YAF with Orcus

This tutorial describes how to configure yaf and Orcus to create a passive DNS database using PostgreSQL. It is possible to use Oracle as the database. For information on using Oracle with Orcus, see these instructions. This tutorial will also describe how to use super_mediator for deduplication of DNS records and forking IPFIX streams to SiLK and Orcus.

Database Configuration

First step is to install PostgreSQL. The PostgreSQL wiki provides adequate instructions for installing from source code. You could also use one of the following:

$ apt-get install postgresql
$ yum install postgresql93-server

Initialize a database storage area on disk. PostgreSQL must have permissions to write to the database storage area. It is recommended to create a PostgreSQL user account. Some operating systems (e.g. Ubuntu) create a postgres user when PostgreSQL is installed. Login as the postgres user and run the following. You may need to add the location of initdb to your PATH. Note that on some operating systems the database is already initialized and the server is started automatically after install. The following steps may not be required if this is the case.

$ mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
$ mkdir /var/log/postgres
$ chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
$ chown postgres /var/log/postgres
$ sudo su - postgres
$ export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin:$PATH
$ initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

Start the PostgreSQL server:

$ pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l /var/log/postgres/postgres.log

Create the Orcus database:

$ createdb orcus

Create roles for Orcus:

$ psql orcus
orcus=> create user orcus login password 'orcus';
orcus=> create user orcususer login password 'orcus';

Change the owner of the orcus database to orcus:

orcus=> alter database orcus owner to orcus;

Install and Configure Orcus:

Besides glib2, glib2-devel, libpcap, libpcap-devel, python, python-devel, libpcre, and libpcre-devel, you will also need the following:

Libfixbuf 1.3.0 or greater is required. Install libfixbuf before installing Orcus:

$ tar -xvzf libfixbuf-1.7.0.tar.gz
$ cd libfixbuf-1.7.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

psycopg2 2.4.5+ is required.

$ tar -xvzf psycopg2-2.5.2.tar.gz
$ cd psycopg2-2.5.2
$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install

Install netsa-python.

$ tar -xvzf netsa-python-1.4.3.tar.gz
$ cd netsa-python-1.4.3
$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install

Install Orcus. PKG_CONFIG_PATH should be set to the location of libfixbuf.pc:

$ tar -xvzf orcus-1.0.3.tar.gz
$ cd orcus-1.0.3
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install

Install (as postgres user) the Orcus schema (provided in the Orcus tarball in sql/):

$ psql -U orcus -d orcus -q -f sql/create-sa_orcus-1.0.0-postgres.sql

If you see an error similar to:

psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "orcus"

You may need to modify the pg_hba.conf file: (/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf). Change the following line from:

local    all          postgres       peer


local    all          postgres       md5

Restart the postgresql server after making this change.

Create the Orcus configuration file (copy sample provided in tarball):

$ cp orcus.conf.sample /etc/orcus.conf

The orcus.conf file contains settings for the orloader, orlookup, and orquery. Many of the configuration settings are simply file directories that orloader uses for polling, processing, and logging. By default, orloader uses several directories in /data/orcus. For this tutorial, we will use the defaults. We will need to create the following directories:

$ mkdir /data/orcus
$ mkdir /data/orcus/incoming
$ mkdir /data/orcus/loading
$ mkdir /data/orcus/error
$ mkdir /data/orcus/archive

We will need to edit the following line with our password for the Orcus database:

database-uri: nsql-postgres:orcus;user=orcus;password=orcus

Additionally, if we want orloader to interpret IP addresses appropriately, we need to specify our internal network:

net-list:, fe80::/64

Start orloader:

$ orloader --config-file /etc/orcus.conf &

Install and Configure YAF

Install yaf:

$ tar -xvzf yaf-2.6.0.tar.gz
$ cd yaf-2.6.0
$ ./configure --enable-applabel --enable-plugins
$ make
$ make install
$ cp etc/yaf.conf /usr/local/etc/yaf.conf
$ cp etc/init.d/yaf /etc/init.d/yaf
$ chmod +x /etc/init.d/yaf

If you plan to run yaf as a service, Edit yaf.conf to configure rolling IPFIX output for orloader. The "filter" part in the YAF_EXTRAFLAGS is optional as it will limit yaf to only processing data on port 53. You should not use a BPF filter if you plan to export all flow data to SiLK.

YAF_EXTRAFLAGS="--applabel --max-payload=2048 \
--plugin-name=/usr/local/lib/yaf/dpacketplugin.la --plugin-opts=53 \
--udp-uniflow=53 --filter='port 53'"

Start the YAF service. On a Linux system, use systemctl:

$ systemctl start yaf

On init.d-based systems, use service:

$ service yaf start

Alternatively, use the command line:

$ yaf --in eth0 --live pcap --out /data/yaf/yafdns \
      --rotate 60 --lock --applabel --max-payload=2048 \
  --plugin-name=/usr/local/lib/yaf/dpacketplugin.la \
  --udp-uniflow=53 --plugin-opts=53 --filter="port 53"\
  --log=/var/log/yaf.log --pidfile=/var/run/yaf.pid -d

If you see an error similar to:

Starting yaf:  /usr/local/bin/yaf: error while loading shared
libraries: libairframe-2.6.0.so.4: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory


$ ldconfig

yaf should NOT be configured to write IPFIX files to the same directory that orloader is polling. orloader does not understand yaf's locking process and will steal files from yaf while they are still being written to. filedaemon can be used to move files from one directory to another.

$ mkdir /data/yaf/fail
$ filedaemon --in '/data/yaf/yafdns*'\
         --nextdir=/data/orcus/incoming \

Sample Queries

Below are some example queries to view the data:

View A records between 01-01-2010 and 09-09-2010:

$ orquery --config-file=/etc/orcus.conf \
          --start-date=2010/01/01 \
      --end-date=2010/09/09 \

View NXDOMAIN Queries for today:

 $ oquery --config-file=/etc/orcus.conf \
          --fields=sensor,address,type,time,direction,q-name \

Use orlookup to find records related to yahoo:

$ orlookup --config-file=/etc/orcus.conf \
           --start-date=2010/01/01 \
       --end-date=2010/09/09 \

To view all A records on a particular day:

$ orlookup --config-file=/etc/orcus.conf \
           --start-date=2010/02/21 \

To retrieve all results from 2010 that match a particular IP address:

$ orlookup --config-file=/etc/orcus.conf \
           --start-date=2010/01/01 \
       --end-date=2010/12/31 \

Using super_mediator

super_mediator can be used to with yaf and Orcus to simply split the IPFIX input stream coming from yaf to Orcus and SiLK or it can be configured to perform deduplication of DNS resource records to reduce the data sent to and stored by Orcus. This tutorial will provide an example of a super_mediator configuration for both use cases.

Using super_mediator to split the records to Orcus and SiLK

The following configuration file for super_mediator listens on port 18000 for IPFIX data from yaf, writes the DNS data to the Orcus incoming directory and the flow data to SiLK. super_mediator is able to write to the incoming file directory for Orcus as it uses a lock method that will prevent Orcus from stealing the files before they are closed. The LOCK keyword is necessary in the Orcus exporter block (1st EXPORTER block). The second EXPORTER block is the SiLK exporter. The STATS_ONLY keyword is optional. If present, super_mediator will forward the yaf process statistics records to SiLK so they can be logged in the rwflowpack or flowcap log.

   PORT 18000

  PATH "/tmp/orcus/incoming/sm_dns"
  ROTATE 600

   PORT 18001

The following options should be used when running yaf:

$ yaf --in eth0 --live pcap \
      --out localhost --ipfix tcp --ipfix-port=18000 \
  --applabel --max-payload=1024 \
  --plugin-name=/usr/local/lib/yaf/dpacketplugin.la \
  --plugin-opts=53 \
  --silk \
  --udp-uniflow=53 -v \
  -d ---log=/var/log/yaf.log

The SiLK sensor.conf should contain a probe similar to:

probe S1 ipfix
      protocol tcp
      listen-on-port 18001
end probe

For more information on configuring and installing SiLK, see this tutorial

super_mediator DNS deduplication

The following super_mediator configuration file will enable deduplication of DNS resource records and the records will be written to rolling IPFIX files in the Orcus incoming directory. SiLK export is not configured, but could simply be added by using the above EXPORTER block in the following configuration.

   PORT 18000

  PATH "/tmp/orcus/incoming/sm_dns"
  ROTATE 600


Note that the use of LAST_SEEN in the DNS_DEDUP block is required for Orcus to ingest the data.

Once again, using the LOCK keyword is required if super_mediator is writing to the Orcus incoming directory. The above yaf invocation can also be used for this configuration. If super_mediator is only exporting to Orcus, you may consider adding --filter="port 53" to the yaf invocation to filter out all non-DNS data.

super_mediator deduplication is configurable. By default, super_mediator will export a deduplicated resource record every 5 minutes or when the hit count reaches 500. These settings can be modified by using the MAX_HIT_COUNT and FLUSH_TIME keywords in the DNS_DEDUP block. See the super_mediator.conf man page for more information.

Note: By using super_mediator to remove the duplicate records, the IP address (address field in orquery) that sent or received the query or response will be lost.