YAF PCAP Export Features

This tutorial will explain how yaf can create rolling PCAP files and indexes to quickly find a flow within the PCAP repository. The previous tutorial described how to use yaf to index PCAP files and create PCAPs using flow information.


In many environments the capturing of PCAP and flow are decoupled and the analysis that occurs with flow data often requires further examination with PCAP. In many cases, analysts have developed custom scripts to search PCAP files for a particular flow. This can be difficult when a flow spans multiple PCAP files and it is hard to determine which PCAP files they should be analyzing.

yaf can capture and write rolling PCAP files as well as generate the flow data and provide an index (using flow characteristics) into the PCAP data for quick and easy retrieval of a particular stream.

There are two approaches for indexing the PCAP files that yaf is creating. Both will be discussed here. Using the first approach, yaf will write one line to the pcap-meta-file for each FLOW that is contained in a PCAP file. For example, if a flow spans three PCAP files, the pcap-meta-file will contain 3 rows for the flow. The second approach configures yaf to write one line in the pcap-meta-file for each PCAP. This requires more storage up front, but provides very quick retrieval of the PCAP.

This example will configure yaf to export to a rwflowpack (SiLK) instance that will create a local repository of flow data. This tutorial does not provide details on installing and configuring SiLK, see this page for more details.


Create a file directory to store the PCAP data:

$ mkdir /data/pcap

Create a directory for the flow repository and logging:

$ mkdir /data/flow
$ mkdir /var/log/rwflowpack

Create a sensor configuration file for rwflowpack (sensor.conf):

probe S0 ipfix
      protocol tcp
      listen-on-port 18001
end probe

sensor S0
       ipfix-probes S0
       external-ipblock remainder
end sensor

Additionally, you will need to create a SiLK site configuration file (silk.conf). For this example, the one located in the SiLK tarball in site/twoway/silk.conf should suffice.

Start rwflowpack:

/usr/local/sbin/rwflowpack --sensor-conf=/data/flow/sensor.conf \
                   --root-dir=/data/flow \
                   --log-directory=/var/log/rwflowpack \
                   --site-config=/data/flow/silk.conf \

Confirm rwflowpack is running and is listening on port 18001:

$ netstat -an | grep 18001
tcp4       0      0  *.18001                *.*                    LISTEN

First Approach

This first approach will demonstrate how to use the rolling PCAP option in yaf with the pcap-meta-file option to write one line to the given file for each FLOW that is contained in a PCAP File. For example, if a flow spans three PCAP files, the pcap-meta-file will contain 3 rows for the flow. The yafMeta2Pcap tool will be used to query the pcap-meta-files for a particular flow and provide the file names of the PCAP files that contain the flow. yaf will then be run again over the particular PCAP files that contain the flow, and yafMeta2Pcap will create the PCAP file for the flow. For a slightly quicker process, jump to the second approach.

Start yaf:

yaf --in eth0 --live pcap \
    --out localhost \
    --ipfix tcp --ipfix-port 18001 \
    --applabel --max-payload=500 \
    --silk \
    --pcap /data/pcap/yaf_pcap \
    --pcap-meta-file /data/yaf_pcap_meta --pcap-timer=60 \
--max-pcap=500 \
    -d --log=/var/log/yaf.log --pidfile=/var/log/yaf.pid

By using the above options, yaf will create rolling PCAP files that will rotate every 60 seconds (or 500MB) and write index information to the pcap-meta-file. The default maximum file size for PCAP files is 25 MB. By default, yaf will rotate PCAP files every 5 minutes or when the file reaches 25 MB. Both the size and time are used to determine when a PCAP file should be rotated. If you prefer to only rotate on time, set –max-pcap to something very large. If you prefer to only rotate when a file reaches a particular size, set –pcap-timer to a high value. yaf will "lock" the files until the time has expired or the file limit is reached, meaning that yaf will add ".lock" to the end of the filename until it has finished writing to it. The pcap-meta-file will rotate before the file reaches 2 GB.

For this example, we will do a few SiLK queries to pick a flow we want to view the PCAP for. rwfilter is the most import analysis tool included with the SiLK tools. rwfilter is an application for querying the data repository for flow records that satisfy a set of filtering options. The SiLK tools are intended to be combined to perform a particular task. The analysis performed below will also use rwstats, rwcut, and rwsilk2ipfix. rwstats is used to summarize and sort SiLK flow records. rwcut is used to print the attributes of SiLK flow records in a delimited, columnar, human-readable format. rwsilk2ipfix convers a stream of SiLK flow records to IPFIX format.

To use the SiLK command line tools, set the SILK_DATA_ROOTDIR environment variable to your flow repository:

$ export SILK_DATA_ROOTDIR=/data/flow

$ rwstats --fields=29 --top --count=20
INPUT: 395 Records for 5 Bins and 395 Total Records
OUTPUT: Top 20 Bins by Records
appli|   Records|  %Records|   cumul_%|
    0|       160| 40.506329| 40.506329|
  443|       124| 31.392405| 71.898734|
   80|        77| 19.493671| 91.392405|
   53|        30|  7.594937| 98.987342|
  137|         4|  1.012658|100.000000|

The above query shows what application protocols are running on my network. Let's choose one of the unknown protocols (label 0):

$ rwfilter --pass-destination=stdout \
           --application=0 --type=all \
       --max-pass-records=2 \
       | rwcut --fields=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,13,14
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro|   packets|     bytes|\
                      sTime|   in|  out|||61416| 8080|  6|         3|       156|\
    2014/01/29T15:02:39.025|    0|    0||| 8080|61416|  6|         2|       104|\
    2014/01/29T15:02:39.026|    0|    0|

Now we have all the information we need to find the PCAP for this flow. The following command will query the data for one particular flow and rwsilk2ipfix will convert the SiLK flow record to IPFIX. getFlowKeyHash takes IPFIX as input, by default, and prints the 5-tuple, vlan, flow key hash, and start time in milliseconds to stdout.

$ rwfilter --pass-destination=stdout \
           --application=0 --type=all \
       --max-pass-records=1 \
       | rwsilk2ipfix | getFlowKeyHash
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro| vlan|      hash|                  ms||61416| 8080|  6|    0|4022100716|       1391007759025

FILE PATH: 025/4022100716-201412915239_0.pcap

Instead of performing the previous command and piping the output of rwfilter to rwsilk2ipfix to getFlowKeyHash, we can manually type the information on the command line to getFlowKeyHash:

$ getFlowKeyHash -s \
             -d \
         -S 61416 -D 8080 -p 6 \
             -y 2014-01-29 -t 15:02:39.025
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro| vlan|      hash|                  ms||61416| 8080|  6|    0|4022100716|       1391007759025

FILE PATH: 025/4022100716-201412915239_0.pcap

Now we can provide the information to yafMeta2Pcap. You can see that we provided a glob pattern of the pcap-meta-files that yaf produced. Alternatively, you could provide a text file that contains a list of the names of the pcap-meta-files (see the second approach for an example). If an output file is not provided to yafMeta2Pcap, the tool simply returns the name of the PCAP file that contains the flow we are interested in. If our flow had been a long flow, and spanned multiple PCAP files, the output of yafMeta2Pcap would have been all of the file names that contain the flow.

$ yafMeta2Pcap -f "/tmp/yaf_pcap_meta*" \
           -h 4022100716 \
           -t 1391007759025

If we provide an output file, yafMeta2Pcap will create the PCAP file for the flow by running a yaf process that will only create the PCAP file for the flow using the hash and start time. The following examples provides an example of combining all the tools to generate a single PCAP file.

$ rwfilter --pass-destination=stdout \
           --application=0 --type=all \
           --max-pass-records=1 \
           | rwsilk2ipfix | getFlowKeyHash -I |
       yafMeta2Pcap -f "/tmp/yaf_pcap_meta*" \
       -o /tmp/mypcap.pcap

Found 5 packets that match criteria.

$ capinfos -c /tmp/mypcap.pcap
File name:           /tmp/mypcap.pcap
Number of packets:   5

The second example assumes that yaf was installed in your $PATH. If yaf was installed in a non-standard place, you can use the –yaf-program option to specify the correct location of yaf.

Second Approach

The alternate method is to run yaf with the --index-pcap option to write one line for each packet into the pcap-meta-file. The rwfilter and getFlowKeyHash steps are the same as above. Alternatively, you could pipe the output of rwfilter to rwsilk2ipfix to getFlowKeyHash.

$ yaf --in en2 --live pcap \
      --out localhost --ipfix tcp --ipfix-port 18001 \
      --applabel --max-payload=500 --silk \
      --pcap /tmp/pcap/yaf_pcap \
      --pcap-meta-file /tmp/yaf_pcap_meta \
      --pcap-timer=60 --index-pcap \
      -d --log=/var/log/yaf.log --pidfile=/var/log/yaf.pid

$ rwfilter --pass-destination=stdout \
       --application=0 \
       --start-date=2014/01/29:16 \
       --type=all --max-pass-records=2 \
       | rwcut --fields=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,13,14
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro|   packets|     bytes|\
                      sTime|   in|  out|||62024| 8080|  6|         2|        92|\
    2014/01/29T16:32:44.301|    0|    0||| 8080|62024|  6|         2|       104|\
    2014/01/29T16:32:44.301|    0|    0|

$ getFlowKeyHash -s -d \
             -o 62024 -r 8080 -p 6 \
         -y 2014-01-29 -t 16:32:44.301
            sIP|            dIP|sPort|dPort|pro| vlan|      hash|                  ms||62024| 8080|  6|    0|4061946604|       1391013164301

FILE PATH: 301/4061946604-2014129163244_0.pcap

Now we can use the yafMeta2Pcap and the pcap-meta-files to get the PCAP we are looking for. Unlike the first example, where a glob pattern is provided to –pcap-meta-file, this example creates a list of all the meta files.

$ ls -d -rt -1 /tmp/yaf_pcap_meta* > /tmp/meta-list.txt

$ yafMeta2Pcap -m /tmp/meta-list.txt -t 1391013164301 \
           -h 4061946604 -o /tmp/mypcap.pcap -y
Found 4 packets that match criteria.

$ capinfos -c /tmp/mypcap.pcap
File name:           /tmp/mypcap.pcap
Number of packets:   4

This tutorial has shown two different ways of using yaf to capture full PCAP and index it via flow data. The second approach has a few less steps but stores a line in the pcap-meta-file for each packet as opposed to the first approach that writes a line for each flow, filename unique pair. The second approach creates larger pcap-meta-files and requires more frequent writes to the pcap-meta-files.