
  • package root

    This is documentation for Mothra, a collection of Scala and Spark library functions for working with Internet-related data.

    This is documentation for Mothra, a collection of Scala and Spark library functions for working with Internet-related data. Some modules contain APIs of general use to Scala programmers. Some modules make those tools more useful on Spark data-processing systems.

    Please see the documentation for the individual packages for more details on their use.

    Scala Packages

    These packages are useful in Scala code without involving Spark:

    This package, which is collected as the netsa-data library, provides types for working with various kinds of information:

    The netsa-io-ipfix library provides tools for reading and writing IETF IPFIX data from various connections and files.

    To read and write CERT NetSA SiLK file formats and configuration files, use the netsa-io-silk library.


    The "junk drawer" of netsa-util so far provides only two features: First, a method for equipping Scala Iterators with exception handling. And second, a way to query the versions of NetSA libraries present in a JVM at runtime.

    Spark Packages

    These packages require the use of Apache Spark:


    Spark datasources for CERT file types. This package contains utility features which add methods to Apache Spark DataFrameReader objects, allowing IPFIX and SiLK flows to be opened using simple calls.

    The mothra-datasources library contains both IPFIX and SiLK functionality, while mothra-datasources-ipfix and mothra-datasources-silk contain only what's needed for the named datasource.


    A grab-bag of analysis helper functions and example analyses.


    This single Scala object provides Spark SQL functions for working with network data. It is the entirety of the mothra-functions library.

    Definition Classes
  • package org
    Definition Classes
  • package cert
    Definition Classes
  • package netsa
    Definition Classes
  • package data

    The package is for working with network-related data.

    The package is for working with network-related data. This includes types for IP addresses, port numbers, protocol numbers, and the like. Many of these types have namespaces managed by IANA, and the types provide mechanisms for looking up names from numbers and vice-versa based on embedded copies of IANA's tables.

    In you can find an Ordering for Java LocalDate objects, and a type LocalDateSet for working with sets of those dates.

    Finally, contains types for working with unsigned integer values.

    Definition Classes
  • package unsigned

    A variety of unsigned integral types, and new methods on the built-in integral types for working with them.

    A variety of unsigned integral types, and new methods on the built-in integral types for working with them.

    Import the implicit conversions from this package to add toUInt methods and the like to standard Scala types.


    The overall pattern for each integral type (UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong) is the following (using UByte as the example):

    Unsigned alues can be constructed from signed Byte and Int values using UByte(b: Byte) and UByte(i: Int).

    x.toUByte, x.toUShort, etc. and x.toByte, x.toShort, etc. methods are included.

    All of the expected comparison, arithmetic, and bitwise operations are present. In addition, UByte extends Comparable, and equipped with an Ordering and membership in the Integral type class.

    UByte.MinValue and UByte.MaxValue are defined.

    If you import implicits.ByteUnsignedConversions, then x.toUByte, etc. methods will be available by implicit conversion on Byte values.

    Definition Classes

    If you are concerned with efficiency, do not create arrays of unsigned values, as the will be boxed into objects. Instead, create arrays of normal signed values and then convert to and from unsigned when getting and setting the values.

  • UByte
  • UInt
  • ULong
  • UShort
  • implicits

final class ULong extends AnyVal with Comparable[ULong] with ScalaNumericAnyConversions

An unsigned 64-bit value, also known as an unsigned long or uint64.

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ULong
  2. ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  3. Comparable
  4. AnyVal
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new ULong(signed: Long)


    Signed view of this value.

Value Members

  1. def !=(o: ULong): Boolean
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
  4. def %(o: ULong): ULong
  5. def &(o: ULong): ULong
  6. def &(o: UInt): ULong
  7. def &(o: UShort): ULong
  8. def &(o: UByte): ULong
  9. def *(o: ULong): ULong
  10. def +(o: ULong): ULong
  11. def -(o: ULong): ULong
  12. def /(o: ULong): ULong
  13. def <(o: ULong): Boolean
  14. def <<(s: Long): ULong
  15. def <<(s: Int): ULong
  16. def <=(o: ULong): Boolean
  17. def ==(o: ULong): Boolean
  18. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. def >(o: ULong): Boolean
  20. def >=(o: ULong): Boolean
  21. def >>(s: Long): ULong
  22. def >>(s: Int): ULong
  23. def >>>(s: Long): ULong
  24. def >>>(s: Int): ULong
  25. def ^(o: ULong): ULong
  26. def ^(o: UInt): ULong
  27. def ^(o: UShort): ULong
  28. def ^(o: UByte): ULong
  29. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  30. def byteValue: Byte
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  31. def compareTo(o: ULong): Int
    Definition Classes
    ULong → Comparable
  32. def doubleValue: Double
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  33. def floatValue: Float
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  34. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  35. def intValue: Int
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  36. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. def isValidByte: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  38. def isValidChar: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  39. def isValidInt: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  40. def isValidShort: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  41. def isWhole: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  42. def longValue: Long
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  43. def shortValue: Short
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  44. val signed: Long
  45. def toBigInt: BigInt
  46. def toByte: Byte
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  47. def toChar: Char
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  48. def toDouble: Double
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  49. def toFloat: Float
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  50. def toHexString: String
  51. def toInt: Int
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  52. def toLong: Long
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  53. def toShort: Short
    Definition Classes
    ULong → ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  54. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    ULong → Any
  55. def toUByte: UByte
  56. def toUInt: UInt
  57. def toULong: ULong
  58. def toUShort: UShort
  59. def unary_+: ULong
  60. def unary_-: ULong
  61. def unary_~: ULong
  62. def underlying: Any
  63. def unifiedPrimitiveEquals(x: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  64. def unifiedPrimitiveHashcode: Int
    Definition Classes
  65. def unsigned: ULong

    Unsigned view of this value.

  66. def |(o: ULong): ULong
  67. def |(o: UInt): ULong
  68. def |(o: UShort): ULong
  69. def |(o: UByte): ULong

Inherited from Comparable[ULong]

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
