None[, type_count: int = -1]]])

A STML object represents a subTemplateMultiList.

If a Record object, record, and key_name, a string, are provided, the STML object with key_name will be initialized in the given Record. It is only necessary to initialize and give a type_count if the subTemplateMultiList will be exported. All subTemplateMultiLists in an exported Record must be initialized. It is acceptable to initialize an STML to 0 list entries.

A STML must be initialized with record and key_name OR a type_count. This object can be used to set a subTemplateMultiList element in a Record.

The subTemplateMultiList is initialized to None unless it is given a type_count, in which case it will intialize the list and allocate memory in the given record.

type_count is the number of different templates that the STML will contain. For example, if you plan to have an STML with entries of type Template ID 999 and 888, type_count would be 2. type_count would also be 2 even if both instances will use Template ID 999.


>>> stml = my_rec["subTemplateMultiList"]   # sufficient for collection
>>> stml = pyfixbuf.STML(rec, "subTemplateMultiList", 3)  # STML with 3 entries for export
>>> stml = pyfixbuf.STML(type_count=2)
>>> stml = [record1, record2]
>>> stml2 = pyfixbuf.STML(type_count=3)
>>> stml2[0] = [record1, record2]
>>> stml2[1][0] = record3
>>> stml2[2].entry_init(record3, tmpl3, 0) #all entries must be init'd - even to 0.
>>> rec["subTemplateMultiList"] = stml

Clears the entries in the subTemplateMultiList and frees any memory allocated.

__iter__() Iterator[STMLEntry]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the STMLEntry objects in the STML.


>>> for entry in stml:
...     for record in entry:
...         print(record.as_dict())
next() STMLEntry

Returns the next STMLEntry in the STML.

iter_records(tmpl_id: int = 0) Iterator[Records]

Returns an Iterator over the STML’s records, including records in any nested STML or STL. If a template ID is passed, returns an iterator over all the Record objects with a template ID matching the passed value.


>>> for record in stml.iter_records():
...     print(record.template.template_id)
__len__() int

Implements the built-in len() method for STML instances: Returns the number of STMLEntry objects in the STML.

__contains__(name: str) bool

Implements the in operator for STML instances: Tests whether the Template used by the first STMLEntry in this STML contains an InfoElement having the name name.

__getitem__(index: int) STMLEntry

Implements the evaluation of stml[index] for STML instances: Returns the STMLEntry at position index.


>>> entry = stml[0]
>>> stml[0].entry_init[record, template, 3]
__setitem__(key: int, value: Iterable[Record])

Implements assignment to stml[index] for STML instances: Sets the STMLEntry at position index in the STML to the list of Record objects in value. value must be a list. All Records in the list should have the same :class:Template.


>>> stml[0] = [rec1, rec2, rec3, rec4]
semantic : int

The structured data semantic value for this STML.

Decode Examples:

>>> stml = my_rec["subTemplateMultiList"]
>>> for entry in stml:
...        if "tcpSequenceNumber" in entry:
...           entry.set_record(tcprec)
...           for tcp_record in entry:
...               tcp_record = tcp_record.as_dict()
...               for key,value in tcp_record.items()
...                   print key + ": " + str(value) + '\n'

Encode Examples:

>>> stml = STML(type_count=3)
>>> stml.entry_init(rec, template, 2) #init first entry to 2 with template
>>> rec["sourceTransportPort"] = 3
>>> rec["destinationTransportPort"] = 5
>>> stml[0][0] = rec
>>> rec["sourceTransportPort"] = 6
>>> rec["destinationTransportPort"] = 7
>>> stml[0][1] = rec
>>> stml[1][0] = rec2       #init second entry to 1 item using rec2
>>> stml[2].entry_init(rec3, template3, 0) #init third entry to 0


Each STML consists of one or more STMLEntry objects. Each STMLEntry is associated with a Template, and therefore should have a corresponding Record. An STMLEntry can contain zero or more instances of the associated Record.

class pyfixbuf.STMLEntry(stml: STML)

Creates an empty STMLEntry and associates it to the given STML, stml. There should be one STMLEntry for each different Template in the STML.

Each STMLEntry should be initialized using entry_init to associate a Record and Template with the entry.

entry_init(record: Record, template: Template[, count: int = 0])

Initializes the STMLEntry to the given Record, record, Template, template, and count instances of the record it will contain.

This should only be used for exporting a subTemplateMultiList. Entries in the STML must all be initialized, even if it is initialized to 0. This method is not necessary if a Record has a template associated with it. The application can simply set the STMLEntry to a list of Record objects and the STMLEntry will automatically be initialized.

Raises an Exception when template has a template_id of 0. You should add the template to a Session before using it for the STMLEntry.


>>> stml = pyfixbuf.STML(my_rec, "subTemplateMultiList", 1)
>>> stml[0].entry_init(my_rec, template, 2)
>>> my_rec["sourceTransportPort"] = 3
>>> stml[0][0] = my_rec
>>> my_rec["sourceTransportPort"] = 5
>>> stml[0][1] = my_rec
set_record(record: Record)

Sets the Record on the STMLEntry to record in order to access its elements.

__contains__(name: str) bool

Implements the in operator for STMLEntry instances: Tests whether the Template associated with this STMLEntry contains an InfoElement having the name name.

Alternatively, you can access the Template ID associated with this STMLEntry to determine the type of Record that should be used to access the elements.

set_template(template: Template)

Assigns a Template to the STMLEntry. The Template must be valid.

This method may be used as an alternative to entry_init. This is only required if the Record that will be assigned to the STMLEntry was not created with a Template. Using this method instead of entry_init results in only allocating one item for the STMLEntry.

Raises an Exception when template has a template_id of 0. You should add the template to a Session before using it for the STMLEntry.

__iter__() Iterator[Record]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the Record objects in the STMLEntry.


>>> for entry in stml:
...     for record in entry:
...         print(record.as_dict())
next() Record

Retrieves the next Record in the STMLEntry.

__getitem__(item: Union[int, str]) Any

Implements the evaluation of stmlEntry[item] for STMLEntry instances:

If item is an int, returns the Record at that positional index.

If item is a str, finds the InfoElement with the name item in the STMLEntry’s Template and returns the value for that element in the first Record in the STMLEntry.

Returns None if item has an unexpected type.

__setitem__(key: int, value: Record)

Implements assignment to stmlentry[index] for STMLEntry instances: Sets the Record at position index in this STMLEntry to value.

If this STMLEntry has not been previously initialized, it is initialized with the Record’s Template and a length of 1.

__len__() int

Implements the built-in len() method for STMLEntry instances: Returns the number of Record objects in the STMLEntry.

template_id : int

The Template ID of the Template that corresponds to this STMLEntry in the STML.


>>> stml = my_rec["subTemplateMultiList"]
>>> for entry in stml:
...     if "tcpSequenceNumber" in entry:
...        entry.set_record(tcp_rec)
...        for tcp_record in entry:
...            tcp_record = tcp_record.as_dict()
...            for key,value in tcp_record.items():
...                print key + ": " + str(value) + '\n'
...     elif entry.template_id == 0xCE00:
...        entry.set_record(dns_rec)
>>> stml.clear()


The Buffer implements a transcoding IPFIX Message buffer for both export and collection. The Buffer is one of the “core” interfaces to the fixbuf library. Each Buffer must be initialized to do either collecting or exporting.

class pyfixbuf.Buffer([record: Record = None[, auto: bool = False]])

Creates an uninitialized Buffer.

The Buffer must be initialized for collection or export using init_collection or init_export prior to use.

If auto is True and the Buffer is initialized for collection, a Template is automatically generated from the external template that is read from the Collector, the internal template on the Buffer is set to that template, and a matching Record is created to match that Template.


>>> collector = Collector()
>>> collector.init_file(sys.argv[1])
>>> session = Session(infomodel)
>>> buffer = Buffer(auto=True)
>>> buffer.init_collection(session, collector)
>>> for record in buffer:
>>>     print(record.as_dict())

If record is specified, it is set as the Buffer‘s cached Record for use during collection. The set_record method may also be used to set the cached Record.

There is no requirement to set a cached Record on the Buffer since the Buffer creates one as needed. The cached Record is used during collection when its Template matches the Buffer‘s current internal Template. Calling set_internal_template may clear the cached Record.

For export, the user may use set_internal_template and set_export_template to specify the format of the record, and call append to append a Record to the Buffer.

init_collection(session: Session, collector: Collector)

Initializes the Buffer for collection given the Session, session, and Collector, collector.

init_export(session: Session, exporter: Exporter)

Initializes the Buffer for Export given the Session, session, and Exporter, exporter.

set_internal_template(template_id: int)

Sets the internal Template to the one whose ID is template_id. The Buffer must have an internal template set on it before collecting or exporting. Causes the Buffer to discard the cached Record specified in the call to set_record or to the constructor if its Template does not match that specified by template_id.

set_export_template(template_id: int)

Sets the external Template to the one whose ID is template_id. The Buffer must have an export template set before appending (append) a Record to the Buffer. The export Template describes how fixbuf will write the given Record to the output stream.

next_record(record: Record) Record

Gets the next record on this Buffer in the form of the given Record, record. Returns None if the Buffer is empty. Raises an exception if an internal template is not set on the Buffer or if record does not match the internal template.

next([record: Record = None]) Record

Returns the next Record from this Buffer initialized for collection. Raises a StopIteration Exception when there are no more Record objects. Raises Exception if an internal template has not been set on the Buffer.

__iter__() Iterator[Record]

Implements the method to return an Iterator over the Record objects in this Buffer initialized for collection.


>>> for record in buffer:
...     print(record.as_dict())
set_record(record: Record)

Sets the cached Record on this Buffer to record. If record is associated with a Template (and this Buffer is initialized for collection or export), calls set_internal_template with the template_id of that Template.

next_template() Template

Retrieves the external Template that will be used to read the next Record from this Buffer initialized for collection. If no next Record is available, raises StopIteration.

If ignore_options is True, skips options records and returns the Template for the next non-options Record.

See also get_template.

get_template() Template

Retrieves the external Template that was used to read the current Record from this Buffer initialized for collection. If no Record has been read, returns None.

See also next_template.

append(rec: Record[, length: int])

Appends the first argument, a Record, to this Buffer initialized for export. If a second argument, an int representing a length, is given, appends only the first length number of bytes to the Buffer.

An internal and external Template must be set on the Buffer prior to appending a Record.

write_ie_options_record(name: str, template: Template)

Appends an Information Element Type Information Record (RFC 5610) to this Buffer initialized for export. An Options Record is appended with information about the Information Element with the given name. template is the Information Element Type Options Template that was created by giving type=True to the Template constructor.


Tells this Buffer intialized for collection to watch the stream for Information Element Option Records (RFC 5610) and automatically create and insert an InfoElement to the InfoModel for each one seen. Information elements that have an enterprise number of 0 are ignored.

ignore_options(ignore: bool)

Tells this Buffer initialized for collection how to handle Options Records.

If ignore is set to True, the Buffer ignores Options Templates and Records. By default, ignore is False, and the Buffer returns Options Records that the application must handle.

The application may use next_template to retrieve the Template and determine if it is an Options Template.


Writes any pending Record objects in the Buffer to the Exporter.


Frees the Buffer. This method may be invoked when using a Buffer for export to flush and close the stream.


>>> buf = pyfixbuf.Buffer(my_rec)
>>> buf.init_collection(session, collector)
>>> buf.set_internal_template(999)
>>> for data in buf:
...     data = data.as_dict()
...     for key,value in data.items()
...         print key + ":" + str(value) + '\n'


>>> buf = pyfixbuf.Buffer(my_rec)
>>> buf.init_export(session, exporter)
>>> buf.set_internal_template(999)
>>> buf.set_external_template(999)
>>> session.export_templates()
>>> while count < 10:
...       my_rec['sourceIPv4Address'] = ""
...       my_rec['destinationIPv4Address'] = ""
...       buf.append(my_rec)
>>> buf.emit()


>> buf = pyfixbuf.Buffer(auto=True)
>> buf.init_collection(session, collector)
>> for data in buf:
...    data = data.as_dict()
...    for key,value in data.items()
...        print key + ":" + str(value) + '\n'


The state of an IPFIX Transport Session is maintained in the Session object. This includes all IPFIX Message Sequence Number tracking, and internal and external template management. A Session is associated with an InfoModel. Template instances must be added before collecting (via a Collector or Listener) or exporting (see Exporter) any data.

class pyfixbuf.Session(model: InfoModel)

Creates an empty Session given an InfoModel.

add_template(template: Template[, template_id: int = 0]) int

Adds the given Template template to the Session with the optional template_id. This template may be used as both an internal and an external template. Use add_internal_template or add_external_template to be more selective on template usage.

If a template_id is not given or 0, libfixbuf automatically chooses an unused template ID. template_id is used for representing both the internal and external template. The valid range for template_id is 256 to 65535 (0x100 to 0xffff).

When template_id is specified and it is already in use by the Session, template replaces those Template(s).

Returns the template ID of the added template.

add_internal_template(template: Template[, template_id: int = 0]) int

Adds the given template as an internal template to the session with the optionally given template_id. An internal template determines how the data is presented when transcoded. See also add_template.

If template_id is not set or 0, libfixbuf will automatically choose an unused value.

Returns the template ID of the added Template.

add_external_template(template: Template[, template_id: int = 0]) int

Adds the given template as an external template to the session with the optionally given template_id. An external template is used when exporting IPFIX data. (libfixbuf automatically creates external templates when collecting IPFIX.) See also add_template.

If template_id is not set or 0, libfixbuf will automatically choose an unused value.

Returns the template ID of the added Template.

decode_only(id_list: Iterable[int])

When decoding, causes this Session to ignore a record in a subTemplateList (STL) or subTemplateMultiList (STML) unless the record has a template ID in the given id_list of ints. The method is only used when the Session is bound to a Collector or Listener.

This method has no effect on records that are not in a subTemplateList or subTemplateMultiList. See also ignore_templates.

ignore_templates(id_list: Iterable[int])

When decoding, causes this Session to ignore a record in a subTemplateList (STL) or subTemplateMultiList (STML) when the record has a template ID in the given id_list of ints. The method is only used when the Session is bound to a Collector or Listener.

This method has no effect on records that are not in a subTemplateList or subTemplateMultiList. See also decode_only.

add_template_pair(external_template_id: int, internal_template_id: int)

Specifies how to transcode data within structured data (a list).

That is, tells a Collector or Listener that data in a STML or STL whose Template is external_template_id is to be transcoded into the Template given by internal_template_id.

By default, libfixbuf transcodes each entry in the STML or STL with the external template it received, requiring the collector to free or clear any memory allocated for the list elements. The collector can change this behavior by adding a “template pair.” For each entry in the STL or STML, if the entry has the given external_template_id, it will use the given internal_template_id to transcode the record. The internal_template_id must reference an internal template that was previously added to the Session. If internal_template_id is 0, the entry will not be transcoded and will be ignored by libfixbuf.

Once a template pair has been added - the default is to ONLY decode entries that have an external_template_id in this template pair table. Therefore, any entries in a STML or STL that reference a template id not in this table will be dropped.


Exports the templates associated with this Session. This is necessary for an exporting session (see Exporter) and must be called before any records are appended to the Buffer. Buffer must already have a Session associated with it using Buffer.init_export.

get_template(template_id: int[, internal: bool = False]) Template

Returns the Template with the given template_id. By default, the external template is returned. Set internal to True to retrieve the internal template with the given template_id. The returned Template may not be modified.

Raises an Exception if a Template with the given template_id does not exist on the Session.

add_template_callback(callback: Callable[[Session, Template, Any], Any])

Adds the callable callback to be called whenever a new external template is read from a Collector or Listener.

Multiple callbacks may be added to a Session. The callbacks may specify a context object that is stored with the Template.

After setting the callback(s), when a new template is read the callbacks will be called in the order they are added, and each may modify the context object. After all callbacks are called, the Template’s context object will be set to the result. A Template’s context may be retrieved via Template.get_context.

The callback must be a callable and it will be called with three arguments: session, template, and context. session is the Session from which the callback was added. template is the new Template and will have its template_id property set to the external template ID.

The context argument is the current object that is to be stored as the Template’s context. The callback should either return a new object to use as the context or None. A return value of None indicates that the context object should not change.

To avoid undefined behavior, the callback functions should be added before the Session is bound to a Buffer.

domain : int

The observation domain on the Session.


>>> session = pyfixbuf.Session(model)
>>> session.add_internal_template(289, tmpl)
>>> auto_id = session.add_external_template(0, tmpl)
>>> session.decode_only([256, 257])


An Collector maintains the necessary information for the connection to a corresponding Exporting Process. A Collector is used for reading from an IPFIX file. See Listener for collecting IPFIX over a network.

class pyfixbuf.Collector

Creates an uninitialized Collector. An IPFIX Collector manages the file it is reading from. Initialize the collector using init_file.

init_file(filename: str)

Initialize the Collector to read from the given filename. filename should be the path to a valid IPFIX File or the string "-" to read from the standard input.


>>> collector = pyfixbuf.Collector()
>>> collector.init_file("path/to/in.ipfix")


An Exporter maintains the information needed for its connection to a corresponding Collecting Process. An Exporter may be created to write to IPFIX files or to connect via the network using one of the supported IPFIX transport protocols.

class pyfixbuf.Exporter

Creates an empty Exporter. Initialize the exporter using init_file or init_net.

init_file(filename: str)

Initializes the Exporter to write to the given filename.

init_net(hostname: str[, transport: str = "tcp"[, port: int = 4739]])

Initializes the Exporter to write to the given hostname, port over the given transport.

Given hostname may be a hostname or IP address.

Acceptable values for transport are "tcp" and "udp". Default is "tcp".

Given port must be greater than 1024. Default is 4739.


>>> exporter = pyfixbuf.Exporter()
>>> exporter.init_file("/path/to/out.ipfix")
>>> exporter2 = pyfixbuf.Exporter()
>>> exporter2.init_net("localhost", "udp", 18000)


The Listener manages the passive collection used to listen for connections from Exporting Processes.

class pyfixbuf.Listener(session: Session, hostname: str[, transport: str = "tcp"[, port: int = 4739]])

Creates a Listener given the session, hostname, transport, and port.

session must be a valid instance of Session.

hostname is a string containing the address to bind to, a hostname or an IP Address. If hostname is None, all addresses are used.

transport is the transport protocol; it may contain "tcp" (the default) "udp", or "sctp". (Using "sctp" raises an exception unless libfixbuf has been compiled with SCTP support.)

port is the port number to listen on, and it must not be less than 1024. The default is 4739.


>>> listener = Listener(session, hostname="localhost", port=18000)
wait([record: Record = None]) Buffer

Waits for a connection on the set host and port. Once a connection is made, returns a newly allocated Buffer.

If a record is given to wait then the returned Buffer will already be associated with a Record.

If no record is given, you must use set_record on the Buffer before accessing the elements.

After receiving the Buffer you must set the internal template on the returned Buffer using set_internal_template before accessing the data.


>>> buf = listener.wait()
>>> buf.set_record(my_rec)
>>> buf.set_internal_template(999)
>>> for data in buf:
>>> ...


The InfoModel type implements an IPFIX Information Model (RFC 7012) which holds the known Information Elements (InfoElement).

libfixbuf adds, by default, the IANA managed Information Elements to the Information Model. IANA’s Information Elements have a enterprise number of 0; a non-zero enterprise number is called a private enterprise number (PEN).

To process data from YAF or super_mediator, enterprise-specific information elements must be loaded into the information model. These information elements use the CERT PEN, 6871. One may load all CERT defined information elements into an InfoModel, model, by importing the pyfixbuf.cert package and running pyfixbuf.cert.add_elements_to_model with model as its argument.

There are two alternate ways to add those elements to an InfoModel:

  1. Download the XML file that defines those elements and invoke the model’s InfoModel.read_from_xml_file method.

  2. Invoke InfoModel.add_element_list on the model and pass it one of the pyfixbuf.yaflists variables.

class pyfixbuf.InfoModel

An IPFIX Information Model stores all of the Information Elements (InfoElement) that can be collected or exported by a Collecting or Exporting Process.

The constructor creates a new Information Model and adds the default IANA-managed Information Elements.

add_element(element: InfoElement)

Adds the given InfoElement to the InfoModel.

add_element_list(elements: Iterable[InfoElement]))

Adds each of the InfoElement objects in elements to the InfoModel.

get_element_length(name: str[, type: int]) length

Returns the in-memory size of an InfoElement.

Specifically, searches the InfoModel for an InfoElement named name and if found, returns the length of a value of that InfoElement when the value is part of an in-memory Record. If the InfoElement is of variable length or a list, returns the size of the data structure that holds the value within libfixbuf.

However, if type is given and is one of BASICLIST, SUBTEMPLATELIST, or SUBTEMPLATEMULTILIST, ignores name and returns the length of the list data structure within libfixbuf. Any other integer value for type is ignored.

Raises TypeError if name is not a str or if type is given and is not an int. Raises KeyError if name is not ignored and not the name of a known InfoElement.

get_element([name: str[, id: int[, ent: int]]]) InfoElement

Returns the InfoElement given the name or id and ent. Raises KeyError when the element is not found.


>>> ie = model.get_element('protocolIdentifier')
>>> ie = model.get_element(id = 4)
>>> ie = m.get_element(id = 4, ent = CERT_PEN)
Traceback ...
KeyError: 'No element 6871/4'
get_element_type(name: str) DataType

Returns the type of the Information Element as defined in the InfoModel given the InfoElement name.

add_options_element(rec: Record)

Adds the information element contained in the Options Record. Use this method for incoming Options Records that contain Information Element Type Information.

read_from_xml_data(xml_data: Any)

Adds to this InfoModel the Information Elements found in the XML data stored in xml_data, which is an object that supports the buffer call interface. See also read_from_xml_file.

read_from_xml_file(filename: str)

Adds to this InfoModel the Information Elements found in the XML file in filename. See also read_from_xml_data.


>>> model = pyfixbuf.InfoModel()
>>> model.add_element(foo);
>>> model.add_element_list([foo, bar, flo])
>>> model.add_element_list(pyfixbuf.yaflists.YAF_DNS_LIST) # adds all YAF DNS DPI elements
>>> length = model.get_element_length("sourceTransportPort")
>>> print length


An Information Element describes a single piece of data in a Template and the Record it describes. An IPFIX Information Model (InfoModel) holds all Information Elements. Each Information Element consists of a unique and meaningful name, an enterprise number, a numeric identifier, a length, and a data type (DataType). The enterprise number is 0 for information elements defined by IANA. A non-zero enterprise number is called a private enterprise number (PEN).

Giving an InfoElement an DataType allows Python to return the appropriate type of object when the value is requested. Otherwise, the value of the InfoElement is bytearray. If the type is DataType.STRING or one of the list values, the IE length should be VARLEN. InfoElements that have type DataType.OCTET_ARRAY may or may not be variable length.

Units (Units), semantics (Semantic), minimum value, maximum value, and description are all optional parameters to further describe an information element. If the process is exporting Information Element Type Option Records (RFC 5610), this information may help the collecting process identify the type of information contained in the value of an Information Element.

class pyfixbuf.InfoElement(name: str, enterprise_number: int, id: int[, length: int = VARLEN[, reversible: bool = False[, endian: bool = False[, type: DataType = DataType.OCTET_ARRAY[, units: Units = Units.NONE[, min: int = 0[, max: int = 0[, semantic: Semantic = Semantic.DEFAULT[, description: str = None]]]]]]]]])

Creates a new Information Element (IE) using the given name, enterprise_number, and id, and optional length, reversible flag, endian flag, datatype, units, min, max, semantic, and description. An Information Element identifies a type of data to be stored and transmitted via IPFIX.

If no length is provided, the IE is defined as having a variable length. All Strings should be variable length.

If endian is True, the IE is assumed to be an integer and will be converted to and from network byte order upon transcoding.

If reversible is True, a second IE is created for the same information in the reverse direction. (The reversed IE’s name is created by capitalizing the first character of name and prepending the string reverse.)

If type is set, pyfixbuf will know how to print values of this type. Otherwise the type of the element will be DataType.OCTET_ARRAY and it is returned as a Python bytearray. The type may be a DataType value or an integer.

units optionally defines the units of an Information Element. See Units for the available units.

min optionally defines the minimum value of an Information Element.

max optionally defines the maximum value of an Information Element.

semantic optionally defines the semantics of an Information Element. See Semantic for the known semantics.

description optionally contains a human-readable description of an Information Element.

name : str

The name, a string, associated with the InfoElement.

enterprise_number : int

The Enterprise Number associated with the InfoElement. Default Information Elements have a enterprise number of 0. enterprise_number is a 32-bit unsigned integer (1–4,294,967,295).

id : int

The Information Element ID that, with the enterprise number, uniquely identifies the Information Element. id is an unsigned 15-bit integer (1–32767).

length : int

The length of this Information Element as defined in the Information Model. The lengths of elements having type DataType.STRING, DataType.OCTET_ARRAY, and DataType.LIST are 65535 (VARLEN).

type : DataType

The data type associated with the Information Element. The values are stored in the DataType enumeration. If type is not defined, the default type is 0, DataType.OCTET_ARRAY. If the Information Element is defined as VARLEN, the default type is 14, DataType.STRING.

units : Units

The units associated with the Information Element. The values are stored in the Uints enumeration. If units are not defined, the default is Units.NONE.

min : int

If a range is defined with the Information Element, min is the minimum value accepted. Valid values are 0 - 2^64-1.

max : int

If a range is defined for an Information Element, max is the maximum value accepted. Valid values are 0 - 2^64-1.

semantic : Semantic

Semantic value for an Information Element. The values are stored in the Semantic enumeration. The default semantic is 0, Semantic.DEFAULT.

description : str

Description of an Information Element. This is a string. Default is None.

reversible : bool

True if an Information Element is defined as reversible.

endian : bool

True if an Information Element is defined as numeric value that should potentially be byte-swapped when transcoding to or from network byte order.

as_dict() dict

Returns a dictionary of key value pairs suitable for use as keyword arguments to InfoElement‘s constructor.

ent : int

An alias for enterprise_number.


>>> foo = pyfixbuf.InfoElement('fooname', CERT_PEN, 722, units=pyfixbuf.Units.WORDS)
>>> bar = pyfixbuf.InfoElement('barname', 123, 565, 1, reversible=True, endian=True)
>>> foo2 = pyfixbuf.InfoElement('fooname2', 0, 888, 3, type=pyfixbuf.DataType.OCTET_ARRAY)
>>> flo = pyfixbuf.InfoElement('flo_element', 0, 452, 8, endian=True, type=8)


The DataType class holds the values for the IPFIX Information Element Data Types defined by Section 3.1 of RFC 7012. This class may not be instantiated, and all methods are static.

class pyfixbuf.DataType

An enumeration containing the DataTypes supported by pyfixbuf.

In the following table, the RLE column indicates whether the type supports reduced length encoding.


Integer Value



Python Return Type




















































































































classmethod get_name(value: int) str

Returns the string name associated with value in this enumeration.

Raises KeyError if value is not known to this enumeration. Raises TypeError if value is not an instance of an int.

classmethod to_string(value: int) str

Returns a string that includes the class name and the name associated with value in this enumeration; e.g., DataType(UINT8) or Units(PACKETS).

Returns a string even when value is not known to this enumeration.

classmethod by_name(name: String) DataType

Returns the value associated with the name name in this enumeration.

Raises KeyError if this enumeration does not have a value asociated with name. Raises TypeError if name is not a str.

static check_type(data_type: int, value: Any) bool

Returns True if a field whose InfoElement’s DataType is dt may be set to value given it the Pythonic type of value.

static get_length(data_type: int) int

Returns the standard length of a DataType

static refine_type_for_length(data_type: int, len: int) DataType

Chooses a DataType given a DataType and a length

static supports_RLE(data_type: int) bool

Returns True if the DataType supports reduced length encoding


The Semantic class holds the values for the IPFIX Information Element Semantics defined by Section 3.2 of RFC 7012 and Section 3.10 of RFC 5610. This class may not be instantiated, and all methods are static.

class pyfixbuf.Semantic

An enumeration containg the available Semantic values for Information Elements (InfoElement). This is not for the semantics of structured data items.


Integer Value



















classmethod get_name(value: int) String

Returns the string name associated with value in this enumeration.

Raises KeyError if value is not known to this enumeration. Raises TypeError if value is not an instance of an int.

classmethod to_string(value: int) String

Returns a string that includes the class name and the name associated with value in this enumeration; e.g., DataType(UINT8) or Units(PACKETS).

Returns a string even when value is not known to this enumeration.

classmethod by_name(name: String) Semantic

Returns the value associated with the name name in this enumeration.

Raises KeyError if this enumeration does not have a value asociated with name. Raises TypeError if name is not a str.


The Units class holds the values for the IPFIX Information Element Units initially defined by Section 3.7 of RFC 5610. This class may not be instantiated, and all methods are static.

class pyfixbuf.Units

An enumeration containing the Units supported by pyfixbuf.


Integer Value

































classmethod get_name(value: int) String

Returns the string name associated with value in this enumeration.

Raises KeyError if value is not known to this enumeration. Raises TypeError if value is not an instance of an int.

classmethod to_string(value: int) String

Returns a string that includes the class name and the name associated with value in this enumeration; e.g., DataType(UINT8) or Units(PACKETS).

Returns a string even when value is not known to this enumeration.

classmethod by_name(name: String) Units

Returns the value associated with the name name in this enumeration.

Raises KeyError if this enumeration does not have a value asociated with name. Raises TypeError if name is not a str.


An Information Element Specification (InfoElementSpec) is used to name an Information Element (InfoElement) for inclusion in a Template. The Information Element must have already been defined and added to the Information Model (InfoModel). An InfoElementSpec contains the exact name of the defined Information Element and an optional length override.

class pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec(name: str[, length: int = 0])

Creates a new Information Element Specification using the given name, and optional override length. An IPFIX Template is made up of one or more InfoElementSpecs.

The given name must be a defined Information Element (InfoElement) in the Information Model (InfoModel) before adding the InfoElementSpec to a Template.

If length is nonzero, it is used instead of the default length of this Information Element for reduced-length encoding. Not all Information Element data types support reduced-length encoding, and length must be smaller than the default length. When 0, the default length provided by the InfoElement in the InfoModel is used.

Note that the values of name and length are only checked when the InfoElementSpec is added to a Template. When an InfoElementSpec whose length is zero is added to a Template, the length of that InfoElementSpec is modified to reflect the default length of the InfoElement.


>>> spec1 = pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("fooname")
>>> spec2 = pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("sourceTransportPort")
>>> spec3 = pyfixbuf.InfoElementSpec("flo_element", 4)
name : str

The Information Element Specification name.

length : int

The length override for the Information Element Specification. A value of 0 indicates the length of the element is the default length specified for that InfoElement in the InfoModel.

Global Variables

pyfixbuf defines the following global constants:


The version of pyfixbuf.


The size used to indicate an InfoElement has a variable length. (65535)


The private enterprise number assigned by IANA to the CERT division within the Software Engineering Institute. (6871)


An alias for DataType.BASIC_LIST. The Record.add_element and InfoModel.get_element_length methods accept this value to help when constructing a Record.


An alias for DataType.SUB_TMPL_LIST. The Record.add_element and InfoModel.get_element_length methods accept this value to help when constructing a Record.


An alias for DataType.SUB_TMPL_MULTI_LIST. The Record.add_element and InfoModel.get_element_length methods accept this value to help when constructing a Record.