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This is a collection of scripts for working with Azure flow logs. Currently includes a script that restructures the deeply nested, event-driven JSON Azure
NSG logs into a more analyst-friendly mode.
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The Prism trend script is a tool for quickly visualizing flow data
as a time-series broken down into several configurable bins by
SiLK's rwfilter tool. The script can be
used directly, or might be used as a component in other more
specialized scripts.
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This is a plug-in for CIF that consists of Perl and Python
modules. Perl-based CIF plug-in passes JSON-like (objects in {},
but no commas in between) formatted result of CIF query to
Python-based STIX/Cybox document builder.
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This is a plug-in for CIF that consists of a Python module. It parses
STIX/Cybox documents into JSON CIF Feed files with corresponding
configuration files for each source document and feed it to CIF.